In fact I do watch HGTV. Call me a fakkit if you will, but tips from that show have my home looking like a million bucks. I get lots of tips off that shyt.
DIY television is good. Lotta useful shows.
Tons of movie channels
Travel Channel has single handedly helped my plan vacations for the last 10 years
TNT - NBA shows alone as some of the best quality TV out.
AMC -great fukking TV right chea.
HBO - no need to expound further on this one
ESPN - Call me crazy but I dont think I could function without this channel availible to me. alot of crap one there for sure, but its essential for alot of the premier sporting events
Comedy Central
NFL Sunday Ticket -

if you have to ask me why this is important your a fakkit.
Live 3D TV
Food Central has alot of classic shows. Turned my wifey from a shytty cook to an amazing chef. Rachel Ray be hooking the wifey up with some bomb as culinary concoctions...
Nick JR and Disney for the kids
FOX news, MSNBC, CNN are good namely for the quality of their respective broadcasts. While the actual news being delivered on all three is crap, its nice watching the lastest details on the most recent mass shooting in high quality HD goodness. Seeing dead bodies in SD or the shytty streams online just doesn't deliver the same wow factor, call me crazy.
So yeah, while Cable isn't perfect by a long shot, or entirely necessary for that matter there are still some great channels on cable TV. I pay about $120 a month, which i dont find to bad. Especially for the ease of use and convenience it allows when compared to using internet based media as your sole source for media.