Never mind the fact that he doesn't possess any super powers for a minute.
The show from the 50's was campy as hell and that's basically how his character was intended. Not to be taken seriously. Then when he hit the big screen they tried to make him more appealing by making him dark. Still no super powers and basically they relied on his costume, name and aura. From Batman in 1989 until Batman & Robin they kept having to reinvent his character. And once again with Nolan's trilogy they had to switch it up and give him new toys while making him even more dark to mask the fact that he's just a cac in a bat suite with a bunch of cool gadgets. I mean almost every batman movie that has come out has been carried by the villain. You don't really give a fukk about Bruce Wayne even though that's who he is most of the time. It's almost as if Bruce Wayne is filler. And despite not having super powers, he doesn't even have super traits. Tony Stark doesn't have super powers but he can make anything. He's a genius. Bruce Wayne needed help from Lucius and Alfred the entire time. He should've died in Batman Begins but Alfred saved him. He should've died in TDK but Gordon saved him. He should've died in TDKR but Ann Hathaway saved him. Now they gonna make him more muscular and dark for this Batman vs. Superman movie

Batman is like rappers that get by because of "swag" once you strip that away and listen to the lyrics you got nothing.
The Batman cartoons were

but trying to translate that to live action is

when you don't have super powers. People who could realistically kill Batman on the big screen:
Hit Girl
Jack Bauer
Jason Bourne
Ethan Hunt
Black Widow
Snoop & Chris
Jonn McClain
I'm just in aw at how they have been able to feed people this character like he's this mythical super hero when he's just a regular guy that needs help from a lot of other people to get the job done. Hate if you must but I don't give a shyt