
Feb 16, 2017
General Travel Pro Tip:

A failure to plan is a plan to fail.

I see a lot brehs just going somewhere with no itenerary, no plan and no purpose.

I get that you’re on vacation but at least have some knowledge of what you want to do.

I say most brehs ain’t really on the trickin’ wave but fall into it because they go to the club and link with a girl who hits them with a fee afterward.

First of all theres regular international clubs ( in cities big enough to have them) Local regular clubs and hoe clubs for example the Old club Space in Cartagena is a hoe club. Club mixxer in Santo Domingo is a regular international club.

An International club is a club that plays at least some american music.

Even if you just want to kick it on the beach for a few days If you go to Santo Domingo there’s no beach per se ( water too dirty) you’d have to go to nearby Boca Chica. There’s a bus you can catch right off El Conde in SD or you could be at the mercy of a cab driver who charges you whatever he thinks you’ll pay.

Even if you do Uber they may spot near you and ask for cash You should pay no more than the equivalent of 13 USD. The bus is like maybe 1 or two bucks USD

Plan out some shyt you want to do and see in the city that you’re visiting don’t leave everything up to chance that’s just waiting for a scammer to spot you and rob you.


Feb 16, 2017
Let me break down International versus Hoe clubs.

Even if you’re not tricking you may want to go to the hoe clubs at least part of the time.

Again a Hoe club is a regular club that plays international music where all the women in the club are looking for the fee.

The reason you may want to hit the hoe clubs is that’s where all the knowledgable sexpats are gonna be at.

In the what is up is down situation overseas most trustworthy people are gonna be the sexpats. They may even point you to some “nice” (but ran through) girls.

They’ll definitely give you the hoe fax on any kind of woman.

Going to a regular international club could be dicey because if you see dimes posted up and you try to holla they’re usually there with a local goon who will heelstomp your ass if you try to holla.

So be extremely careful trying to rizz a girl in the regular international clubs take a local or a local sexpat with you they’ll know who you can dance with and who you can’t.


Feb 16, 2017
More Cell Phone lockdown tips

Secure Your Device​

If your phone falls into the wrong hands, the information on it could be hugely damaging to yourself or others. Make sure you've taken the necessary steps to prevent it from being broken into.

Use a Strong Screen Lock​

At a bare minimum, you should use a 6-digit PIN, but ideally you should protect your phone with an alphanumeric passphrase. This prevents people from trivially accessing your data, and additionally protects your data with strong encryption.

Barring a massive security exploit (more on this later), most law enforcement tools work by essentially brute-forcing your PIN, running tons of guesses until it gets one right. This makes a long and unique passphrase your strongest protection against your data being stolen by people in possession of your device.

In the United States and many other countries it is legal to refuse to unlock your phone or provide your passcode to law enforcement. Know your rights wherever you're located before attending a protest, so you aren't blindly following orders later.

Disable Biometic Authentication​

We commonly recommend using biometric features like Face ID or Touch ID to prevent "shoulder surfing" attacks, where an attacker steals your PIN by discreetly watching you enter it, or where your PIN is recorded by surveillance cameras in the area.

However, in this situation it may make more sense to disable biometric authentication. Authorities are trained and known to use biometrics quickly to forcefully unlock your device, so you should be mindful of this fact when deciding what to do. If you disable biometrics, be wary of shoulder surfing attacks and prying eyes by obscuring or covering your phone whenever you unlock it.

Whatever you do, make sure you know how to quickly shut down your phone or disable biometrics at a moment's notice. Many phones have begun replacing the standard "hold down the power button" function with voice assistants or other features, so practice performing the actual shutdown method beforehand to familiarize yourself.

Modern iPhones require you to hold down the side button and either volume button before the power-off slider appears. Even if you don't get a chance to slide to power off, getting to this screen will at least disable biometric authentication, making your phone a bit more secure than it otherwise might be.

In the United States, it is still a legal gray area when it comes to whether law enforcement can force you to use biometrics, but many court decisions have leaned toward saying they can compel you to use your fingerprint. Using a passphrase and disabling biometrics gives you more robust 5th Amendment rights. In other countries you should again familiarize yourself with your rights in this scenario, so that you can make the most informed decision.

Hide Your Notifications​

Even with your device locked, law enforcement can see everything you're up to simply by scrolling through your notifications. Reducing the amount of information accessible on the lock screen improves your security and the security of those you're messaging, so make sure your notifications are only visible when your device is unlocked.

On an iPhone:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Notifications
  3. Navigate to Show Previews
  4. Select Never (or, When Unlocked)
On Android:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Notifications
  3. Touch Notifications on lock screen
    • Select Don't show any notifications
  4. Switch Sensitive notifications to off

Minimize Your Stored Data​

The best way to protect your data is to not have it on your phone in the first place. If you're using a secondary device, simply don't install anything other than what will be absolutely necessary during the protest, like a secure messenger.

Otherwise, delete any cloud storage apps you don't need access to during the protest. If you're able to delete an app and then download it later and log in without experiencing any data loss, then that app probably doesn't need to be on your phone all the time.

Some password managers have the option to temporarily remove certain vaults from your devices, 1Password calls this Travel Mode for example. You can do this manually as well, by having a separate password manager or vault with only the essentials you will need at the time, and removing your primary password manager from your device for the duration of the event.

Disable Lock Screen Actions​

In a similar vein, any functionality you have enabled while your device is unlocked can pose a security risk. It is always best practice to reduce your attack surface by disabling these options whenever possible. Even though these features are typically designed to not pose a security risk to your data, they have been known to be exploited in the past to bypass lock screens and other security features.

On an iPhone:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Face ID & Passcode
  3. Scroll to the Allow Access When Locked section
  4. Switch all features you don't need off
On Android, disabling functionality while the phone is locked will vary widely by manufacturer. Some like Samsung provide more flexible options in their lock screen settings, but others like Google do not provide the option to disable the quick settings panel or other similar features.

Avoid External Storage​

Your Android phone might have the option to store files or photos on a microSD card, but these cards are not always subject to the same encryption standards as your phone's built-in storage. You should check whether your microSD card can be encrypted in your phone's settings, although this will prevent it from being read by other devices like your computer later.

Additionally, even if it's encrypted, it still won't benefit from the same security protections that your phone's built-in storage provides, such as advanced brute-force protections. Ideally you should remove all external storage devices from your phone during the event, and save photos, videos, and other files to your phone's encrypted internal storage.

Consider Your Phone's Security Patches​

Exploits against smartphones are discovered on a very regular basis, and spyware companies that work with law enforcement—like Cellebrite—abuse these exploits to crack into stolen devices. If your phone is no longer receiving regular updates from its manufacturer, you are in a very dangerous position as you may be vulnerable to the exploits used.

In general, we consider the latest iPhone and latest Google Pixel to be the most secured against this sort of threat. You can increase your security further by using a hardened alternative operating system on your Google Pixel.

Robust security information about phones from other manufacturers is less common. If you use a different device you may still consider the risks to be worth it, but if confiscation is of particularconcern to you, or especially if your phone no longer receives security patches, you may want to consider leaving the phone at home.

Protect Against Surveillance​

Disable AirDrop​

One of the most innocuous features enabled on millions of iPhones is also one of the most dangerous for those seeking to protect their privacy in public. Apple's AirDrop protocol usestrivially bypassed security measures that authorities like the Chinese government have openly bragged about cracking to identify users since at least 2022.

You should assume that any device with AirDrop enabled is constantly broadcasting your name, email address, and phone number to everyone around you, even if you have it set to "Contacts Only." Apple has known about this flaw since 2019 and has not issued any fix.

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Navigate to General
  3. Navigate to AirDrop
  4. Select Receiving Off



Feb 16, 2017

Lock Down Your Network​

Your phone signals can be used to track you even if you don't make a call or send a text. Some law enforcement agencies use "stingrays," devices which can impersonate a cell tower to track visitors to an area. It is speculated that more advanced ones can intercept unencrypted text messages and phone calls as well, making the use of an encrypted messenger during the event even more critical.

While the capabilities of the most modern ones isn't fully known, you should definitely protect yourself from the subset of stingrays which abuse the lower security standards of older, 2G networks.

On Android:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Network & internet
  3. Navigate to SIMs
  4. Select your carrier or SIM card
  5. Switch Allow 2G to off
You might also consider installing Privacy Cell (F-Droid / Google Play), an app that tells you whether you are connected to a cell network using the most modern security. Even the "5G" indicator on your phone alone doesn't guarantee you are using the latest-generation protocol.

On iPhone:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Privacy & Security
  3. Navigate to Lockdown Mode
  4. Select Turn On Lockdown Mode
Note that enabling Lockdown Mode on an iPhone will change a variety of settings to harden its security. Many of them are smart improvements, but certain apps and features won't worknormally, so read the previous links here for more details.

Use Airplane Mode Frequently​

Even after mitigating the risks of 2G networks, your cellular activity can still be tracked. If not by law enforcement then by your carrier, who will likely be responsive to law enforcement's requests for data after the fact.

To prevent this, you should keep your phone turned off or use Airplane Mode to disable cellular connections whenever possible. Ideally you should only connect to networks in an emergency situation to communicate with others in your group, otherwise keeping messages and network transmissions to a minimum is key.

If you absolutely need internet connectivity and it's possible, you should keep Airplane Mode on and connect to a public Wi-Fi network instead, which brings me to:

Use Public Wi-Fi​

If you're able, scope out businesses in the area that provide public Wi-Fi in advance. This is better than using cellular service, because less information about your device is shared with Wi-Fi networks as opposed to cell towers. Most modern phones support MAC address randomization, which makes it even harder to correlate your cell phone's connections between different Wi-Fi access points.

There is a danger that public Wi-Fi services will be set up by authorities or others in the area to track protesters. You could consider using a VPN service while connected to them to minimize the amount of metadata about your traffic that the Wi-Fi operator is able to collect.

Disable Location Services​

If you have to keep your device powered on and connected, you can at least minimize the number of parties who have access to your location data. Be mindful of apps that you choose to share your location with, and consider disabling location services entirely while you're at the event.

On an iPhone:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Privacy & Security
  3. Navigate to Location Services
  4. Switch Location Services to off
On Android:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Location
  3. Switch Use location to off
If you use an Android phone, you should also check your Google account settings to ensure location history is disabled. Google is frequently tapped by law enforcement to provide location data, because they don't protect your personal information with strong, zero-knowledge encryption.

Check Your Keyboard​

An often overlooked security risk is the software keyboard installed on your device. The best encrypted messenger in the world is no match for all of your inputs being read by third-parties as you type them.

If you are on GrapheneOS, the default keyboard from AOSP that it comes with makes no internet connections, so if you don't install a third-party keyboard you should be fine. Most other Android users are using Google's Gboard, which does make internet connections you may decide you don't trust, so you could consider installing an offline alternative. iOS users are able to control whether their third-party keyboard has network access in their system settings, although it may be wiser to not install a third-party keyboard in the first place.

This is particularly relevant to people typing in languages like Chinese or others where you use an Input Method Editor (IME) to convert Latin letters to characters in the target language. These IMEs are very often third-party apps that have full internet access.



Feb 16, 2017

Other Tips​

Use Signal​

Signal is the most secure app for sending text messages and making voice calls with others. It is also impossible to configure Signal to lower its encryption security or other security standards, so you know that everyone in your group is using settings that are safe by default.

You should turn on disappearing messages with a reasonably short interval for sensitive communications. You can do this by default in the Privacy section of Signal's app settings, and you can also do it on a per-conversation basis in each conversation's settings panel. This way there is a time limit for an attacker to crack your phone and extract your messages before they permanently disappear.

Signal is battle-tested for this situation. Signal has responded to 6 government requests since 2016, and in each case the only information they were able to provide was at most:

  1. Whether the user was registered with Signal
  2. When that user registered with Signal
  3. When that user connected to Signal last
Keep in mind that using Signal could still expose your phone's location, simply due to making a network request as we covered above. You should still keep your phone in Airplane Mode and minimize the use of Signal or any other networked app during the event.

There are other encrypted messengers, some of them even making use of technologies developed by Signal. However, they all come with trade-offs that could easily compromise your security. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are end-to-end encrypted for example, but they collect copious amounts of metadata about your messages, such as who you're sending them to, when you're sending them, your location when you're sending them, etc. Apple's iMessage service in the Messages app has strong encryption but similar metadata concerns, and only works if everyone in your group has an iPhone.

Protect Your Access to Information​

Phones can be easily lost, taken, broken, or they can simply run out of juice. Bring a spare mobile battery or a charged power bank with you, and try to minimize your phone usage to preserve power. You should also make sure your mobile plan is topped up and you have enough mobile data prior to the event.

You should also write down the number of an emergency contact or a lawyer on a physical piece of paper, or even in Sharpie on your arm. You'll want this information easily accessible if you're arrested regardless of your phone's state or location.

Change Your Camera Settings​

Check your camera settings for things which may draw unwanted attention, like the flash or a shutter sound. You should go through these settings in advance and configure it for the safest possible use.

Back Up Your Data​

You should be prepared to have your phone taken or lost during a protest. You can limit the potential costs and headache to you if this happens by making sure you have an updated, encrypted backup of your data.

If you have an iPhone, you can make a local backup to a macOS computer or a Windows computer with iTunes. You can also back up to iCloud, but these backups are only secure if you enable Advanced Data Protection on your iCloud account. We strongly encourage enabling Advanced Data Protection for all iCloud users in any case, as it protects not only device backups but most iCloud account data as well.

The backup situation on Android is not nearly as robust unfortunately, but you can back up photos and files with a variety of services. If you use an online backup service we recommend choosing one with strong, zero-knowledge encryption so that the service provider is unable to access your data.



Feb 16, 2017

Keep Your Device Locked​

You should always use your camera to take pictures or videos while your phone is locked, in case your device is taken while filming. This is easier if you've disabled biometrics, because Face ID or similar features might unlock your device automatically when you don't want that to happen.

On an iPhone you can hold down the camera icon on the lock screen to open the camera without unlocking your device. You could also configure the Action Button to open the camera, or use the dedicated camera button on the latest iPhone model.

On a Google Pixel and most other Android devices, double-tapping the power button will open the camera without needing to unlock your device.

You should learn and/or set up device shortcuts to do things quickly, ideally while the device remains locked whenever possible, and ensure you're familiar with the shortcuts before the event.

Have a Backup Communications Network​

In the event of an internet blackout, it might be a good idea to have a backup network prepared, organized with other attendees. Messaging apps like Briar can operate in a local mesh mode, connecting to other devices in the area with Bluetooth or local Wi-Fi connections instead of relying on centralized internet services. Another newer option is Meshtastic, which uses peer-to-peer/mesh radio that is much more reliable than using either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, but requires purchasing dedicated hardware that you connect to your phone.

You might also want to consider local radios like walkie-talkies, although keep in mind these devices are nearly always unencrypted and can be easily monitored by others, so you won't want to use them to transmit sensitive information.

After The Event​

If Your Phone Was Taken​

If you lose your phone, you may be able to locate or wipe your phone remotely depending on the model. Here are some instructions for common devices you can try:

If you were logged in to any online services on your phone, you should try and get them signed out. On many social media websites for example, you can go to your account's settings to see what devices are signed in and revoke their access remotely.

Please be aware of the legal consequences of these actions. Wiping your device or revoking online account access could lead to obstruction of justice or destruction of evidence charges in some jurisdictions. You should always speak with your licensed attorney before deciding how to proceed. If your phone was taken by law enforcement you may have legal recourse to get it back.

Be Mindful of Others​

If you post your photos online, be mindful of identifiable faces or other characteristics of your fellow protesters or bystanders. Law enforcement or vigilantes use these photos to track down other attendees and arrest or harass them.

To prevent this, you can obscure the faces of anyone in the image. Most phones have built-in photo editing tools that allow you to draw on an image. Blurring can sometimes be reversed, so blocking it out entirely is generally preferable.

Be careful of the editing tools you use, and don't select highlighters or other semi-transparent editing tools. Even if you scribble over an area of a photo multiple times with a dark/black "highlighter" tool until it appears black, that can often be reversed with photo editing software by adjusting the contrast of the image. Using a shape/rectangle tool to draw a black box over areas you wish to redact is much better than trying to manually cross out image elements with drawing tools.

The Signal app also has built-in tools for photo editing and blurring. You can send a photo to yourself in the "Notes to Self" chat, then save the edited image from that chat for sharing. Signal also automatically removes photo metadata, so if you use it you're already covered with our next section:

Scrub Photo Metadata​

Photos have hidden information, or metadata, embedded in them which include the type of phone/camera you used, the photo's location, and other potentially sensitive data.

You should use a metadata removal tool to remove this data from images before you share them with others. If you send a photo to someone using Signal, that app removes this metadata automatically.


Feb 16, 2017
This is turning out to be some what of a cyber security thread.

First off I don’t know shyt about cyber security but for the breh with a Macbook going to Colombia I’d tell you what I do.

Dont take a laptop. I wouldn’t take a laptop on a vacation if I didn’t have to

But if you do you should be double careful of taking an apple again all Apple products are high status and likely to be snatched.

Additionally there’s no apple stores in most countries, There’s apple affiliated stores but whatever you let them do you your Iphone tablet or Laptop is not covered by Apple.

I’d take a Thinkpad with Cubes installed.

But i have an Macbook myself so I use a Buskill Turn on my Fire vault and use Vera crypt and Proton VPN ( the free version)

I don’t use any free antivirus software at all


Feb 16, 2017
More tips on Itenerary planning.

I’m not saying you have to account for every second of a three day vacay but especially if you never been there don’t speak the language and don’t know anyone there do a little planning.

I had a friend who couldn’t get out of the airport because he was bewildered, This is Cali’s small airport not Bogota’s international airport.

Do yourself a favor first figure out if you want to spend most of your time on the beach or at the clubs or both?
Protip if you see people surfing at the beach especially a third world beach don’t try to swim.

If there’s strong enough waves to surf it’s way too hard to swim it. No one is gonna tell you this and there’s no one to save you. I was in the DR for months before I knew that swinning in Caberete is a bad idea.

There’s been brehs who drowned swinning in those deceptively calm looking waters the undercurrents will take you out!

Download google maps and Google earth and check out the areas that you want to go especially if you want to see some touristy shyt like seeing Diego Colombus’s house.

Even if you want to do some shopping take a glance on how far it is from your hotel or Airbnb so you have a rough idea so you don’t get super scammed by an Uber or a Cab.

watch some non goofy travel videos for advice. I can point you to decent yiutube channels in most places in the world ask here or in PM’s.


Feb 16, 2017
This is turning out to be some what of a cyber security thread.

First off I don’t know shyt about cyber security but for the breh with a Macbook going to Colombia I’d tell you what I do.

Dont take a laptop. I wouldn’t take a laptop on a vacation if I didn’t have to

But if you do you should be double careful of taking an apple again all Apple products are high status and likely to be snatched.

Additionally there’s no apple stores in most countries, There’s apple affiliated stores but whatever you let them do you your Iphone tablet or Laptop is not covered by Apple.

I’d take a Thinkpad with Cubes installed.

But i have an Macbook myself so I use a Buskill Turn on my Fire vault and use Vera crypt and Proton VPN ( the free version)

I don’t use any free antivirus software at all
I use Bitwarden for all my password storage and password creation for some sites.


Feb 16, 2017
Travel Pro Tip:

Be a window shopper.

If you’re hitting up the malls feel free to to buy any souvenirs ( in fact unless you just wanted to give money away buy souvenirs at the big malls not the touristy shops they’ll rip you off. In fact unless a local is negotiating for you avoid buying anything where the price is not marked.

That being said don’t buy US Made brands overseas. What Trump wants to do is the general get down for most countries most people don’t pay income tax they pay sales tax and US made or branded things have import taxes aka Tariffs on them so if you buy a Macbook in Colombia it will cost more than one at the apple store in the states.

Also there’s knockoffs everywhere. There’s a Polo shop in Unicentro mall in Cali that sells what I believe to be fake ‘Lo.

The Nike store is official though again costs a ton of money though.

If you do buy shyt especially US brands keep the reciept and holla at customs at the airport they will give you the tax money back. At least that’s what they’re supposed to do.


Feb 16, 2017
Tips for setting up a business in Colombia.

You can get a Colombian Investment visa if you buy a property for as little as 108K
Here’s the easiest way to wire money to Colombia:
Alianza Valores Brokerage Account

1) Open a brokerage account

2) Wire the money to Alianza

3) Convert the money to Colombian Pesos

4) Register the money with the Colombian National Bank (Banco de la República)

To open the brokerage account, you’ll need to fill in a bunch of forms for Alianza (afterwards, they sendyou four PDF forms totaling ten pages). Along with these forms, you’ll have to provide:

copy of your passport

last 3 month bank statements

last personal income tax return (US clients: Form 1040)

a ‘personal presentation’ e-mail where you talk about yourself and your future plans in Colombia.

supporting document for the source of the funds (ex: inheritance; sale of property; pay stubs)

Next, Alianza will schedule a phone interview with you to corroborate this information. Many of the necessary documents are only in Spanish, so keep that in your mind.

After the brokerage account is opened, you can wire the money from your bank account to Alianza, who will hold the funds until you give the green light to convert them into pesos. (Note: You have 7 business days to pull the trigger or the funds will be returned).

It probably works the same in any other country.


Feb 16, 2017
Travel Protip: in the EU and England if your flight is cancelled or delayed more than 4 hours you get a full refund And a FREE FLIGHT.


Feb 16, 2017
More tips on Itenerary planning.

I’m not saying you have to account for every second of a three day vacay but especially if you never been there don’t speak the language and don’t know anyone there do a little planning.

I had a friend who couldn’t get out of the airport because he was bewildered, This is Cali’s small airport not Bogota’s international airport.

Do yourself a favor first figure out if you want to spend most of your time on the beach or at the clubs or both?
Protip if you see people surfing at the beach especially a third world beach don’t try to swim.

If there’s strong enough waves to surf it’s way too hard to swim it. No one is gonna tell you this and there’s no one to save you. I was in the DR for months before I knew that swinning in Caberete is a bad idea.

There’s been brehs who drowned swinning in those deceptively calm looking waters the undercurrents will take you out!

Download google maps and Google earth and check out the areas that you want to go especially if you want to see some touristy shyt like seeing Diego Colombus’s house.

Even if you want to do some shopping take a glance on how far it is from your hotel or Airbnb so you have a rough idea so you don’t get super scammed by an Uber or a Cab.

watch some non goofy travel videos for advice. I can point you to decent yiutube channels in most places in the world ask here or in PM’s.
I’m not trying to be an a$$hole but to the brehs that need me to spell out Itenerary planning.

Literally look at Google maps map out the distance to the Hotel from the airport Then from the Hotel to the beach Mall or Club that you want to go to

Download these directions and screen shot the maps.


Dec 16, 2015
In light of the Latest World Star when trickin in the DR goes wrong

I watched a Skylar De Rouen video

and he gave up decent game on how to prevent being drugged by a hoe.

He’s a Brazil expat so some of what he’s saying applies to expats only.

But he did drop gems that could be applied to goofy tourists as well.

First of all Be Honest with yourself

despite what people say nikkas don’t fly thousands of miles to trick off like that.

Usually the issue is women are very nice to them and the default reaction is to try to smash.

You have to understand going to a third world country you’re like a millionaire walking down the street the nikkas are looking to rob you or scam you and the hoes are trying to finesse and fukk you.

Obviously that’s not the vast majority of people but they congregate in the tourist zones and jobs are scarce you could come up crazy off the right tourist. I know a Cab driver that makes money by doing all types of shyt for Tourists and he started out as a security guard for a Hotel.

Again he’s not a scammer but if you want him to deliver you weed he’s gonna charge you like 6 times the local price.

That’s how it is for women you link with a chick at the club on you 5 day stay and she’s expecting cash if you smash

There’s free fukking freaks but again you’ll meet way more actual hoes in a shorty stay than free fukkers.

So if you ain’t on that wave tell the broad up front that you ain’t paying and give her the oppertunity to say no. Don’t try to finesse the p*ssy.

In the DR you have to be literal like actually text her saying whatever happens happens for the Free not the Fee. You’ll need this when the cops come so you can lower the amount that you’ll have to give her when they show up.

If you decide to trick ( no judgement from me it’s hard to rizz a bytch when you can’t speak the language). Then take her to a hotel ask the broad where a decent hourly hotel is. These Hotels are all over latin america

Do Not bring her to your actual hotel. If you violate that common sense rule you better have a security guard posted and pre tipped to call you before anyone leaves your room. Have him take shorty’s ID after you get a picture both front and back. Again in the DR specifically set the parameters of payment n text believe me in Latin America prostitution is not illegal.

Tell her that you will pay After you fukk again any non scamming hoe will be ok with this women are more accommodating abroad no need to deal with a hoe with an attitude.

Skylar says to tell her you’ll cash app her. Cash app doesn’t work over seas they have other apps remitly works again if shorty doesn’t have a bank account I strongly advise against dealing with her and I’d say that generally speaking you should avoid super down bad locals at all times. Again the what’s up is down situation abroad the more money a local has the nicer they are to you. It’s almost impossible to get free trout from a poor girl way easier to get it from a local middle class or upper class chick.

i like this guy, he's funny and not a incel or an idiot