
Feb 16, 2017
Pro Tip

Don't believe the hype

Although property under a certain threshold is not supposed to be taxed That can change.

Get a tax accessor to valuate your property so that you don't get a nasty surprise later.

There was a guy who got hit with a 60K tax bill on a property her paid 60K for in 2005.

It might be better to buy a fixer upper or a turnkey and hope that they don't go crazy on you.


Feb 16, 2017
Save a Dub by checking the Hub

You can save over a hundred bucks flying foreign or domestic by avoiding certain airlines which dominate in the hub markets like say Delta in Detroit or Atlanta. It’s common to use points or have favorite airlines but evaluate if you can save money by flying another airline out of certain airports vis a vis the miles you might get with a certain airline.

Also download the airline’s app sometimes they have up to the minute information about cancellations and delays.



Feb 16, 2017
More home building hacks

Do as much as you can yourself

Meaning you go down to the Tax accesors office or whereever they handle land titles don’t count on the lawyer who who ever to do this for you even if you don’t understand every word take a disinterested party with you. Supervise the build as much as you can go buy as many as the materials you can don’t trust anyone when it comes to real estate they scam you as much as possible


Feb 16, 2017
Damn the DR vs. Colombia topic is a popular one

The short answer is if you’re going on a short vacation then the DR and Santo Domingo is best. They speak more english, more patient with clueless foreigners it’s safer and easier to get out of jams. They have Tourist Police designed to keep you safe.

That being said the infrastructure is way worse and it’s way more expensive to live there if you want to be an DR expat shyt is like Double the Cost of Living for a newbie and about 500 bucks a month more even for an experienced expats (all costs go down the longer you live there but this is pretty constant)

If you need american style hip hop clubs then that is in Santo Domingo. There’s spots that cater to americans in Cartagena Medellin and Cali but you have more and better options in Santo Domingo.

I’d say Dominican Food is closer to US soul food and more interesting than Colombian food but Colombian restuarants both foreign and domestic are both better and cheaper than DR restaurants only Punta Cana restaurants come close but they’re further away tied to resorts and more expensive almost US prices.

It’s easier to meet Dominicans as they’re more friendly and open to meeting americans but they’re friendly but not your friend everything has a price with most of them and you can expect to be backdoored any an all times. Obviously there’s nice Dominicans not on that type of time but the majority of the ones you meet will be on that type of time.

Unlike Colombians Dominican country people will backdoor you quicker than city Dominicans wheras country Colombians tend to be nicer.

There’s way less to do in the DR and you will be ecouraged to drink smoke and fukk bytches in the DR in Colombia you can and will be encouraged to partake in the culture and in Colombia it’s low key necessary because people won’t immediately tell you cultural shyt you need to know.

Obviously in Colombia you’re more responsible for your own security you walk around drunk or high no one is gonna help you out for a Tip like they would in the DR.

Far far less power outages in Colombia. weather is better in Colombia far less humidity more predictable weather but when it rains in Colombia it can rain for awhile in the DR outside of Hurricane season rains are relatively short but they come out of nowhere, much more likely to be caught in a rainstorm in the DR.

very verd hard to even trust institutions like banks and hospitals in the DR If you get into an accident get to the states pronto. Seriously be wary of even medications at drug stores in the DR. Much harder to do business especially if you piss the wrong person off in the DR. Frankly you personally can never be Dominican legally or seen as Dominican you’ll always be seen an an outsider colonizer tether to them.

Again in some ways that’s good because you’re a guest but again you’ll have to avoid stepping on people’s toes. It’s not really like that in Colombia you can intergrate legally and be seen as a Colombian over time.

Much much stronger expat network in the DR this is super helpful. Much more tight knit Expat communties in Colombia.


Feb 16, 2017
Pro tips on looking for Air Bnb’s abroad.

If you’re staying in a non oil producing country on any country with less than 300 Billion in GDP you need to ask if there’s a back up generator. You’ll need it in the heat especially in high humidity places near the beach.

Other than that in the tropics avoid ground floor apartments and the most important clue for a a well run airbnb location is the Refrigerator and Washing machine.

Most spots will cheap out on the stove the greatest tell is whether or not they have a modern fridge. If they cheapout on the Fridge they cheap out everywhere else.

You want to avoid a first floor in the tropics to have less bugs.

Again the Fridge tells you how westernized the place is it’s hard to judge the size of bedrooms on pictures so the fridge tells the tale.

That and a TV in the living room most people over seas don’t have TV’s in a living room in small apartments and theyre will usually be no A/C in the living room either.

It might not matter to you if you have a TV in the living room on a short trip but on a long one it might matter. Either way that shows how high end and western the place is.

Additionally avoid renting in places more than 2 miles from a mall. You’d be surprised how important that is. You will need little things even on a short trip and being in walking distance means that you’re in a wealthy safe area and you can save money on taxis


Feb 16, 2017
In light of the Latest World Star when trickin in the DR goes wrong

I watched a Skylar De Rouen video

and he gave up decent game on how to prevent being drugged by a hoe.

He’s a Brazil expat so some of what he’s saying applies to expats only.

But he did drop gems that could be applied to goofy tourists as well.

First of all Be Honest with yourself

despite what people say nikkas don’t fly thousands of miles to trick off like that.

Usually the issue is women are very nice to them and the default reaction is to try to smash.

You have to understand going to a third world country you’re like a millionaire walking down the street the nikkas are looking to rob you or scam you and the hoes are trying to finesse and fukk you.

Obviously that’s not the vast majority of people but they congregate in the tourist zones and jobs are scarce you could come up crazy off the right tourist. I know a Cab driver that makes money by doing all types of shyt for Tourists and he started out as a security guard for a Hotel.

Again he’s not a scammer but if you want him to deliver you weed he’s gonna charge you like 6 times the local price.

That’s how it is for women you link with a chick at the club on you 5 day stay and she’s expecting cash if you smash

There’s free fukking freaks but again you’ll meet way more actual hoes in a shorty stay than free fukkers.

So if you ain’t on that wave tell the broad up front that you ain’t paying and give her the oppertunity to say no. Don’t try to finesse the p*ssy.

In the DR you have to be literal like actually text her saying whatever happens happens for the Free not the Fee. You’ll need this when the cops come so you can lower the amount that you’ll have to give her when they show up.

If you decide to trick ( no judgement from me it’s hard to rizz a bytch when you can’t speak the language). Then take her to a hotel ask the broad where a decent hourly hotel is. These Hotels are all over latin america

Do Not bring her to your actual hotel. If you violate that common sense rule you better have a security guard posted and pre tipped to call you before anyone leaves your room. Have him take shorty’s ID after you get a picture both front and back. Again in the DR specifically set the parameters of payment n text believe me in Latin America prostitution is not illegal.

Tell her that you will pay After you fukk again any non scamming hoe will be ok with this women are more accommodating abroad no need to deal with a hoe with an attitude.

Skylar says to tell her you’ll cash app her. Cash app doesn’t work over seas they have other apps remitly works again if shorty doesn’t have a bank account I strongly advise against dealing with her and I’d say that generally speaking you should avoid super down bad locals at all times. Again the what’s up is down situation abroad the more money a local has the nicer they are to you. It’s almost impossible to get free trout from a poor girl way easier to get it from a local middle class or upper class chick.



Feb 16, 2017
because I’m not a tricking advocate I’ll give you a tip to get free box overseas.

Pipeline them. Literally go through social media ( not the dating apps ) and friend and DM women. Friend and DM male expats too. Chances are they’ll know some random ran thoughs that they’re tired of fukking and want to offload them on to you.

They may not free fukk you but again if you get pressed to smash ask the homie for advice and whatever you do text her your intentions. You can also trick by extra steps in having her be a Tour guide that you smash and the cash is for the Tour not the trout per se.


Feb 16, 2017
Airline Pro Tip.

When Buying a Ticket download Flight aware app

It tracks flights from the beginning so if there’s a delay in any leg of the flight or even a delay at a certain airport for reasons you’ll have a heads up before the Airlines warn you.

Also if you get a Delay don’t bother calling or waiting in line at the airport get the change through the airline’s app.

Also if you complain a Public complaint to their twitter tends to be more successful than anything else.

Most airlines used third world third party call centers that can’t and will do nothing to assist you.


Feb 16, 2017
More Safety Pro tips.

Understand in tourist zones in the most popular countries anyone you’re likely to meet is gonna scam you.

Even if they’re generally trying to help you out it’s not gratis and they expect a propina or regaulo

As a foreigner you don’t know common sense stuff that a local would know instinctively.

So give them a tip. That being said if someone hits you with the bribes bullets and bullshyt understand that it’s in fact bullshyt.

Bribes might be something that’s fake free or super compliments like ugly gang being told he’s super handsome.

Bullshyt is something like “ I put that on my momma” i.e I swear to god that this is the truth. That’s usually a lie Bullets is fake pressing and implied threats especially something like getting you arrested or beat up.

Finally if you feel you’re being followed the first thing you should do is to use empty space meaning go from a crowded area to a fairly empty area and see who’s randomly there. You can pull out your cell phone to see a reflection if a mirror is not around.

Another way is to backtrack or go in a weird way speed up your walk or slow down.
Finally you want to follow the crowd go where a lot of people are going and follow their pace.
Obviously if you think someone is following you need to go directly to the nearest police station or cop.

shyt seems like common sense but it’s little things like this that keep you from getting robbed.


Feb 16, 2017
The easiest way to get a Bank account in Colombia>

Go to a Bancolombia is the largest and most trusted bank I also like ScotiaBank but it's harder to set up an account with them.

Open a CD (they call it a CDT( in Colombia for about 2,000 USD use your passport as ID but ensure that it' has 3 months before it expires.

Use that to get things like post paid phone plans and Internet in your Name I dislike Tigo but Tigo is the easiest to deal with in Colombia and the easiest to deal with in Tanzania.

If a bank denies you an account just go to another branch.

Sometimes different branches act funny but you can defenitely get a bank account this way.

New Branches are better than older ones for example in the newly opened Mall Plaza in Cali Colombia the BanColombia is tourist and expat friendly and they have to get customers.


Feb 16, 2017
Airline Pro Tip:

If your airline emails you about a schedule change respond to the email. If you got a good deal on a flight and you don’t contact the airline in a timely manner they’ll refund or change your flight but it will be at a significantly higher cost than if you responded to the actual email.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
More Safety Pro tips.

Understand in tourist zones in the most popular countries anyone you’re likely to meet is gonna scam you.

Even if they’re generally trying to help you out it’s not gratis and they expect a propina or regaulo

As a foreigner you don’t know common sense stuff that a local would know instinctively.

So give them a tip. That being said if someone hits you with the bribes bullets and bullshyt understand that it’s in fact bullshyt.

Bribes might be something that’s fake free or super compliments like ugly gang being told he’s super handsome.

Bullshyt is something like “ I put that on my momma” i.e I swear to god that this is the truth. That’s usually a lie Bullets is fake pressing and implied threats especially something like getting you arrested or beat up.

Finally if you feel you’re being followed the first thing you should do is to use empty space meaning go from a crowded area to a fairly empty area and see who’s randomly there. You can pull out your cell phone to see a reflection if a mirror is not around.

Another way is to backtrack or go in a weird way speed up your walk or slow down.
Finally you want to follow the crowd go where a lot of people are going and follow their pace.
Obviously if you think someone is following you need to go directly to the nearest police station or cop.

shyt seems like common sense but it’s little things like this that keep you from getting robbed.
Who you work for breh:jbhmm::patrice:


Feb 16, 2017
Who you work for breh:jbhmm::patrice:
No one but I used to work in the Commo section for 3rd Group Special Forces

They had classes and exercises about a lot of shyt as they work in foreign countries.

This is the super light unclassified breakdown. I could get deep into the little countersurveillance shyt that I did

But you could find a lot of this stuff on Youtube.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
No one but I used to work in the Commo section for 3rd Group Special Forces

They had classes and exercises about a lot of shyt as they work in foreign countries.

This is the super light unclassified breakdown. I could get deep into the little countersurveillance shyt that I did

But you could find a lot of this stuff on Youtube.
Respect it :ehh:

Explains a lot actually :ehh:


Feb 16, 2017
Who you work for breh:jbhmm::patrice:
Let me add the difference between the states and most foreign countries is if you’re in Chicago in the wild hundreds something could happen to you.

You’re on the loop and nothing will happen to you. They solved Duck’s murder with the quickness let it happened in hs hood and it would be unsolved.

In Colombia no matter where you post up you can get touched. Guys have been followed from the airport and robbed. Guys have been clapped outside of ATM’s in the flyest parts of the city.

In Medellin you go to Bello or Belen ( it don't look super hood) and the shyt is way worse than that Scene in the Jungle in Training day

Goons use Drones to patrol the hood If something happens to you there the cops can’t help you.

The wild thing is that if you had to renew your visa in Medellin you’d do it in Belen.

Then there was the Breh who got killed in Chile. No one thinks of Chile as a wild place but there’s an ongoing drug war there and Santiago Chile is turned up right now.

This thread is about helping Brehs so I go out of my way to give you information that Travel Trick Bums charge for so they can pay down their p*ssy bills.