
Feb 16, 2017
General Travel advice:

Consider getting hard shelled lockable rolling suitcases. You can buy a personal travel safe but most are cheap and don't hold things like Laptops some struggle with even phones

Instead of doing that why not just keep your valuables in your suitcase and secure it? Even hotel safes are easily picked by staff and even past guests, I know a dude who was locked out of his electronic safe and had to wait two days for someone to open it.


Nov 17, 2017

How much money would you need to make monthly to live comfortably over where you’re at or anywhere in Latin America, Asia, etc. ?


Feb 16, 2017

How much money would you need to make monthly to live comfortably over where you’re at or anywhere in Latin America, Asia, etc. ?
That's a you question I know dudes who teach english making about 550 a month.

His rent is like 200 a month

For me I'd say 1400 a month in Cali Colombia and maybe 1600 a month in Santo Domingo in the DR and 1500 a month in Nairobi and 1200 a month in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and 1000 a month in Arusha Tanzania

but those are my numbers and I make way more than that so I can stack money each month in no country should you make the bare miniumum there's expenses that you'd have as your learning curve that will go down over time as you learn the true price of things.


Feb 16, 2017
Tips for buying Real estate Century 21 and ReMax is in every country I been to. You can buy a property through someone but in Colombia you have to buy a CD as a surety deposited into a local bank. that the Proerty owner will get his money (this goes for renters and well as buyers) It goes off a percentage of the rent or cost of the mortgage

Figure somewhere around having 7 stacks or a years rent on deck.


Nov 17, 2017

I’m just curious, but where are these YouTubers finding these “Tour Guides” do they just go on a dating app and say they’ll pay their bills to show them around or something?

I’m just wondering because Auston been with that Thai chick for a minute now I think he’s paying her to be his “girl.”

The main reason I asked because there was a dude named Floyd with them that had a chick and another one after he left.

I’m like how much are they really paying these girls to pretend they’re their gfs and they seem to find them quickly.

:mjlol: :mjlol:


Feb 16, 2017

I’m just curious, but where are these YouTubers finding these “Tour Guides” do they just go on a dating app and say they’ll pay their bills to show them around or something?

I’m just wondering because Auston been with that Thai chick for a minute now I think he’s paying her to be his “girl.”

The main reason I asked because there was a dude named Floyd with them that had a chick and another one after he left.

I’m like how much are they really paying these girls to pretend they’re their gfs and they seem to find them quickly.

:mjlol: :mjlol:
They probably work out a deal but I assume it's not much, Women love the camera.


Feb 16, 2017
Tips for buying Real estate Century 21 and ReMax is in every country I been to. You can buy a property through someone but in Colombia you have to buy a CD as a surety deposited into a local bank. that the Proerty owner will get his money (this goes for renters and well as buyers) It goes off a percentage of the rent or cost of the mortgage

Figure somewhere around having 7 stacks or a years rent on deck.
This is advice more for Medellin and Bogota.

In all other places most apartments are bought by someone who's making money off renting it out. My apartments in Kenya was like this there was the owner of the complex itself but my landlords were random people who bought apartments in the buildings.

The Century 21 route is easiest but you can literally walk neighborhoods and see For rent signs in the windows. Ask the guards for more information on how long the place has been empty and negotiate with the owner if at all possible.


Feb 16, 2017
Because someone asked. If I were coming alone especially on a first trip to Colombia I wouldn't not go to Colombia. Colombia is very nice but there's a huge learning curve in Colombia most people come and have a great time but If you know that you're gonna deal with girls then deal with Dominican girls over Colombian ones.

If you're coming anyway I would say the most touristy city is Cartagena there's plenty to do decent beaches especially on the Islands you can take excursions to Palenque ( an African village founded by a Black Man who refused to be a slave and won) or to Barraquilla.

Frankly they have the most Beautiful Black women Ive seen in Cartagena I dated a chick from there she looked like a thinner version of Bernice Burgos.

That being said it's the most expensive place by far in Colombia and you will be hounded by beggars and people trying to Rap for you, You find people doing Karioke all over Colombia but it's at an insane level in Colombia. Cartagena is the only place I know that has american style clubs playing hip hop and the girls won't be allowed in unless they're really fly and they're packed with girls.

That being said if you were going for Girls I'd actually head to Medellin. It's not as hot as Cartagena cheaper for everything no beach but a lot of stuff to do, Slightly higher chance of meeting a "nice girl" But although Scopalmine is all over Colombia there's a lot of Scope gangs in Medelling DO NOT USE TINDER IN MEDELLIN!!!! Don't use any Dating apps Use facebook and IG Follow Carlton Lee and like or follow every girl that says she lives in Medellin those girsl might be more trustworthy but still be extremely careful. Be honest about your Goof levels, If you can admit that you do a lot of stupid or risky thing do yourself a favor and head to Sosua.

One of the cheapest places to go in Colombia is Cali. shyt is way cheaper than Medellin and Cartagena They have way more Black people than Medellin the weather is the same as Medellin (no humidity) cool old buildings in San Antonio plenty to do. If you're looking for girls use the dating apps but still be careful much higher chance of meeting nice girls here and there's actually no Red Light district in Cali. Cali is not a "lit"party city like Medelllin and Cartagena but the weekend street parties near the Boulevard are great and they're free.
Almost zero Hip-Hop in Cali though


Nov 17, 2017
If you're coming anyway I would say the most touristy city is Cartagena there's plenty to do decent beaches especially on the Islands you can take excursions to Palenque ( an African village founded by a Black Man who refused to be a slave and won) or to Barraquilla.
That’s real shyt, made my night.

:wow: :wow:

Say breh, I thought the DR was mad racist against Black people. I remember one dude told me to not even waste my time going out there.

Unless you’re talking DR women in Colombia. If so, wouldn’t they be racist too?


Feb 16, 2017
That’s real shyt, made my night.

:wow: :wow:

Say breh, I thought the DR was mad racist against Black people. I remember one dude told me to not even waste my time going out there.

Unless you’re talking DR women in Colombia. If so, wouldn’t they be racist too?
No Id say most Dominicans are Black. Im not saying theres no racism or colorism but its overblown

Read up on the history of Palenque there were several places where Africans just said hell no and set up whole Kingdoms in the cut.

There were fewer white people in Latin America so usually they waited for a weak leader to emerge then they would attack


Feb 16, 2017

Professional Black Women Are Leaving The U.S. In Droves​

Posted on 10 hours ago - By Christian Spencer

Bangkok, Thailand, Airline representative attaching a destination label for luggage to a travelers suitcase.

Source: UCG / Getty

Professional Black women are leaving the United States in droves because they are fed up, feeling unsafe and betrayed by the system.
Bloomberg reported that in the past three years of COVID-19, there had been an exodus of professional African American women searching for countries like Mexico, Portugal, the Caribbean and even Bangkok that would provide better protection, even if they have to relocate, withdraw their children and start businesses abroad.

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Some might be familiar with what is a “passport bro,” a subculture of men in the dating scene, primarily of whom are Black men, seeking long-term relationships or potential wives in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Costa Rica and the Philippines.
Both are taking a radical approach in wanting to be wanted, but in contrast, these working professional females are looking out for their own business opportunities and safety. Some passport bros have been depicted as sex tourists seeking to trick impoverished and indigenous women into becoming submissive American homemakers.
There are two waves of Black women leaving the U.S.: those who can afford to leave without being dependent on employment and those searching for work in another country. Black women are the least financially secure group of Americans, with racial wealth disparity reaching new depths between Black people and white people, Business Insider reported.
The racial wealth gap has been widening for years. In 1992, the median net worth of white families was between $100,000 and $150,000, which is far more than Black families, which had less than half of $50,000, according to McKinsey.
In fact, from the 1990s to 2016, the median net worth of Black families has been consistently low. The median net worth of Black families is less than that of Hispanic families, albeit not that much. During that same time, the median white family gained about $50,000 more in net worth since the 1990s and after the Great Recession.
Bloomberg reported, as of 2019, Black Americans had one-sixth of the wealth of white Americans, with more than half of Black people saying it is challenging to overcome wealth inequality, according to a Pulse of Black America survey.
There is also a situation where Black women are fed up with poor healthcare treatment and issues regarding voting rights. Although racism still exists in traveling abroad, the advantages of displacing locals in developing countries soften the blow as it is a higher privilege to be a Black woman with money, as many of their destinations have a lower cost of living.
Roshida Dowe, a former consumer automotive finance lawyer in Silicon Valley, retired in 2018 and retreated to Mexico City, where she claimed to have saved $660,000, CNBC reported.
In September 2020, Dowe and business partner Stephanie Perry, a pharmacy technician who worked night shifts, cofounded the ExodUS Summit. This forum helps Black women seeking refuge outside the states. Its second annual meetup had about 120 women, according to Dowe.
“This is a movement,” Perry, who in 2015 left the U.S. after spending 12 months traveling across Southeast Asia, Australia, and parts of Europe, told Bloomberg. “I think Black women have discovered that the American dream is not necessarily possible in America.”

RELATED CONTENT: Taraji P. Henson Considers Living Outside The U.S. A Means Of Self Care


Feb 16, 2017
For people considering becoming an expat Never move all of your money to a foriegn bank

At best move just enough to cover 3 or so months of expenses keep the rest in your stateside bank.

Most foriegn banks have a tier system for fees and obviously the government has a tiered system for taxes. Having too much in the bank is gonna trigger a tax grab.


Feb 16, 2017
General Travel safety Tips.

Consider withdrawing only what you need from the ATM for that day assume that you'll want 50 to 100 bucks of walking around money for Cabs and souvenirs, food and liquor etc.

Obviously if at all possible use an ATM and possibly the same one at an actual bank during business hours

Read the local news of the place you are planning to visit on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and IG you can translate any stories and you'll get information on what's happening. Besides the more you know about their culture the better.

Try to link with any traveler or expat who seems to know what he's doing.

Aviod the Motos, In Latin Ameica and Colombia in particular two men on Motos is a red flag and in Cali it's actually illegal. In the DR it's normal to get a Moto taxi

That being said you should always walk against traffic meaning on the sidewalk where you can see oncoming traffic. If there's two people on the motocycle and especially if both are wearing helmets visors down they're criminals. You occasionally see both people wearing helmets but that's not common. I have never seen two people in Colombia wearing Helmets with the sun visors down not be a criminal (a watch a ton of security cam videos)

Don't walk and talk on your cell phone if possible. In the states people don't snatch cell phones like that in the 3rd world they do. In the 3rd world they see Iphones as dollar signs

Get a security bag and or a lockable suitcase.

Get an RFID blocking wallet and consider getting a chain wallet

Don't let people crowd you that's when they pickpocket you there's pickpocking crews they'll clock you from you going to an ATM and crowd and rob you before you go somewhere to spend your money..

Don't walk in dark places with nobody around at night

Actually try to plan your vacations have a rough idea of what you want to do or see where you want to stay and eat and how much this should cost, Obviously things could change once you get on the ground, but knowing what you want to do and where things are makes things much less disorienterring on visiting a place for the first time.

That brings up something else unless you're a world traveler or want to visit a particularly exotic place Go to a favorite place over several trips you'll learn something new each trip .

Finally if you're heading to the beach my suggesting is that you wear beach clothes to the beach Vibram five finger water shoes an waterproof runners band and a waterproof cellphone case. That way you can take pictures and video in and underwater and you have all your shyt with you. People swip shyt on the beach all the time.


May 1, 2012
@Wiseborn you doing the lords work with this thread :wow:

I’m back in Medellin for a few weeks, thinking about making some other trips while I’m out here. I think you’ve mentioned Cali so I won’t ask. Have you been to Santa Marta and/or do you have any info on it?


Feb 16, 2017
@Wiseborn you doing the lords work with this thread :wow:

I’m back in Medellin for a few weeks, thinking about making some other trips while I’m out here. I think you’ve mentioned Cali so I won’t ask. Have you been to Santa Marta and/or do you have any info on it?
I haven't been to Santa Marta but I'm planning to go when my girl takes her Vacation in June.

Ask any questions about Cali or anyother place.