
Feb 16, 2017
Know yourself:

This is rule number one; know why you're expatting. For example, frankly I just don't want to pay taxes to a system that kills Black people. I used to roll around tooled up incase of the bad encounter while knowing that I was providing justification for my own killing and knowing that if I "won" I'd have to leave the country in a hurry whether I won in court or a didn't.

There's people who are outcasts in their communities and try to runaway to another community thinking that you're gonna get acceptance. No Matter where you go there you are.

No one will love you or put up with your shyt more than your family certainly not a bunch of foreigners who look at you funny because they can't understand why you left america to be in the 3rd world. I had white boys in england asking me why I left the US.

That being said there's no wrong answer even if it's I can live like a king off of a couple hundred a month. If you meet a fellow expat and they can't tell you why they're were they are within 3 sentences don't fukk with that goofball. You'd be surprised at a amount of people you meet that literally just took a flight somewhere and just stayed. There was this white guy (not of Italian heritage) who spent 40 years in Italy and he got in the news in america because he was part of the 5 star political movement.

It's nothing wrong with taking time to "figure it out" but you should know what you're doing after a year or so I got more respect for sexpats who are clear eyed about what they're doing than some nikka who can't tell you why he's where he is. There's tons of incels overseas who can't even afford to trick thinking that foreign hoes are "better" than "matrix" bytches. In fact anyone who uses that word in a sentence is corny, I never heard anyone serious use that term in real life it's an internet term only.


Feb 16, 2017
So you did your research picked a place and did a couple of recon trips now you're ready to move.

You may need a local fixer. A fixer is someone who can help you navigate little issues that you didn't know you needed to know. A fixer can save you literal years of time and thousands of dollars. A good fixer or lack there of can ruin your whole expat idea and make you go back home.

I knew an repat family that moved to Tanzania. They moved to Stonetown and paid waaaaaay too much for a house. and they ran out of money and they burned brides with other repats who tried to help them (me included)

To find a good fixer you need to research like you did the research for the country but using primarily social media, IG, Facebook Youtube and Twitter in that order. The best fixer would be a ADOS expat, but if the dude has a youtube channel and always posts from outside or a bar or restaurant or something don't fukk with them Generally avoid any expat that's under 40, The reason being there's a lot of youngin's especially in Latin America and most of them are weirdos/ social outcasts/incels/tricks. Youngin's are probably not stable so they'll lie to you to get your money. fukk with people who have a track record of helping brothers or older cats.

What will you pay a fixer for? Mainly to help you find a suitable longterm spot to live, and help you find decent prices for furnishings and good handymen who won't cheat you. That and any help in legal/ financial advice to including taking you to offices to get shyt done. Trust me it's probably not going to do a straightforward process. If a fixer can't do all of the things on this list Dont fukk with them.


Feb 16, 2017
To foot stomp on the bizzaro world aspect of travel all "good girls" aren't and all "bad girls" aren't either.

To those who followed this thread you might heard me mention that I stayed in a condo in a building owned by a ADOS expat and his Dominican lawyer wife. He's not the trickin' neither was his wife, but like I told you about expat simps who can't make a move without their wives permission dude kinda fell in that category. Not only did shorty have an adult son who lived with them and did nothing (he kinda coordinated repairs to the building) Like I said the homie wasn't a trick but the wife wanted to cater her building to international tricks That was the reason for the upstairs bar and jacuzzi/ swimming pool.

Dude wasn't feeling it or her so he walked away from his investment. He's set up elsewhere and he needed a maid. The maid was a "bad girl" because I did fukk her but she's legit fukked up and lost her house. She's now working for the ADOS dude.

Moral to the story is you can't judge a book by it's cover.


Feb 16, 2017
Some general things that you will need for travel that you haven't thought about.

A good large antimircobal mircofilber towel. Mircofiber towels pack small and they dry quickly and you'll use it as a bathrobe, to dry off your electronics as a beach towel to clean up spills. They dry quickly and don't hold smells if you have to go a couple of days without washing them.

You don't have to get a shamwow but even a shamwow wouldn't be a bad idea.

Socks and underwear you need Merino wool undergarments. I found this out in the Army. Same reasons as a mirco fiber towel they dry out quick and don't hold smells. They also "breathe better" than cotton.They are also way more durable than cotton socks. I don't wear anything but Darn Tough Vermont Socks. I've had some pairs for over ten years and they don't have a single loose thread. They have a buy once money back guarantee. For drawls I wear Woolx and ex officio boxer briefs. (Darn Tough makes socks only)

An Anker 25000 amp charger a charger if a lifesaver Anker is the brand I use. I also would get a solar charger most of these are made by chinese companies I'd pick the one that has the best reviews on Amazon.


Feb 16, 2017
:snoop: Breh,

what’s your ‘hexadecimal color code’?
If you’re attempting to clown me this ain’t that type of thread. If you’re not interested move on.

There’s brothers getting murdered out here. I know a young youtuber that got shot and robbed and scrambling to get up the money for medical care and a ticket home.

nikkas are traveling regardless. Their was a long thread about a YouTuber who came to Colombia and blew up.

he”d tell you everything I’m telling you but he would change you 25 bucks an hour.

it’s just my opinion but I’m m on the road right now.


Feb 16, 2017

If you are moving or staying in a place a few months consider bringing a few racks or whatever you think you may need in cash.

This low key contradicts what I said before but if you bring US cash you might get a better exchange rate if you bring US cash to the right Cambio (money changing spot) but you'd have to ask around and "interview" different spots. You won't make your money stretch that much but a penny saved is a penny earned.

additionally common sense isn't that common so although you should withdraw the maximum amount from the same ATM if possible when making a withdrawal go directly home and stash the cash and walk around with whatever you feel comfortable with. Also withdraw from ATM's inside or outside banks in the daytime if at all possible and major grocery stores.


Feb 16, 2017

Apps are mainly used by prostitutes and upper middle class chicks in the 3rd world. That's why you need to be careful on Tinder, get at a university grad like a prostitute and you'll be banned by the app.

The best app is actually Bumble, yes it's not nearly as well used but Pros ain't up on it and you'll meet a lot of foreigners and expats on it too.

In your profile or when matching with a girl give her your local number not a what's app (if you choose to get minutes on your phone) You'd want a chick to think that you'll stick around, and it's a safety issue to never let anymore know when you're leaving the country. Whether you're an expat or a weekend warrior put down that you are an american but that you live in the country.


Feb 16, 2017
Easy way to get residency in most countries:

Volunteer. There's always tons of Help the Youngin's organizations in every 3rd world country. You could do a few hours a week donate some money actually Help the Youngin's while helping yourself. You will develop connects and good will by doing so, You can also ship your furniture to a lot of countries Tax free if you donate a certain amount to charity.

At the very least residency will help you avoid visa overstaying charges when you finally decide to go back to the states.


Feb 16, 2017
I knew that name looked familiar lol.

Didnt know you posted on here too OG. Im Lord_Khaaliq in the discord. Appreciate the gems you dropped in here

I need to get back on the discord but there's tons of what's app groups, telegram groups, Facebook groups and forums related to travel.

Right now on the BlackMan Travels facebook group the "dategate" vs. P4P debate is raging all because a goofy went to Cartagena and started flexing.