West Coast Avenger
West Coastin & Smokin
Maybe you think I took your job.
I'm sorry

Maybe you think I took your job.
I'm sorry
Maybe you think I took your job.
I'm sorry
Many are fully able to if they wanted to and not just decide to work for someone else for the rest of their life.so do you think they can or they can't?
Dont let these weasels trick you into comparing Mexicans to these other groups. Mexicans have been immigrating here longer than any of those groups and never got their fair shake to do it legally.This is an argument made by every group of people about every group of immigrants...documented or not.
They said the same thing about the Italians.
They said the same thing about the Irish.
The said the same thing about the Jews.
The said the same thing about the Chinese.
And now they're saying it about the Mexicans.
It was a baseless argument then.
It's a baseless argument now.
it's the kind of job you have that creates wealth, not just any job. and illegal immigrants aren't getting out of poverty doing one under the table job, it's 3 of them and living in packed shytholes so they can save money. it's much easier to crack down on the employers. it's easy to take aim at the poor people when in reality it's much easier to stop at the source (the employer) and if the jobs dry up the illegal immigrant tide recedes. but the industries where illegal immigrants are in great numbers: farming, restaurants, janitorial and construction; they are needed to keep our cost of a night out down, food down and cost of home ownership down. so no one is really interested in putting heat on the employers in those fields.
Many are fully able to if they wanted to and not just decide to work for someone else for the rest of their life.
I benefit economically because I did well in school and got a good job in Midtown Manhattan.Exactly! You don't have a legitimate reply to counter my response because you know that Illegal Immigration economically benefits your race.
Furthermore, I'm self employed, so lowly, menial Hispanics like yourself are doing absolutely nothing to hurt my pockets. Sorry!
Many are fully able to if they wanted to and not just decide to work for someone else for the rest of their life.
Why have Mexicans been here so long and still don't have shyt?Jobs create wealth in general. People get richer when they work versus when they don't, and wealth comes from amassed riches, which come from prolonged work (ergo jobs). The government pushes jobs because when people get richer, they are happier, and when they are richer and happier and feel the government is part of the reason, people are very likely to vote for said government. Mexicans take wealth from blacks. It's as simple as that.
This is an argument made by every group of people about every group of immigrants...documented or not.
They said the same thing about the Italians.
They said the same thing about the Irish.
The said the same thing about the Jews.
The said the same thing about the Chinese.
And now they're saying it about the Mexicans.
It was a baseless argument then.
It's a baseless argument now.
not only this, but napopleon claims they were legal. they weren't legal. they certainly weren't citizens either. there was no such thing as illegal immigrant in the united states until immigration policy was established in the late 1800s with the page act, chinese exclusion act and the immigration act of 1891. so before that they were here about as "legally" as the pilgrims who came here and committed genocide.This is an argument made by every group of people about every group of immigrants...documented or not.
They said the same thing about the Italians.
They said the same thing about the Irish.
The said the same thing about the Jews.
The said the same thing about the Chinese.
And now they're saying it about the Mexicans.
It was a baseless argument then.
It's a baseless argument now.
There is still a lack of interest in business making itself. Arabs and indians have way more interest in business making than we do. It has left our culture.
not only this, but napopleon claims they were legal. they weren't legal. they certainly weren't citizens either. there was no such thing as illegal immigrant in the united states until immigration policy was established in the late 1800s with the page act, chinese exclusion act and the immigration act of 1891. so before that they were here about as "legally" as the pilgrims who came here and committed genocide.
immigration policy was established because cacs felt threatened about losing their majority and general nativist fears which exist in every country. especially during times of a bad economy.
Mexicans are right there at the bottom and have been for over a century no matter how you secretly want it to beIt's not a baseless argument then or now. Why do you think blacks are still at the bottom? Because the fukking cycle keeps continuing. Cacs bring over people THEY want and disenfrachise blacks. none of the above people (except possibly jews) ever do anything for blacks but harm us.
Many are fully able to if they wanted to and not just decide to work for someone else for the rest of their life.
how can an undocumented immigrant refuse to hire a black person?Undocumented immigrants take black jobs and refuse to hire blacks, disenfrachising us and further pushing us into poverty, end of story. Nothing else matters. Deport them and their kin.