Cyclops is equally if not more in depth character. I said The Hulk is a great character. and he is listed in top 10 what is the issue friend?
I mean nothing wrong with 8th place![]()
is equal in depth.

He prob got half the internal struggle Hulk got.
Cyclops is equally if not more in depth character. I said The Hulk is a great character. and he is listed in top 10 what is the issue friend?
I mean nothing wrong with 8th place![]()
then why the cartoons, movies and comics have pretty much made him the focus?
But even going by that Uncanny X-Men is a bigger seller than Wolverine and The X-Men in sales.
but as you know Movie money >>> Comic money.
is equal in depth.
He prob got half the internal struggle Hulk got.
Nope, you are
I said he should be high but not #2. Top 10 yes...
Cyclops top 10 though![]()
Most noble?![]()
It's not for cash bruh
It was because he was EASILY the favorite character out of any Xman
Easily had "the most depth" and "internal struggle" not to mention powers being so basic but everyone wanted (healing ability, indestructible bones, virtually indestructible, increased strength, wisdom/intelligence from living for centuries, fighting ability, hyper sensitive smell/hearing, etc)
What did Scott have besides "pew pew" and his ultra high simping abilities.
Because Wolverine is a better Character then cyc.
Hell at one point he was in every comic.
Man If you don't like the character that's cool. But you got 50+ years of story to catch up on if you think there is a lack of depth.
Because Wolverine is a better Character then cyc.
Hell at one point he was in every comic.
please with all the stories the hulk has you mean to tell me Cyc has more then depth then hulk?
for 50+ years hulk had multiple titles to express his character while cyc had none to shine on his own. this character was bland as bland can be until the past 15 years.
You showing me some shyt I already saidANGEL (MARVEL) / 15 MAY 2006
#5 - #1![]()
First Appearance: Avengers Annual #10![]()
Powers: Absorb powers and memory through skin contact, flight
Rogue is the perfect example of why the Xavier Institute must exist. Any skin-to-skin contact causes Rogue to absorb the powers and memories of whomever she touches. Though Xavier's school never taught Rogue how to control her powers, it has helped teach her to deal with a world she can never truly touch. Long ago, Rogue was a villain, who absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers before being brought to the X-Men by her surrogate mother, Mystique. She's grown to become a vital member of the X-Men and proof that Xavier's methods can work and are, in fact, necessary.
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #180![]()
Powers: Healing factor, six adamantium claws capable of cutting through almost any material, heightened senses, immobilizing cigar breath
Though he may have become oversaturated, Wolverineis no less one of the greatest of all X-Men. Logan is a loner by nature and a man fighting to keep his animal instincts from controlling his actions. He argues regularly with his fellow X-Men and leaves the team often to pursue his own personal agenda. Yet his support of the X-Men rarely, if ever, wavers. He may not be a team player, but Logan has the best interests of the X-Men at heart. Despite his wandering ways, Wolverine has been one of the most reliable X-Men over the years.
#3Kitty Pryde on several occasions, most notably with Jubilee, but there's something special about Kitty that puts her above the rest. She's strong-willed, creative and fiercely loyal. Just as her pet dragon, Lockheed, became instantly attached to Kitty, we were hooked early on. Who could have guessed long ago that she would become one of the most endearing characters in the X-Men Universe?
#2Professor X
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1![]()
Powers: The world's most powerful telepath (currently de-powered)
It's Xavier's Dream the X-Men follow. Without Xavier, there would be no X-Men and no unified opposition toMagneto. He is, to put it bluntly, a prophet of the new age. His students, his followers, may interpret the meaning of his words and dream differently, but Xavier's core belief has remained intact through an entire generation of mutants. The Dream has grown to outpace the man. Xavier has lost faith in himself several times, abandoning his team for sometimes selfish reasons. While that can be acceptable for followers, a man like Xavier must maintain a strong front and never walk away from his children.
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1
Powers: High-intensity, continuous optic blast
The student has become greater than the master. That's the nature of the world and so to is it with the X-Men Universe as Scott Summers has surpassed Xavier to become the greatest X-Man. A heavy burden was placed on his shoulders as a young man. He was chosen to lead a team of mutants on a crusade that would likely determine Homo Superior's place in the world.
He's lost two wives, reunited with his space pirate father, discovered two lost brothers, fought beside both a son and daughter from alternate futures, and defended The Dream as a knight might protect the Holy Grail. Through all of this, he's still standing.