Yea, I don't even agree with cap at #2. His story gets interesting and all, but

If no one gives a fukk about it.
He's up there, but not #2 up there
Edit: And I do agree with Spider-Man being #1
I'm a more casual comic book fan than when I was younger, so I'm not sure what's happened in the past decade. But growing up it was Spidey, Wolverine (who was basically the MAIN xman) Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Thor, the Hulk, etc.
Maybe IGN is going by just story, and a lot of these characters story improved overtime. But if they're going by story, power, strength, popularity, rivals, and accomplishments (in and outside the comics) then I have no idea how they could make that list.
If that was the case, Spider-Man would still be #1 with Wolverine at #2 and the rest falling in line