If Zimmerman gets off its gonna be open season on young black men in America...


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
The difference is, the black killers go to prison and there is a guarantee that justice will be served... There had to be public outcry and pressure for Zimmerman to even get arrested...

This is why as black man I make sure I am prepared for anything...

and who gives a fukk if America hates us more if Zimmerman gets killed ?:dead:

We're already the most hated you can be...

The thing is, we're not going anywhere... Been here since the beginning of humanity, and we'll be here at the end :blessed:

Who gives a fukk who hates us?:laugh:

You two non-black individuals love us enough to want to interact with us on the internet all day though :leon:

12% of the population can be eliminated with the quickness if white folks were really bout it bout it



Largest Member
Jun 18, 2012
Is the thread premise saying that armed white men will go out pick fights with unarmed black men moreso than in the past if Zimmerman walks?

How will they know the black man they pick a fight with is unarmed? Sounds pretty reckless to me.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I was just listening to Tariq, and he said something that rings true. To all those that are reading this thread, start frequenting black establishments(I'm talking to ALL OF THE BLACKS HERE) and pooling your resources with other blacks. This leads to an economic base, which can buy politicians/judges/cops to aid us. If not that, having an independent economic base, gives you the freedom to do true activism(IE shutting down roads and bus/train stations for days, since you're not in fear of losing your job).

very true

Is the thread premise saying that armed white men will go out pick fights with unarmed black men moreso than in the past if Zimmerman walks?

How will they know the black man they pick a fight with is unarmed? Sounds pretty reckless to me.

you don't know these cacs in the south.


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
at the end of the day its almost never worth it to fight someone in the street. Even if you win who is to say that person won't go back to their car and grab a gun. The only safe place to fight is in some sort of fighting club or tournament that deals with a specific martial art kickboxing or just straight mma if you really want to get it out of your system but street fighting...legally its just too risky and almost never ever worth it

gone are the days where you can have an innocent bar room brawl and then have peace over drinks the next day

If Trayvon resisted the urge to respond to what was probably annoying questioning with violence he would still be alive. All he had to do was say he was simply walking home and there really wasn't anything he could have been detained on with no weapons or drugs on him. At worse he would have just been annoyed by the guy who thought he was Judge dredd

:rudy: FOH, you acting like Trayvon was posted up in the neighborhood like Debo smacking cacs for being in his vicinity.

He was walking back home from the store talking on the phone, not bothering anybody. GZ started mugging him from the car, following him in the car, in the dark. Trayvon evades him TWICE, but this dude then gets out of the car with a gun and two flash lights and follows him on foot. Why is the dude following him?

Yeah, it would have been better if he would have called the police about zimmerman following him, so he can have proof that he wasn't the aggressor if something happens. We as black people have to learn how to use the system to help us get what we want, and not distance ourselves from it because, when we do racists can use it against us, and in that case it is hard to fight.

Trayvon was 17 years old. Shouldn't the adult be the one to exercise good judgement and common sense? Why are you giving GZ a pass on this?

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
:manny: fukk it. If some cac tries some shyt, wit me I aint taking no chances. They getting beat, til they're paralyzed.

You got a gun and screaming for help...

fukk that....You aint going to have any time to scream for help. :manny:

I feel it....from here on out I will assume that any cac who approaches me on the street is carrying and after my life, so I feel I'll have to use enough physical force necessary to make sure those cum colored fakkits stop moving as promptly as possible. Crushing windpipes, slamming em as hard as I can on concrete, gouging eyes, all that shyt. Hell, if I have my blade on me a cac might have to get poked in the throat for real. :youngsabo:


May 20, 2012
*Trayvon was 17 years old. Shouldn't the adult be the one to exercise good judgement and common sense? Why are you giving GZ a pass on this?

I'm not giving him a pass, just saying we need to learn how to use the system to our advantage. If you know how people think about you, why give them ammo to shoot you?. This is a racist society, and we are constantly being judged, so the only way to win the fight is to use their system against them. If trayvon called the police, he could have used the courts to help him fight against george zimmerman, and he may have won some money. Whites use the system to help accomplish what they want.

Look at all the cities going through gemtrification all over the country. Blacks, and latins, aren't being pushed out by force, they are being pushed by the ecomomics game. Even if you look at how blacks got the country, and corportations, to stop shytting om them im the '60's, you will see they understood using the weakness of the system against itself will work for their gain. They boycotted the bus company by stop using the bus, and the company lost money, so they realized they had to work with blacks if they wanted to stay in business.

In the '80's Loreal was on some shyt, and I remember blacks boycotting them for a minute, and that shyt stopped with them. For some reason blacks now don't do anything but complain or march for a quick second but, when it comes to forcing the police to work with us, cleaning up our communities by sweeping, and keeping it looking nice, spending our money wiith companies who do things for the commumity, keeping the crimimal element from shooting innocent bystanders or just shooting all the damn time, we don't do it. It's not that it can't be done because it was done before,we are just complacent because we have become materialistic, and not seeing the position we are in, in this country.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
But the reality that seems to be ignored is it's usually not white or non-black individuals shooting and killing black men.

though this has nothing to do with this case, this is a fact that black people have to accept.


May 20, 2012
I feel it....from here on out I will assume that any cac who approaches me on the street is carrying and after my life, so I feel I'll have to use enough physical force necessary to make sure those cum colored fakkits stop moving as promptly as possible. Crushing windpipes, slamming em as hard as I can on concrete, gouging eyes, all that shyt. Hell, if I have my blade on me a cac might have to get poked in the throat for real. :youngsabo:

And you will be sitting in prison for it.

What you should do is record the man, call police, and leave it alone. If it goes any further, you have a record,of what happen, and can win a case or better keep you out of the system. We have banging technology that can protect us from people who lie to murder us or throw us in prison, why not use it to your advantage?

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
But the reality that seems to be ignored is it's usually not white or non-black individuals shooting and killing black men.

Ive been negged a couple of times for saying this but it needs to be said...its like everyone is ignoring the reality that at the end of the day, a black man or women is more likely to die at the hand of our own kind in a murder/homicide case then at the hands of the white man


Jun 22, 2012
if you go around looking for trouble you will find it.

A black man is more likely to murder you in 2013 than a white man.

Facts are not on your side fool


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
I'm not giving him a pass, just saying we need to learn how to use the system to our advantage. If you know how people think about you, why give them ammo to shoot you?. This is a racist society, and we are constantly beimg judged, so the only way to win the fight is to use their system against them. If trayvon called the police, he could have used the courts to help him fight agaimst george zimmerman, and he may have won some money. Whites use the system to help accomplish what they want.

Look at all the cities going through gemtrification all over the country. Blacks, and latins, aren't being pushed out by force, they are being pushed by the ecomomics game. Even if you look at how blacks got the country, and corportations, to stop shytting om them im the '60's, you will see they understood using the weakness of the system against itself will work for their gain. They boycotted the bus company hy jot using the bus, and the company lost money, so they realized they had to work with blacks if they wanted to stay in business.

In the '80's Loreal was om some shyt, and I remember blacks boycotting them for a minute, and that shyt stopped with them. For some reason blacks now don't do anything but complain or march for a quick second but, when it comes to forcing the police to work with us, cleaning up our communities by sweeping, amd keeping it looking nice, spending our money wiith companies who do things for the commumity, keeping the crimimal element from shooting inmocent bystanders or just shooting all the damn time, we don't do it. It's not that it can't be done because it was dome before,we just complacent because we have become materialistic, and not seeing the position we are in, in this country.

Its easy to say what one would or should do a week, month, year after the fact. This incident happened in the span of minutes. He died STILL not knowing who or what George Zimmerman was, or why he kept chasing him after attempting to evade multiple times. I'll say it again because I think this point is important...Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old high school teenager, DIED NOT KNOWING WHY HE WAS BEING FOLLOWED AND PURSUED. How many thoughts are racing through his head at that moment not knowing what to do.

There's a reason you can't have sex with anyone under the age of 18, nor legally bind them to a contract. Teenagers are still developing their logical and critical thinking skills, emotions, hormones, body, and very small independent life experience to draw from. They're just learning to handle things as simple as balancing a checkbook and drive at that age. 17 year Olds don't have the wisdom enough to keep their room clean, let alone navigating the intricacies of states laws like "stand your ground" or the technicality in the self defense law that allows someone to have not been actually physically assaulted, but only in their mind perceive you as putting their life in danger.

Trayvon WAS like :damn: who is this dude following me and why? Im just walking home, what the fukk did I do. :sadcam: :what: