I'm not giving him a pass, just saying we need to learn how to use the system to our advantage. If you know how people think about you, why give them ammo to shoot you?. This is a racist society, and we are constantly beimg judged, so the only way to win the fight is to use their system against them. If trayvon called the police, he could have used the courts to help him fight agaimst george zimmerman, and he may have won some money. Whites use the system to help accomplish what they want.
Look at all the cities going through gemtrification all over the country. Blacks, and latins, aren't being pushed out by force, they are being pushed by the ecomomics game. Even if you look at how blacks got the country, and corportations, to stop shytting om them im the '60's, you will see they understood using the weakness of the system against itself will work for their gain. They boycotted the bus company hy jot using the bus, and the company lost money, so they realized they had to work with blacks if they wanted to stay in business.
In the '80's Loreal was om some shyt, and I remember blacks boycotting them for a minute, and that shyt stopped with them. For some reason blacks now don't do anything but complain or march for a quick second but, when it comes to forcing the police to work with us, cleaning up our communities by sweeping, amd keeping it looking nice, spending our money wiith companies who do things for the commumity, keeping the crimimal element from shooting inmocent bystanders or just shooting all the damn time, we don't do it. It's not that it can't be done because it was dome before,we just complacent because we have become materialistic, and not seeing the position we are in, in this country.