If Zimmerman gets off its gonna be open season on young black men in America...

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
as if being a young black male in America wasn't dangerous enough already.....we were already the most likely group to die by gun violence before 21.....I can't imagine how bad it'll be if the jury actually lets Zimmerman walk for killing an unarmed teen

this case could set as precedent the right of any cac to shoot unarmed black teens if they can start a confrontation and get hit a couple of times in the face

Zimmerman had two small cuts on the back of his head and a semi-bloody nose. If those are the only injuries you need to shoot unarmed people in the streets, then expect alot of cacs to start fights with black men only to turn around and shoot them the second they get hit once in the face.

God help us if this jury lets this fakkit get away with murder.
There are lesson to learn on both sides. All things being equal, self-defense claim might be legitimate, but then gain, even in court, and has been seen been the analysts, sometimes everyone is not treated, as equally, as they should.

While we are all hoping for a just and imparial verdict. There are some things to gleam from the Trayvon, Zimmerman case:

1) you cannot injure another person without cause, without putting on self-defense case when the media gets involved
2) self-defense cases cost money, so be prepared to hire an attorney
3) you cannot start a fight without knowing the full capability of who you are fighting, pick your battles,
4) dont pick fights you cannot win
5) you might win the battle, not the war
6) how you are with your crew/culture may not be how other cultures are, might be cool to tussle a few rounds in certain cultures
7) sometimes over communication goes a long way
8) sometimes being egoless goes a long
9) Sometimes inspite of the evidence only your family, friends, community might have your back
10) the silent cant speak, but a spot less record could

the fact is even if zimmerman gets off, zimmerman is not safe, but because of the racial divide there would be outpouring support.

it would not be open season, per se, because if its not self defense its tougher to prove.

what needs to be eliminated is the bias in law. yall remember the black dude who when to his white co workers house, and got "hit" in cold blood?

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
i don't why but i really think there is no way george zimmerman is found guilty of murder 2 or manslaughter. not that I agree I just think the prosecution dropped the ball. the lead detective shut them down at every turn.


All Star
May 2, 2012
In Canada....Laughing at you all. It's a shame what happen to that boy and whats happening..but.

Live in America, brehs.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
97% of murdered African Americans are murdered by OTHER AFRICAN AMERICANS

black folks you have absolutely nothing to worry about, the overwhelming majority of your murderers will remain black

so don't stress brehs

and if Zimmerman gets off and is later killed by a crazed black person it will only make America hate you more. Think about the well being and future of your people before you commit such an act bros


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
LOL..damn when hasn't been open season on young black men in America. We have always been shot at or hunted down by either the police or our own kind. It's the nature of the beast. I'm just hoping the riot this time will make to a white neighborhood.


In case people forgot the last time a REAL riot popped off.


May 1, 2012
LOL..damn when hasn't been open season on young black men in America. We have always been shot at or hunted down by either the police or our own kind. It's the nature of the beast. I'm just hoping the riot this time will make to a white neighborhood.


In case people forgot the last time a REAL riot popped off.

this won't happen today. the youth are all wanna-be fakkits.

a twitter riot maybe :pachaha:


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL

It's already started here in Jax:

New evidence released in Jordan Davis killing

JACKSONVILLE Fla. -- With five months until Michael Dunn's trial, new video evidence and new documents have been released.

Now we are getting our first glimpse at the medical examiner's report for the teenager who prosecutors say was murdered over music.

Action News searched through pages of documents from the medical examiner obtained from the State Attorney's office. The documents suggest 17-year old Jordan Davis died of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and thigh.


Toxicology reports reveal Davis had no alcohol in his system at the time of the shooting and attorneys say he and the other teens in the SUV were unarmed.

But in newly released interrogation footage, Dunn tells police he thought the teenagers had a gun.

"He goes down on the ground and he puts something up on the thing and then gets out, I thought it was a shotgun or a stick," Dunn told police in the newly-released video.

Dunn's defense team tells Action News they'll be carrying that self-defense claim all the way to his trial.

"He said at least a dozen times to law enforcement that my life was threatened," said Dunn's defense attorney Cory Strolla. "And he only fired the gun when he was in fear for his life, when Mr. Davis went to open the door to get out."

Dunn's attorney also requested five hours of surveillance video and audio from inside the Gate gas station. He believes they'll help support Dunn's self-defense claim.

"There's actual audio on those cameras which we would record the shooting," said Strolla. "It would also record people talking. The state only has about 15 minutes of the video meanwhile police were on scene for well over an hour so I want that video."

Jordan Davis Shooting: Charges Upgraded To First Degree Murder In Slaying Of Unarmed Teen

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec 13 (Reuters) - A grand jury indicted a Florida man for first degree murder on Thursday in the shooting death of an unarmed, black high school student last month after an argument over loud rap music.

Software developer Michael Dunn, 46, shot high school junior Jordan Davis, 17, through the window of a sport utility vehicle at a Jacksonville convenience store gas station on Nov. 23, before driving away, authorities say.

Dunn, who is white, faces charges of attempted first degree murder for firing at the car which contained three other passengers, all friends of Davis.

Dunn was arrested the day after the shooting for second degree murder and pleaded not guilty. He was being held in Duval County without bond awaiting arraignment.

The state attorney's office later decided to upgrade the charge to first degree murder, which in Florida requires a grand jury decision.

Dunn's arraignment on the new charges is scheduled for Dec. 17.

Davis's father, Ron Davis, has pledged to turn his son's shooting death into a crusade against guns and Florida's controversial Stand Your Ground law which allows people to defend themselves if they "reasonably believe" someone will hurt them.

Widespread opposition to the law has emerged after the shooting of Trayvon Martin, also an unarmed, black 17-year-old, in February by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in central Florida. Zimmerman, whom police initially declined to arrest, will stand trial next June for murder.

Dunn's lawyer says he fired out of fear for his life when someone in the SUV brandished a shotgun and threatened him.

Dunn and his fiance Rhonda Rouer were in Jacksonville on the night of the shooting to attend a wedding when they stopped at the store to buy a bottle of wine before returning to their hotel, authorities say. They parked next to the SUV containing Davis and his three friends who were listening to rap music on their way home after shopping at Black Friday sales at a mall.

Dunn asked the teens to turn down the volume of the music, but, his attorney said, the teens turned up the volume, threatened Dunn and brandished a shotgun. Dunn grabbed a pistol from the glove compartment of his car and opened fire, before driving away, authorities say. Police said no weapon was found on the teens.

Dunn was taken into custody at his oceanfront townhome about 170 miles (270 km) south of Jacksonville the day after the shooting. (Editing by David Adams and Mohammad Zargham)
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