Would you overlook her past?
everybody on the coli dont love these hoes but what if she really was a good match for you?
wat if your ride or die was a smut?
There are NO past smut...
There are "Biological Smuts" and "Situational Smuts"
The thin line between the two groups is how much they psychologically and biologically enjoy their behaviours...
Biological Smuts are born that way
Possibly due to hormones (hence biology) these women's sexualities were awoken early during development...They probably had a very early sexual experience, that they don't regret...For example, an uncle may have touched them when they were young, but when they remember it, they are either neutral about the experience or they believe that they enjoyed it...
In the past, these women had high probably of behaving in a "crazy or dysfunctional" manner and turn to drugs and other self-destructive behaviours...Society thought it was because of early childhood sexual abuse and etc..But it is was because society was very prudish, and inhibiting these women's need to freely express their sexuality...
Now that society is more open, you see these women make amateur porn videos, post naked pictures online, send vagina pictures to men and etc...And they are enjoying it...Most of these women are highly functional, and they go to their 9-5 just like everybody else...
Situational Smuts are pushed to behave that way
These are women with average sexuality, but they get trapped in situations that forces them to express their sexualities even if they don't want to...If these women were in an environment that supported them, they may or may not have been very sexual...Typically these women use their sexualities in a calculated way to improve their socioeconomic conditions...
Strong situational smuts may prostitute (street, escort, porn) until they get enough assets, and then they will stop, build their lives and never talk about the past...Because it is too shameful to think remember...
Weak situational smuts may prostitute forever, because they don't have the resilience and empowerment to stop doing something they really don't enjoy, but they believe it's the only thing they ever going to be good at...(no different than people who spend lifetimes doing jobs they absolutely hate)...These women are possibly at the highest risk for self-destructive behaviours...Also, this type of smut may even have her children around when she is doing business...and the chances of multiple baby daddies with questionable characters is very high...This smut is essentially a door mat...Dudes use her to gain sexual confidence and then move on...
In conclusion, the behaviour may be troubling, but more important questions are what is the motive and what is the attitude towards the behaviour...?
If Smut is rich, I don't care about the past or present, I just know I will use her for my own advancement...If she makes me her one and only penis, then I win...If she doesn't make me her one and only penis, then I break even...It's a no lose situation..
If it is biological smut, then I am in it for the sexual adventure and education...No emotional or unreasonable financial investment...
If it is a strong situational smut, then I am in it with a very cautions and realistic perspective...Basically, "hope for the best, but be completely prepared for the worst"...We would really have to talk openly and honestly...I would need to know everything she did, why she did it, how did she feel when she was doing it, how does she feel for doing it, who she did it with, where did she do it, for how long did she do it, was it on film or any other recording, who else knows and etc.
If I am satisfied with the responses and I get the sense that she is resilient and the experience did not make her bitter and broken, then I don't see why it wouldn't work...(a) even if she didn't enjoy it, she still has a lot of sexual experience (b) if you treat her with respect and acceptance, she will probably never cheat on you, even if you don't meet her sexual needs, because she has been there done that, and she knows what men are like, and how hard it is to be in a enjoyable supportive relationship, so she will compromise certain things to make the relationship work...
Know that I think about it, I would rather be with a reformed strong situational smut, then any other woman, especially a "good woman", you never know how they will respond when they hit 25 and up, and the hormones start swirl around again...
It is a weak situational smut, then I am NOT getting involved...The vagina isn't worth the trouble you will be exposing yourself to...