when you live in a rude me first society
They're both wrong, she's a rude a$$
All she had to say was times are hard, can I BORROW(with real intentions to pay back) $20 for gas to get to your place
He in turn would pay, and then say first trip is free on me, or he can say I'll lend you $25 for gas, and don't press her just to see where her intentions are. If he finds she starting to cost him and being rude about it, he should bush her. People want to be rude and expect you to still be kind.
If they're both broke they can work out some type of borrow system
Times are hard everywhere, but being rude and selfish is going to rob so many people of decent connections. the whole culture is built on getting over until the connection is not even valued.
Everybody was broke and poor in the 40s and 50s and worked out a way to be together
Today people create their own emotional hell because they prideful and love being wicked to one another.