The Wall Is Undefeated!
There's no evidence that lockdowns being all that effective.This is a dumb hot take. This is the case with lockdowns and mask wearing in effect. Theres 331 million people in the US. By your logic, if everyone caught covid, over 5 million people would die. Thats alot. If it wasnt for social distancing and lockdowns then the numbers would be greater.
There's been a couple of studies showing that lockdowns aren't effective:
Lockdowns Don’t Prevent Coronavirus Spread
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Of course, it's about numbers (among other things). By analyzing the numbers and applying them then we can find how the Virus spreads, who's the most vulnerable and how to prevent more deaths.But this isnt about numbers. Its about how dangerously it spreads and hits people different. Thats why the vaccine is important to prevent this