Agree. No straight man is gonna wake up one day and think "Man I wonder what that dikk is hittin like?"
You either are or you aren't
You either are or you aren't
Here is another conducted by Vanderbilt students utilizing CDC datathat's not a peer-reviewed paper...
take a look at other papers that author wrote and you start to get his theme....
(bunch of gun papers and he ran for politics as a you know what)
I guess Boosie really was just looking out for his son!
(I guess Gay/idiot) scientists found a strong correlation with child molestation.
I'll just drop this here and leave you folks to your soul searching in peace
An Open Secret: Child Sexual Abuse as One Possible Cause of Homosexuality
LGBTs report childhood sexual abuse at 3x-8x the rate of heterosexuals. LGBTs have similar order of magnitude higher rates of substance abuse, suicide, mental ipapers.ssrn.com
Here is another conducted by Vanderbilt students utilizing CDC data
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Distress Among US Adults by Sexual Orientation
This cross-sectional study uses Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to characterize adverse childhood experiences and mental distress by sexual orientation.jamanetwork.com
So how do you explain prison?sweet at best
A complete idiot at worst
If you’re willing to die on the hill that someone or something can make you gay , in my opinion it’s because deep down something gay turned you on before or had you curious
No 100% straight person will believe an outside force can make ppl gay
Cuz they’re ashamed …
This shyt ain't even peer reviewed(I guess Gay/idiot) scientists found a strong correlation with child molestation.
I'll just drop this here and leave you folks to your soul searching in peace
An Open Secret: Child Sexual Abuse as One Possible Cause of Homosexuality
LGBTs report childhood sexual abuse at 3x-8x the rate of heterosexuals. LGBTs have similar order of magnitude higher rates of substance abuse, suicide, mental ipapers.ssrn.com
so you were born gay you didn't become gay?sweet at best
A complete idiot at worst
If you’re willing to die on the hill that someone or something can make you gay , in my opinion it’s because deep down something gay turned you on before or had you curious
No 100% straight person will believe an outside force can make ppl gay
I only made mention of the strong statistic correlation, one that is present in practically every study on this.The person you are citing here is a conservative lol who denies the existence of white privilege, thinks BLM promoted hatred, and said the following about critical race theory:
"CRT is blaming white people (and Asian people) today for actions taken by other white people decades ago, some of whom have no relationship to whites who immigrated to the North after the 1880s.
Those who pretend otherwise need to stop using race as the basis for telling people today that they are responsible for institutions and practices rapidly receding in the memory of anyone alive today. The last slave died in 1948. Jim Crow has been dead for decades. De jure racial segregation of schools became unlawful and was actually ended after vigorous intervention by the national government when I was a child. Any black child getting a bad education today needs to take it up with the local school board (the ones promoting CRT to avoid discussing their failings)."
I Do Not Believe It; If True, No Loss
2/16/22 Daily Caller : Indiana teachers are expecting a mass exodus from the education profession if the state passes a bill that will rest...claytonecramer.blogspot.com
did you read this part?
"No research has found that [adverse childhood experiences] cause sexual minority identity; rather, it is hypothesized that perpetrators target socially vulnerable youth (eg, individuals with low income or a disability), including sexual minority individuals."
So if you mean to argue that molestation leads to homosexuality, you just posted an article that directly argues against that![]()
"In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls. Suggestions for future research were offered."This shyt ain't even peer reviewed
It's a random article by a random history adjunct thatseemingly specializes in gun and 2nd amendment history
Don't let your confirmation bias run you
This is a terrible analogy. Murders are murderers because of their actions. Gay people don’t have to actually to do anything sexual to be gay, they just have to be attracted to the same sex to be gay.THATS LIKE SAYING “IF U THINK MURDERERS ARENT BORN MURDERERS THEN I THINK U SECRETLY WANT TO KILL PEOPLE”