if i may add, i would flip the whole argument of this thread, i would assert that the main purpose of slavery, jim crow laws and continued racism is to make sure black people do NOT participate in capitalism because the more capitalism black people practice the richer and more powerful black people will get
and lets talk abut slavery and capitalism
one of the basic concepts of capitalism is economic freedom, that means you are free to participate and make contracts with whomever and however you wish, slavery is not capitalism because slavery represents a denial of economic freedom, the slave never went into a contract with his so called "owner"
the notion of turning a human being into chattel or a possession is not a function of capitalism, its a function of the racism and depravity of Europeans, capitalism means economic freedom which in turn means an african would go into a contract under his free will that lays out the terms for his labor , so the purpose of chattel slavery is to make sure the africans did not participate in capitalism and did not exercise his or her freedom to make a contract
this whole anti capitalism gibberish is a trap for black people, they are using anger at white racism to denigrate a system that has made countries like the US, western europe, japan and china rich and powerful, by spurning capitalism we are spurning the chance to operate at the same level as the powerful and rich countries
and a lot of white people pushing anti capitalism are people that have already received the fruits of capitalism and practice it themselves when they need to and a lot of people like castro and chavez that have actually implemented anti capitalist theories have brought their countries to economic ruin
if we are gonna fight against corporate domination or try to smooth out the edges of capitalism with social programs im all for that, but society has to be fundamentally capitalist to survive and thrive---capitalist being defined as property ownership, banking and financial systems, economic freedom and entrepreneurialism
when you look at poor black neighborhoods ie the hood, they arent like that because of capitalism, they are like that because of the LACK of capitalism, the racism around those neighborhoods are made to make sure the residents do not participate in capitalism
this here is an example of how white people try to stop black people from participating in capitalism and increasing their wealth
by spurning capitalism you are doing exactly what white racists want