if you are a pro gun american...


Jun 8, 2012
If guns become illegal, only the people with illegal intent would own guns, because obviously they don't care about the law. Meaning criminals would have the upper hand.

Guns are here and aren't going away. They need to restrict other items. Drum magazines, extended magazines, certain ammunition etc. There is no need to have armor piercing rounds etc for basic home defense.

In the Bahamas pop approx 350,000 (pulled # out of thin air)
100+ murders most by guns
Guns are mostly illegal, or hard to get (all handguns are shop owners may own a shotgun, or for hunting)

The Bahamas: Police seize 212 illegal guns so far this year | IANSA - the global movement against gun violence

I'd rather own a gun legally and have a chance to defend my home in America, than just have my machete back home. :yeshrug:

Im in Florida and the gun laws are wide-open..
uhhh if you havent noticed criminals have the upper hand all over the country RIGHT NOW. who you foolin.

you have a gun under your bed. burgular comes in thru the back door. you dont hear him cause your fan is on(to noisey). he creeps up on you. POP POP> nite nite. you never had a chance to pull your weapon.

you at the ATM, criminal runs up on you with gun in hand. "GIVE ME THE MONEY NUCCA" you have a gun on you. but you cant reach for it or else "POP POP." you lose again.

you're in the theater watching the last batman. some fool gets up and unloads. you have a gun on you, but its to late dude shot you in the back of the head since he was sitting behind you. POP POP.

criminals will always have the upper hand even if you have a gun or not. unless you are trigger happy yourself and sitting there with your gun in hand on edge. if a nucca look funny you shooting. and if thats the case you will kill more innocent then you will criminals.

So again why do you need that gun so badly?

truth is, if you want protection remember you cant shoot a bullet. the best thing would be for people to have very thin and lightweight armor on at all times(vests) since most people shoot for the chest or back. its a tougher shot to shoot someone in the head. but you can have a bullet proof fitted hat created. thats very light in weight.

thats what yall should be calling for.

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
you are correct about what we need to do to fix things. but a chain, bat, swords, fists cant kill multiple people in a matter of seconds. but a Glock can. and lets not get into that AR 15 discussion.

the point is until we can get to the bottom of all this like you say. maybe we need to take away the heavy weaponry until we can get this thing right. it takes a special kind of person to stab someone, use a sword, hit someone with a bat, stick, or first. you have to realllly want to get it in. to shoot someone it takes nothing but a pull of a trigger. from distance. you dont even have to get out of the car.
the other weapons also give the other person a chance at defending themselves. a gun situation its pretty much a wrap.

The thing is, you can ban em, make em illegal, whatever; but that doesn't stop them from manufacturing their own firearms (which people can do). Even if there was a country wide ban, the people who don't care for laws are most likely going to be packing illegally anyway.


May 1, 2012


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
you are correct about what we need to do to fix things. but a chain, bat, swords, fists cant kill multiple people in a matter of seconds. but a Glock can. and lets not get into that AR 15 discussion.

the point is until we can get to the bottom of all this like you say. maybe we need to take away the heavy weaponry until we can get this thing right. it takes a special kind of person to stab someone, use a sword, hit someone with a bat, stick, or first. you have to realllly want to get it in. to shoot someone it takes nothing but a pull of a trigger. from distance. you dont even have to get out of the car.
the other weapons also give the other person a chance at defending themselves. a gun situation its pretty much a wrap.

Acts of mass violence were around before the gun. A person can still put up numbers with a car, a sword or even a bat. Re-building a moral foundation is the key.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
This website is full of gun happy idiot Americans. You'll get nowhere with a rational discussion of firearms proliferation. Then they complain and wonder why their cities and communities are plunged in eternal warfare, and then blame their lack of "family and cultural values", which is at its base a racist argument against their own people.

I haven't even read this thread but I'm sure some jackasses have already said "guns don't kill people, people kill people" or some other similar cliche :snoop:


Jun 8, 2012
The thing is, you can ban em, make em illegal, whatever; but that doesn't stop them from manufacturing their own firearms (which people can do). Even if there was a country wide ban, the people who don't care for laws are most likely going to be packing illegally anyway.
but the truth is, read what i wrote. YOU aint no match with your gun vs a criminal with a gun. unless you are on your P's and Q's. and most of us aint. most of us WILL..GET caught SLIPPIN. cause you aint built like that. you aint trying to kill people on the daily. you have to wait and go on DEFENSE. the best defense is a good offense. problem is. how can you go on offense vs criminals you have never met? you cant. going on offense = being so paranoid to the point where you are about to shoot your daughter when she stumbles in your room at night cause she had a bad dream "DADDDDY...". POP POP "oh shhhhh, baby you alright, you alright. oh lawdddd NO."

thats the outcome in those situations more times the not. the only times you protect yourself from a criminal when you have a gun. is when you HEAR the intruder TRYING to get in or downstairs then you get your gun. then you hopefully shoot that fool before he shoots you. and even then its 50/50.

you still dont have the upper hand.

so whats the point? you are just trying to keep from getting shot and badly injured/killed. if thats the case a gun cant shoot a bullet down. the best move is to get body armor(light weight stuff). so if a fool catch you slippin a bit and starts shooting. he shooting a vest or a bullet proof fitted. you still have a chance to live. without having to bust your gun which you would be slower to do then a criminal anyway since you are always on the defense.

lastly, These CAC's who go on shooting sprees usually have LEGAL weapons. the people with illegal guns are gangstas and street thugs. not crazee whiteee.
crazee whitee bought his gun at the gun store down the street or at a Gun show.

so if you lock down on the gun laws and who can get them or how much hell and paper work you have to go thru to get one non automatic weapon. even these crazees wouldnt own them. or if they did they would already be on the FBI radar.

and you would still have your vest on and armored fitted just in case someone tries to dark knight you from behind. you're still prepared. never slippin.

people just want their guns because its all they have ever known. there's no other logical reason behind it. NON.

and those idiots thinking a little glock is going to stop a bradely vehicle from driving thru your front door. is silly at best.so no, keeping your guns are not keeping cops out of your house or the army off your streets if they wanted to.


Jun 8, 2012
Acts of mass violence were around before the gun. A person can still put up numbers with a car, a sword or even a bat. Re-building a moral foundation is the key.

drive your car upstairs on the elevator into an office building. let me see it happen.

drive your car into a theater into the area where people watch movies. let me see it happen.

try to sword multiple people to death in a crowded area without getting killed afer the first two swipes.

yes a moral foundation is key. but you have to live in the real world of today. everyone is immoral. so what to do today to make it less likely for people to harm mutiple people in a short timespan? ease up on the weaponery.

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
uhhh if you havent noticed criminals have the upper hand all over the country RIGHT NOW. who you foolin.

you have a gun under your bed. burgular comes in thru the back door. you dont hear him cause your fan is on(to noisey). he creeps up on you. POP POP> nite nite. you never had a chance to pull your weapon.
:laff: :shaq2:

truth is, if you want protection remember you cant shoot a bullet. the best thing would be for people to have very thin and lightweight armor on at all times(vests) since most people shoot for the chest or back. its a tougher shot to shoot someone in the head. but you can have a bullet proof fitted hat created. thats very light in weight.

thats what yall should be calling for.

:laff: :clap:


May 29, 2012
dont agree with this. live in a society where only the police and bad guys have guns then you will see. be glad you can conceal carry your shyt without mandatory 5 year sentances.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
drive your car upstairs on the elevator into an office building. let me see it happen.

drive your car into a theater into the area where people watch movies. let me see it happen.

try to sword multiple people to death in a crowded area without getting killed afer the first two swipes.

yes a moral foundation is key. but you have to live in the real world of today. everyone is immoral. so what to do today to make it less likely for people to harm mutiple people in a short timespan? ease up on the weaponery.

The problem is that people spend more time against the guns than they do against overall violence in general. They are so obsessed with the guns that they look beyond the bigger picture. That glass half full philosphy doesn't answer the problem, it only attempts to deal with an extension of it. If the guns are taken away....what happens then? People will go back to more primative and barbaric methods of violence, thats not progress. If you want to fix the problem, you have to fix the people. This all is so much deeper than the gun.