If wrestlers were draft picks who would be the biggest bust?

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
I agree with this for the most part. Taz wasn't ever going to be a top guy in the WWE with all the talent they had at the time. Although I don't agree that the Radicals were pushed as a much bigger deal than him. They both were made to look strong for like a week, then fell into the midcard where they were doing jobs regularly to acts like Too Cool and Crash Holly. Benoit was really the only one who was booked strong for an extended period of time. Taz was doing fine doing his suplexes and chokehold when he first came in, but like almost everybody who debuted in the WWE in the attitude era he fell into the midcard and became just a guy within weeks.

There was no excuse to bug him the way they did after how great he looked against Kurt Angle. He was basically exclusively in the hardcore division after that.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Are you serious?

You gotta remember, territories were king back then. You couldn't tell a Sportatorium fan that wwf was any better or even bigger.

Von Erichs in the Texas were Hogan level in fan adoration. If Hogan and Kerry Von Erich were walking together I promise u fans would mob Kerry more.

It's why they never truly tried to branch out. By the time Kerry left for wwe, he only had 1 foot and was on the decline.

The rest of the brothers(Kevint to a lesser degree) didn't have "it" like that and were only in it bc it was the family trade.

Oh, I feel you 100%

In Texas the Von Erichs will always be gods, but Kerry could've been huge outside ot Texas

Kerry Von Erich could've been Ultimate Warrior status world wide

Green Ranger

I Am Legend
May 24, 2012
Angel Grove California
I wasn't watching much back then... what happened with the bold?
If I remember right allegedly she was post to be in the Alicia Fox spot
Since I remember they had Krystal and Vickie back then as best friends and shyt
I think she or Lashley wasn’t comfortable with the angle


May 18, 2015
Oh, I feel you 100%

In Texas the Von Erichs will always be gods, but Kerry could've been huge outside ot Texas

Kerry Von Erich could've been Ultimate Warrior status world wide

I'm not sure any of the Von Erichs could/would have been huge outside of Texas for a couple of reasons

1. Texans are such homers for Texans and Texas. There's really nothing else like it in America. I'd compare it to Canadians and their pride in themselves/countrymen.
2. No where would have booked them as strong as their own father relying on them to keep the territory alive.
3. They all had such wonky, idiosyncratic work styles because of how they were brought into the business, so unlike most stars who would travel around and pick up different styles and techniques, they never really did because they never did significant excursions to other territories. David had the longest time in another territory and it was like 7months in Florida and he was still working WCCW for part of that time anyway.
4. They were ugly as fukk. Yeah sure Kerry and Kevin had the bodies, but man, I'm not sure there's a group of dudes in the industry history that looks as inbred as them Von Erich boys. Kevin was really out there looking like Freddy Krueger in ANOES 2.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
I'm not sure any of the Von Erichs could/would have been huge outside of Texas for a couple of reasons

1. Texans are such homers for Texans and Texas. There's really nothing else like it in America. I'd compare it to Canadians and their pride in themselves/countrymen.
2. No where would have booked them as strong as their own father relying on them to keep the territory alive.
3. They all had such wonky, idiosyncratic work styles because of how they were brought into the business, so unlike most stars who would travel around and pick up different styles and techniques, they never really did because they never did significant excursions to other territories. David had the longest time in another territory and it was like 7months in Florida and he was still working WCCW for part of that time anyway.
4. They were ugly as fukk. Yeah sure Kerry and Kevin had the bodies, but man, I'm not sure there's a group of dudes in the industry history that looks as inbred as them Von Erich boys. Kevin was really out there looking like Freddy Krueger in ANOES 2.


1. Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Dusty Rhodes, and The Undertaker are ALL Texans and somehow found their way to becoming some of the hugest stars in the history of the business.

2. I agree Fritz had an incentive to book them strong, but Kerry was better than Warrior, come on. Plus, he wasn't a complete indecipherable lunatic.

3. Now, this one I kind of agree with you about. I guess I was thinking that Kerry being plugged into the WWF machine could've become something bigger than "Texas Tornado"

4. Dude, Kerry mad bytches sweating him G. And let's not forget how ugly guys like Hogan and Dusty are. They did alright for themselves.

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Have to add Cain Velasquez in here due to that other thread being made lol. He was completely washed by the time he got to the WWE and they spent a ton of money on him just to have two matches and look like one of the most un-intimidating guys ever.
  • Dap
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May 18, 2015

1. Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Dusty Rhodes, and The Undertaker are ALL Texans and somehow found their way to becoming some of the hugest stars in the history of the business.

2. I agree Fritz had an incentive to book them strong, but Kerry was better than Warrior, come on. Plus, he wasn't a complete indecipherable lunatic.

3. Now, this one I kind of agree with you about. I guess I was thinking that Kerry being plugged into the WWF machine could've become something bigger than "Texas Tornado"

4. Dude, Kerry mad bytches sweating him G. And let's not forget how ugly guys like Hogan and Dusty are. They did alright for themselves.

In regards to 1, what I meant was this guys were Texan gods in Texas, for Texan fans. That dynamic isn't the same anywhere else for them but WCCW. While popular in other areas they'd stop in at as attractions (they were most over in Japan, but the places in the US they worked most after WCCW was Mid South and they were already working close to those areas with WCCW anyway), it was never anything like how they were treated in Texas.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I feel like the Big Show was brought in to be Shaq, but ended up being Ronny Seikaly

Hogun had made the giant. Or big show dated goods. Back when hogun somehow fooled a young giant.
If not for that.
Giant would have put hogun out to pasture and the athletic giant would have been a thing on such an obscene level. Wcw fukked up by even bringing in hogun. When they had giant originally. As hogun was always low quality workrate. Or trying to play goblin and bury the card threatening talent with goblins style misinformation and ho shyt. That the giant had his spirit broke and never recovered. When originally the giant was a potential untapped enigma ahead of his time for that time.

Hogun ruined the giant. That we never got see.
what the real potential of the giant really ever was.

Past overly charismatic glimpses to troll hogun. Or when given material without a burial attached. Giant or big show could and did work well. Yet those performances were so awestriking and potentially ahead of the other main event era in th clique. They always found a way to stop whatever troll joke.
that backfired and then turn the good giant or show performance. Into some utter burial based bullshyt. That wiht never felt the need to do more from my perspective ranting his work over his career. Shame too. As the giant was next level on debut to his first title. Till that lame ass hogun goblin bullshyt purposefully buried this kid giant. That by the time the giant would jump to the wwe and be big show. This full potential never appeared.
As the talented kid giant was lost for ever.

Past saving his wife. Or comedic angles to save his father's watch. Being a literal cartoon come to life. As big show was great .
when motivated and not buried .
Yet the clique locker room semantics was always going to harm tha giant turned big show. As show was more talented than the big boi clique members.

Plus had an original box office draw.
that eclipsed and exceeded the clique.
before hogun buried him as well.

Big show or tha giant is a big what if that is never discussed. That was ruined in perception completely.
by the goblin and clique rules burial bullshyt.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I think Nakamura is a legend regardless of his time in WWE

Nakamura's workrate was neutered in the wwe to his detriment. That you can go watch and see it is neutered.
By watching and comparing :

Njpw v wwe

Aj styles v nakamura

Their mania match should have been next level of their njpw. When their mania match is a neutered workrate bullshyt waste of viewing time at mania og all places. When compared to the previous styles v Naka in njpw match.

Wwe is just dialed back bullshyt. So no one can surpass rhe son in law in gate receipts or draw at height.
So every inring encounter. Is always going to be completely neutered in workrate and quality. Which makes wwe damn near unwatchable for me.

Art Barr