/ threadMost Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are in no physical condition for any war. It's keyboard warrior talk.
Armed militias seize a territory in a city and government buildings and declare it independent which forces the government to send in the military to deal with it. A few of those pop up across the country and gain any traction through social media and disruption of those cities and it’s effectively a civil war. It doesn’t have to involve most of the can there be a civil war? You would have to make it known which side you are on it's not like the country is divided between north and south territories, and the military aren't all one party.... even though people try to say they are all Republicans, that's not the case.
Hell nawll. They act like it, but they ain't on that type of Time for real...
Folks out here got jobs and careers and ain't willing to Risk that
This generation is ADHD theyd move on to the next story and they aint bout shyt because they aint giving up their tvs cellphones and fast food