If Trump were to win how will things be any different/worse for black people?

Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
Ok, cac. Your broke ass just got hit with that $1200 stimulus. We both put that amount up on the table. I prove whatever you want me to prove and you prove you're Black. What's up, p*ssy?
You fukking midget. Stop following me around the forum and go mess with them broke ugly escorts :heh:

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Because of a virus dumbass. We been setting all time economic highs throughout his presidency.
The caping is questionable, but......
I'm a bytch ass white boy. I put mayonnaise on everything and participate in extreme sports.
That Riot Remix he just dropped is hott.

Yeah I'm white, no ginger.

Ferguson thread:
Oh no...a theif got high, assaulted a cop, and got killed. How ever will the world continue spinning without this fine young man here to contribute?
Ok now your caping makes sense.

Ugo Ogugwa

Neega Wotsssss
May 1, 2012
The country is going to go into a recession. Almost guaranteed under Trump.

In fact that seems to happen every time a Republican is elected; see the Nixon, Reagan; Bush I and Bush II years. Black people are going to lose a lot of jobs; again.

Yousa bytch but you was right


Jun 22, 2012
Because of a virus dumbass. We been setting all time economic highs throughout his presidency.

c'mon breh...there has been a crutch holding the economy together, it has been on the up and up for a decade it doesnt just crash over night. The crutch has been held up by large corporations he gave tax cuts to, in return they didnt not hire more or pay more they been reinvesting and purchasing equipment etc and its making the economy look good, is a false indication of americas economic condition.

Why do you think day 1 of the presidency he had CEO's in his office and last week they all call a round table and now they are lighting fire under his ass? Corporation own him, they put him in this place because the promises and the benefits they get from him, there is not trickle down effect into pay and jobs like they said when he bamboozled america saying poeple would get more pay and as soon as in office only the Big corps made out big because of the real tax cuts. All jobs numbers are bs low paying and part time jobs and they are falsely using this numbers as a economic indicator or job growth and unemployment, nobody is making more money in lower and middle class level.

Last year the economy shut down or 2 weeks and everyone and their mom working in DC was selling cars, houses and fridges just to pay a mortgage..now all of america is praying for a $1200 check..yeah REAL GOOD ECONOMY....people cant even service months, but great talking point breh..you sound like a trump man or one of his broke supporters that would benefit under bernie better but because racist say the economy is great. Before his 2nd term the realness would come out because that crutch can only last so long before an economic downturn, and by that time, he is out of office leaving the next administration to clean it up, while he badmouths them saying he held the economy down and now out of office the Dems wrecked the country..I already see it happening.

Its funny i asked everyone and they said are not getting anymore money.

Trump is an idiot he wants to own all gains and point finger for loses as he always blames..this is under his watch, he messed up Americas growth under Obama Administration, he inherited something good and messed it up...all he can say is he inherited a bad economy, no masks empty shelves yaddi yaddi yah....please tell me this , the man spent everyday blaming Democrats, what has he actually done in office to make the economy, he has no policies that he has come up with, all he has done is reverse obamas policies and while making noise and blaming people..steady rolling back stuff, putting his people into place and doing sketchy shyt ..america forgets easy and is full of sheep is all i can say.

Micky Mouse could have done a better job than this clown...the worse presidents i have seen is better than this fool