If the tables were turned and women were to

Guy Incognito

Homer? Who is Homer?
May 10, 2012
Do men like for women to approach them?

I ask this because some of my male friends say they dont like women who are too aggressive. What ever that means.

Any truth to this fellas?
Aggression, like looks and confidence is all subjective...

One person may see your approach as over aggressive... while the next man may view you as tenacious...

What I will say is that if a man likes you he will love your aggression/tenacity...

However if he doesn't, he will see you are clingy and someone who "doesn't get the message"....

IMO the best approach for women is to just be around the person you like (but know when to leave)... Then ask if they want to go out friday. Simple

If he's feeling you he will definitely say yes... If not let it go.
Jun 2, 2012
bytches approach me already, not outright axin' for my number doe, but just makin conversation

usually they wait for me to initiate convo cuz they feel somewhat intimidated :jawalrus:, or atleast thats wut i tell myself :yeshrug:

its easier to turn somebody down if they don't outright ax for your number, if a bytch hollering at u and if u not feeling her u will be cold/distant in tha convo but u can still be cordial..... it works tha same way when a nikka holla at a bytch, if she's receptive u in there, if not :manny: do it movin

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
The problem with your theory is men want more then 10% of women. So most likely we would only turn down the really fat and ugly girls. Any avg woman that is after us we fukking.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I know for me personally being on the shy side that I love when women approach it makes things alot easier.

I'm not insisting that girls ask me out, but to strike a conversation occasionally, or maybe give a compliment.
I'm oblivious alot of times to when women are sending signals so this makes your presence known to me.

Eventually I will get the point and take care of the rest.

I'm more on the shy side myself and it kind of sucks because I've been told I'm attractive, so a lot of ladies see an attractive guy not approaching them and they assume that I'm arrogant. And if I DO approach them, they're like "You really think you can get all of us" when I aint been getting none in months :to:

Regarding being approached yeah it depends, I hate it when a girl that I'm not feeling approaches me because I don't want to be a prick and hurt feelings so I try to send signals but some chicks don't get it and keep on coming. shyt once a girl was going at it HARD for a whole party and I was politely deflecting her until at some point she grabs my arm and says "let's go" I'm like Get the fukk off of me :manny: Couple days later, I hear she spreading the word that I'm gay :wtb:

Another thing I don't like about girls approaching men is that sometimes it feels like some kind of show they're putting for their friends, or even worse that one girl that wants to approach you comes over with like 4 of her girls and they all giggling in the background. I ain't there to put a show though. And I think some girls think that if they approach a guy that guy kind of HAS to do be down, because of a certain "well men only want to fukk anyway" attitude.

But I guess us guys can be asses too so I won't blame the ladies too much.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
I'm more on the shy side myself and it kind of sucks because I've been told I'm attractive, so a lot of ladies see an attractive guy not approaching them and they assume that I'm arrogant. And if I DO approach them, they're like "You really think you can get all of us" when I aint been getting none in months :to:

Regarding being approached yeah it depends, I hate it when a girl that I'm not feeling approaches me because I don't want to be a prick and hurt feelings so I try to send signals but some chicks don't get it and keep on coming. shyt once a girl was going at it HARD for a whole party and I was politely deflecting her until at some point she grabs my arm and says "let's go" I'm like Get the fukk off of me :manny: Couple days later, I hear she spreading the word that I'm gay :wtb:

Another thing I don't like about girls approaching men is that sometimes it feels like some kind of show they're putting for their friends, or even worse that one girl that wants to approach you comes over with like 4 of her girls and they all giggling in the background. I ain't there to put a show though. And I think some girls think that if they approach a guy that guy kind of HAS to do be down, because of a certain "well men only want to fukk anyway" attitude.

But I guess us guys can be asses too so I won't blame the ladies too much.
Son that's like the story of my life right there :skip:

Girls think I'm arrogant because I don't sweat them like that, I've also been told I'm attractive by girls but I'm shy and I've struggled with self confidence issues my whole life, so I'm mad cautious about approaching women.

And you right, if you reject them they throw out the gay accusations. :comeon:

I've had attractive girls into me before but I was still reluctant to make a move, sometimes its even harder when you know the girl is feelin you because there's pressure placed on you to close the deal. I wish the more attractive girls made moves on dudes they like sometimes because shyt would be alot easier.

But I know I have issues that I got to work on too, it ain't all on the women
Alot of it is on me. :snoop:


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Son that's like the story of my life right there :skip:

Girls think I'm arrogant because I don't sweat them like that, I've also been told I'm attractive by girls but I'm shy and I've struggled with self confidence issues my whole life, so I'm mad cautious about approaching women.

And you right, if you reject them they throw out the gay accusations. :comeon:

I've had attractive girls into me before but I was still reluctant to make a move, sometimes its even harder when you know the girl is feelin you because there's pressure placed on you to close the deal. I wish the more attractive girls made moves on dudes they like sometimes because shyt would be alot easier.

But I know I have issues that I got to work on too, it ain't all on the women
Alot of it is on me. :snoop:

Co-sign...it is what it is breh :manny: