Vegan For a Reason
Moses physically resembled a "black" group of people.... It isn't hard to understand.....
It never said that.
Moses physically resembled a "black" group of people.... It isn't hard to understand.....
It never said that.
He is working on the assumption that ancient Egyptians were black.
like that guy?
You see how the two guys holding the black guy hostage look exactly like the man you posted......
When I said Brown, I meant like the guy in the middle... the one that is obviously brown...
He is working on trying to prove Israelites were black by using assumptions on scriptures. Not one direct scripture will be shown of the israelites being black.
So the guy I posted ain't brown?
Well, if he ain't brown what color is he then?
is there any native African tribes that talk about these figures or beliefs ?
or is all after contact with non africans ?
He wouldn't be mistaken for an egyptian... I'll say that
The verse before that says Moses' skin becomes white....... he sticks his hand back in and it returns back to its normal color......
"Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." Jeremiah 13:23
Interesting bible verse