According to the OT, the original Hebrews we're African. Reading between the lines without a whitewashed and arabized notion, and knowing a bit of our history outside of the Bible really helped me connect the dots:
1. Egypt, along with Mount Sinai is in Africa. 'Palestine' or 'Israel' was first inhabited by the tribal sons of Ham, Canaan.
2. Moses came from the south. The more south one goes, the more into Africa one goes.
3. For those that don't know, if we look at our modern map, the Nile flows 'UP' ; from the POV of the original African, he or she would see it as flowing 'down'.
Keeping it simple, the Nile River flows 'UP' towards Egypt, with the source coming from Uganda and Ethiopia. According to the story, Moses was put in a basket in the Nile, traveled UP the river, and was found by Pharaohs grand-daughter.
4. Moses adoptive Pharaoh grand-father would've had Moses killed if he knew he was a Hebrew; grand-father Pharaoh couldn't tell because Moses looked like an African.
Ditto for Jacob's Israelite brothers. After not seeing him for several years, Jacob's Hebrew brothers could not distinguish him from other Egyptians. Egypt was still a multicultural expression of different African ethnic groups and tribes during those times. If Jacob was the modern depiction of a so-called Arab or Anglo, his brothers would have been able to recognize him easier amongst the native Black Egyptians.
5. The Canaanites did not distinguish between the Hebrews and Egyptians when Jacob's father, Joseph was buried. To me, this means the best way to distinguish them would be by what they wore, not their skin tone.
There's more but I haven't read the OT in a minute and anyone can google the sons of Noah and follow the descendants from there.
Finally, so-called Black people have been betraying other Black people for centuries. If Cain and Abel both come from Black parents, then according to the OT, we've been killing each other since the beginning of Earth's time. Take it all the way to modern times when Malcolm was done dirty by his own 'tribe'. Black people aren't this perfect unified group that never had trouble before the so-called white man and so-called Arab enslaved our ancestors, although those non-African groups certainly contributed to our current fukked up situation.
There was a time when Black Africans we're virtually the only modern humans to exist; there's no doubt we had our tribal wars and conflicts, so it shouldn't be a shock that it happened in the Bible too.