Where does Khazaria fit in this dialogue
He cracked yo mama jokes?
He is asking to be shot.
In ancient times, the phrase "Jew" was used solely for those descended from Judah.
However, after the separation of Israel into two kingdoms the phrase "Jew" has come to describe all those who are descended from Jacob.
Where does Khazaria fit in this dialogue
The original text of the new testament was written Aramaic, which comes from Hebrew
Like I said, it was the Pharisses who wanted Jesus killed. In context, it is "the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus", and not "all Jews". Jesus was Jewish and so were his parents and friends. Pharisees were a Jewish group of people who were very self-righteous and did things to the letter of the law and thought they were perfect and they were judgmental. Jesus pointed out the flaws of the Pharisees. He made them look like fools in public. And because of that, they wanted him killed."For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone." 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
The originals are no longer in existence, so no one really knows what language they were written in. However, the EARLIEST New Testament manuscripts known to us were written in Greek.
Of course white people cannot be mistaken for black people. I never said they couldn't be.White people can not be mistaken for black people; specifically for black people who have two black parents....
Question, do you believe the Israelites are in their homeland today?
Like I said, it was the Pharisses who wanted Jesus killed. In context, it is "the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus", and not "all Jews". Jesus was Jewish and so were his parents and friends. Pharisees were a Jewish group of people who were very self-righteous and did things to the letter of the law and thought they were perfect and they were judgmental. Jesus pointed out the flaws of the Pharisees. He made them look like fools in public. And because of that, they wanted him killed.
They've found aramaic scrolls containing parts of the new testament
The Old and New testament are european christian concepts, so yes those would be in greeks
were the text is actually derived from is from scrolls written in hebrew and aramaic
there is no Hebrew Bible, the bible is just a collection of stories put into a book called that
they took the torah and called it the Old testament
they took some scrolls they found and called it the new testament, when they consolidated
the thing with people is that they are easily fooled by Names and Such
The authors of the bible spoke hebrew and aramaic, so why would they write in greek, use your brain
No proof what so ever but you want to state has fact because this what europeans want to believe
and it's not recognized by fact
people even debate the syriac predating greek, none of what you saying is proven
the 1st century AD Historan Jospheus stated his nation did not encourage the learning of greek
Matthew and Luke are not real names
...and how do you know these are the original ones?
The majority of the Old Testament books were written in Hebrew save for a few books like Daniel which was written partly in Aramaic. The Jews do not not accept Daniel in their canon for this very reason.
The Hebrew canon was only translated into Koine Greek in the 3rd century BCE and this copy became known as the LXX or Septuagint.
Not entirely true.
The Torah is just a collection of the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). I think you mean to say the Tanakh
The authors of the bible spoke Greek (John 12:20-22). Koine Greek was the dominant language of the Roman Empire during Christ's time.
Also, the majority of the books that became known as the New Testament were written to the Gentiles (that is mainly Greek speaking folks). Why would they write in Hebrew and Aramaic?
Because you say so? Where is the evidence?
Matthew is name is Mattityahu which translate to gift of god
Simon is Shimon
John is Yochanan
Thomas is Tau'ma
that's what the verse you quoted says
stop it with this nonsense
And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
Stoner question of the day