Pretty much that means Jesus died in chicago
a brother could tell you lost nikkas that 2+2 = 4 and you wouldn't believe them
but you believe the white man when he tells you peanut butter + 476.3/5 * 80 + air bud 4 = 4
btw @FLYINHAWAIIAN why do you act like a scorned woman when it comes to this topic? what camp were you in?
and how is @HebrewAllahTripleDarkness not banned yet
The original hebrew/habiru/ebru people were of african descent yes.
The story of jesus was transformed to such a degree that this mans name is now a representation of a greek god.
By the time of his death, egypt was already on a mass decline due to infiltration over the previous centuries. The north and south was divided by hyksos and african rule. Many had already began their 'exodus' away from the kingdom.
The knowledge gained from the empire benefitted the greeks, who had a religious system based on a contorted version of the egyptians. This is now known as hellenistic judaism, and it was stamped out not out of hate, but to preserve its influence among the ruling/aristocratic class, while giving birth to christianity in order to unite the soon to be roman empire (stretching from europe to africa).
So essentially, by the time of jesus' death; the egyptian empire was a shadow of its former self, hellenistic judaism had been adopted in greece, alexander of macedon had already united large parts of asia and africa under his rule. The world wasnt as black as you think it was at this time.
Theres a reason cacs praise the greeks as the cradle of civilization. They took down the last african civilization and allowed europe to flourish.
The next step was always going to be to destroy any remnants of this civilization through scorched/salted earth, resource plundering, excavation/destruction of artefacts, mass deportation/genocide and venturing into the 'new world' which may inhabit the remaining groups. (slave trade)
No... seeing as the people in that region were what we would consider "black" today, I doubt he would be able to fit in with out looking different...
Moses physically resembled a "black" group of people.... It isn't hard to understand.....
The original hebrew/habiru/ebru people were of african descent yes.
They were black africans. Theres a difference between the hebrews of africa/km.t and the hellenistic jews of greece/europe. Europeans had already gained a sense of entitlement in africa and asia through the conquests of alexander. The money changers thrown out of the temple were jewish. There were no black jews or white hebrews."African descent" is pretty vague
They were black africans. Theres a difference between the hebrews of africa/km.t and the hellenistic jews of greece/europe. Europeans had already gained a sense of entitlement in africa and asia through the conquests of alexander. The money changers thrown out of the temple were jewish. There were no black jews or white hebrews.