Dawg if ur 6'0, you 99% aren't 250 lbs unless ur just fat or you have "help". Do you workout? You can go hard as hell in the gym and not gain 50 lbs of MUSCLE. You see your largest gains within the first year of working out.....if you are doing it properly.
There's a reason HGH isn't tested for in the NFL and its clear. If it was tested for, then I might believe you.
Also 195 lbs is not regular man weight. The average man weighs far less than that.
If I stopped working out I'd probably drop 10-15 lbs
I like how you didn't quote my entire post though
:wtfdraper: Do I work out? hahaha I'm not even gonna answer that... I've posted my pictures in the gym forum... Don't you worry about me, guy... I'm 5 ft 9.5 in, 195, and 11%body fat. Thanks for asking though

Also, the person I quoted said 195lbs was regular man weight that folks grow into, not me.... I corrected him and said that 195 is regular man weight for people who are about 5'11'' to 6'1"... Maybe you should read my entire post and the post I was responding to so you avoid confusion...
You can definitely gain 30-50 lbs of muscle in the gym... The only thing is it will take numerous cutting and bulking phases and it will take YEARS.... It definitely depends on your genetics and ability to gain too... Not everyone can do it ofcourse... You're obviously not going to just put on 50lbs of pure muscle right away... For example You might start out by putting on 15-20 lbs in a year.... Some of it being muscle and some if it being fat. Than you have to lose the fat through cutting. So at the end of the bulking and cutting phase it might only be about 7-10 lbs of muscle gain. Then you start bulking again... You do this over and over until you have totaled 50lbs of muscle gain while burning off the fat through your cutting... It is definitely possible without HGH and I've witnessed it...
And you're the one who is saying all of these NFL players are putting on 50lbs of pure muscle at the same height as you as if you know what their lifting, eating routines, and how they have grown throughout their lives... I'm assuming they have been working since high school, not just all of a sudden throwing on 50lbs of pure muscle out of nowhere...
Like I said before... @ 6'0 to 6'4 it is definitely possible to be 220-250lbs with a low bodyfat percentage without taking HGH... Takes a lot of time and work though... creatine/aminos/protein/veggies...