LOL @ you thinking he did it without help
:wtfdraper: LOL @ you think gaining 35-50 pounds of muscle in 3 years is an act that would require any "help" beyond the normal legal methods...
LOL @ you thinking he did it without help
its been proved that hgh actually can make a person have muscle growth and fat loss without any working out at all
not to the extent that it does with a training regimen but still you can sit around on it and still get some results
:wtfdraper: LOL @ you think gaining 35-50 pounds of muscle in 3 years is an act that would require any "help" beyond the normal legal methods...
you said he was 195 thats a regular man weight that you grow into but that 220-250 solid is unachievable without that "help" though
My only question would be would you still hold it against them if they used "legal" PEDs? The reality is that there are certain advantages in nutrition, supplements, and training now that are perfectly legal and allowed, that just weren't around 30 or 40 years ago. There will be advancements made in the future as well. The line is so blurred between what is natural and acceptable and what is illicit that IMO it's not worth even worrying about. When you have guys this competitive and this kind of money on the line, it's simply unrealistic to expect guys not to look to gain whatever edge they can. Old school guys used whatever advantages that were available to them and many of them would use these current PEDs if they were around in their time.
Right because you're a regular old Einstein who knows for a fact none of them ever used peds...We have had this convo. I'm not sure how much I care. I'd probably still watch for sure. When it comes to discussing legacy is where it would come out the most. Let's say Ray Lewis, Megatron, Drew Brees, and AP are found to use PEDs. Well, I can no longer put them in the conversations of the dikkt Butkuses, Jerry Rices, Dan Marinos, and Jim Browns.
Right because you're a regular old Einstein who knows for a fact none of them ever used peds...
I love how fools like you try to act like PED's never existed in sports before the year 2000...
Uhh 195 is regular man weight
So imagine a 6'0" to 6'4" NFL player... 220 to 250 is definitely achievable without "help" if you really want to do it...
No wonder these dudes can be the same height/age as me, but weigh 50 lbs more of nothing but pure muscle....despite the fact that I workout 4 days a week, eat right and have for years.