Heliocentrism is the theory that the earth and the planets revolve around the sun. What does this have to do with earth being flat? If earth was flat it still could revolve around the sun. The sun and the earth are behaving exactly as they should. You can prove this with coat hangers and styrofoam balls. You keep conflating multiple ideas hoping people slip up on what the theory of said idea is. None of what you have said, proves the earth isn't round.
- The horizon and the loss of visibility over distance proves the earth is round.
- When you go up in an airplane and perception of earth is no longer flat, but curved proves the earth is round.
- Photos prove the earth is round.
- Seasons prove the earth is round.
- One side of the earth being at night while the other side is day prove the earth is round.
And, most telling of all; I'm not sure what lying about the earth being round accomplishes?
I just conpletely disproved heliocentric theory
Youre so religiously tied to the illogical concept that now youre imagining different illogical scenarios instead of attempting to refute anything im saying
Once again, the earth is flat and STATIONARY. As in IT DOES NOT MOVE
And the sun revolves above us
Once again, i just proved this in this thread and i can prove it AGAIN in this thread IN ANOTHER WAY if i want to
None of those bullet points prove that the earth is round
Ive been in MULTIPLE planes and ive NEVER seen curvature, but feel free to post a photo from a plane in which you see any sort of curvature at all
The rising horizon proves that we live on a flat unmoving plane PERIOD
Youre deteriorating in here my guy