It was the gatti fight that people started really hating Floyd ( the white boxing fans) dlh fight pushed him into mainstream hate boy was too swagged out and cocky for them.
fukk him, that's ridiculous.
Black Jesus with the save a manny cap on huh?He said until he started piggybacking Floyd he didn't have those belts yet dummy . Manny the Mexican destroyer (prehgh) was a hof though and Floyd been hof. He's also been carrying boxing since dlh
Floyds' resume isn't as strong as Manny's lets be reality for a second..
hope this doesn't start a stan war
Ok Mannix is on that Micheal Irvin.Manny deserves to a no doubter based on his resume and the fact that he and Floyd basically carried boxing for damn near 10 years.Floyd resume isn't as strong as Manny's but he is a no doubter also.
Ok Mannix is on that Micheal Irvin.Manny deserves to a no doubter based on his resume and the fact that he and Floyd basically carried boxing for damn near 10 years.Floyd resume isn't as strong as Manny's but he is a no doubter also.
derserves to be first ballot HOF" CHRIS MANNIX
Say he will not vote for either..hes hosting Dan Patrick today
damn that hate is deep