IF in Marvel and DC main universes [earth 1, 616] everyone BUCKED royal rumble status who wins

May 1, 2012
206 & 734

Again how would Superman's eye beams or fire hurt J'onn if he's intangible?And you know J'onn has his own version of eye bems right?

intangibility + TP on top of J'onn's other powers means death for Superman.

Hes scared of fire :heh:
Sep 12, 2013
This could just as easily be Batman's cape or armor.

it's not plot armor though, it's just how they're inherently designed. guys like superman and batman... they play by a different set of rules. they have powers other characters just don't have.

the reason i say superman and batman are the odds-on favorites to win is because those 2 characters (probably more so than anyone else) have been seen time and time again defying the odds and performing the impossible even in the eyes of absolute despair. that's what makes them the greatest. there is no such thing as an unwinnable scenario to those 2. their wits and their inner strength won't allow it. put something in front of them, no matter HOW obscene and no matter HOW tough, and they will find a way to persevere and overcome it.

this is why i laugh at the notion that people here think the x-men could beat the justice league because realistically there exists no greater tandem than supes and bats and any team with them on it is going to win. together those 2 cannot be beat. they are the mega powers of the fukkin superhero game. the be all and end all.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
This thread is dope btw. I'd give a strong co-sign to some sort of vote structure/tournament :feedme:

Tiers/Types as standalone votes then the top however of each vote group moves onto the open draw with seeds :feedme:

BTW: If this is an even playing field type setting, where all characters (heroes/villains) know the stipulations and situations at hand then Id give the edge to reality warpers tbh.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Id put a little bet on Onslaught if he is somehow an underdog. He was bodying the X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic 4 and pretty much everyone at the same time.

In New York, the remaining Avengers together with Bishop and Iceman, sent a warning to Four Freedoms Plaza to warn the Fantastic Four of the situation, and Xavier’s interest in Franklin. Unfortunately, when Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man answered the call, he was taken out by Onslaught before he could warn any of his teammates. In the guise of Charles Xavier, Onslaught himself arrived at the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, demanding that Sue and Reed handed over Franklin to him as he should be trained in his mutant powers at Xavier’s school. Unbeknownst to all though, Onslaught had already entered Franklin’s life as his imaginary friend, Charlie, in an attempt to gain the boy’s trust, and eventually his reality warping powers. When Reed and Sue refused to hand over Franklin, the beast showed his true colors, and attacked the world’s premier super team. Thanks to Crystal’s teleporting dog, Lockjaw, the Avengers arrived as well, but they were not strong enough to stop Onslaught. While the Invisible Woman and Bishop used their powers in combination, and caused Onslaught to briefly revert to Xavier, the villain made quick use of the heroes‘ hesitation. In the instant he changed back to Onslaught, he defeated all the heroes and managed to kidnap Franklin.

And this is far after showing the ability to completely take over Hulk, kidnap Jean Grey to a different plane and burn himself onto her forehand that only she could see and putting amnesia on pretty much everyone. He was confusing everyone so much that they were pretty much distrustful of everyone else....Even fukkin Apocalypse and Dr. Doom decided to go against him with the good guys

At the same time, the heroes had to face the side-effects of Franklin’s powers. Onslaught made the young boy unwillingly create a second sun, causing the gravity on Earth to go out of balance. With the heroes‘ heavy hitters like Thor, Storm and Crystal already busy trying to keep the gravimetrical forces contained, it was Dr. Doom of all people who came up with a plan to bypass the forcefield that Onslaught had created around himself. He suggested for Rogue and the Vision to combine their powers, the Avengers phasing into Rogue, hereby merging with her which at the same time augmented her already titanic strength and damped her absorbing power. Wolverine pierced Onslaught’s field with berserker rage, and Giant-Man and Namor held the rift open long enough, to allow a moment’s passage for Rogue/Vision to fly into. Everything went according to the plan, and they went in at full force, but Onslaught didn’t even move one bit. Observing the battlefield from the sidelines, Reed Richards noticed something odd – not only had Onslaught not been hurt by the attack, his armor had expanded as if the creature inside had grown.

Onslaught kept on loathing about how neither humans or mutants could defeat him, which got the Hulk only more mad, for he felt left out – him being neither human nor mutant. In a fury, the Hulk’s body enlarged and so did his fists. The Hulk gave Onslaught a final punch in the face, which was more something of a nuclear blast! Once the smoke cleared, the heroes could not believe their eyes. At the battlesite, they found Bruce Banner’s human body lying right next to the unconscious form of the Hulk! How that was possible, nobody knew. Also, there was the Onslaught’s cracked armor, apparently empty.

The heroes already cried victory, but that was hardly the case. Onslaught was no longer a physical creature who could be bludgeoned into submission. Now he was thought itself; he was perception! The heroes didn’t understand what Onslaught was saying, but one man did. Reed finally realized what a mistake they made. He explained that the armor was just a shell. Inside, Onslaught had been evolving all along, and this psionic entity before them was his final form - pure psionic energy, ready to spread worldwide, and the heroes had left themselves with no way to attack him, since they could no longer touch Onslaught.
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Jun 4, 2014
this is why i laugh at the notion that people here think the x-men could beat the justice league because realistically there exists no greater tandem than supes and bats and any team with them on it is going to win. together those 2 cannot be beat. they are the mega powers of the fukkin superhero game. the be all and end all.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Im convinced no one is fukking with Onslaught in this scenario whatsoever. Especially not just the combo of Batman and Superman. Theyd have zero percent chance of winning. Someone please convince me otherwise.