If God came down from heaven right now and offered you 2 choices

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
After I realized that everything that ever made sense no longer makes sense

I would choose immediate Heaven


What If you spend all your life believing in fairy tale type philosophies, then you find out that all that stuff is gibberish
Apr 11, 2014

The only reason I live like a heathen is because I believe god doesn’t exist. If that shyt happened I’m turning into a hard Christian

That’s why nearly everyone acts like a heathen, your master have you trained well to think a creator is a laughable concept.

Imagine when you die that you were wrong. You’ll feel REALLY stupid then. Doesn’t it make sense to live righteously as if this life has a purpose? If there is no God, you’ll just be nothing and there is no afterlife. No loss.

However if there is a God and you are a heathen, you’re up a creek.

You basically have plan B right now...use this time to find Jesus, repent, and ask for salvation NOW. It’s not too late. This world is getting worse, just how the Bible says and getting closer to Satan’s NWO. The proof is in the pudding.

I wish everyone could do this...as I said, if God doesn’t exist you’ll be nothing regardless how you act in the end. If God does exist, you heathens will be crying at his feet after you die, begging for forgiveness...then God is gonna tell you that you made your choice, and we don’t let heathens thru our gates. Be gone.
Apr 11, 2014
I think the way it works is that God expects you to sin givien that we have free will and what not. I mean you could not even be trying to sin and randomly see a beautiful woman in the store and automatically have an uncontrollable carnal thought. But as long as you continue to pray and ask forgiveness and try to keep bettering yourself you're good. No 1 is perfect except God so he will continue to forgive your sins until you die.

The problem is the timing of your death, if you died before repenting for the sins then you're screwed. Which is why you have to keep maintaining, and in this world of sin, that's way too hard. So option A is really the only choice.

My brother, real talk. Everyday counts. Repentance counts. This life does seem like hell, but everyday is an opportunity to control yourself (the only thing we can control in this world) and improve and try to be what God wants.

I think of all the sins I have committed...I am blessed to not have died while in my sinful ways. God gave me the opportunity to get right. I also think that maybe suicide could be an u forgivable sin since you have no chance to repent. Just a thought.

Thank you Jesus for bringing me through hardships, I know I needed them to come back to you.


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
:questioningroc: good write up. yeah ive done acid and shrooms, and some research chemicals like 25i. ive had trouble finding dmt usually though

Ain't never went that far, but then again I try my best to never do TOO much Hallucinogens to the point it becomes a habit like I've had happen with Weed. Plus it makes the experiences more worthwhile and meaningful when you don't have a tolerance to said drug and still get that goosebump feeling since it's been a minute since your last journey.

As for DMT, I had ALOT of positive factors going for me at the time that helped me cop. I was in College at the time (Mid 2000's) so I was always on the party scene, plus our friends were multicultural (IE included Cacs) and as a man who has no problem with EDM/Techno type shyt It wasn't no thing for me to be at concerts like

Where folk did DMT/Peyote/Acid so fukking casually. Hippy Festivals, Stoner Rock acts and Burning Man type shyt are the perfect places to cop without looking too out of the way, so unless you know someone that can synthesize it....these festivals are your best bet.
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