it doesnt matter if there is a victim or not in this case because there isnt one and you know that
they are both equally yoked in the same category as deviant behavior that is a result of mental disorders or they both arent, point being that its flawed and bias when even you are admitting they both are between consenting adults, and out of the two of them women who like alot of sex are the ones with the disorder but not the ones who "naturally" dont want to procreate but just want to have sex
you keep ignoring that incestuous stuff though which was my original point breh, im not going to keep talking in circles about this
the only one that stands out as completely unable to say its between 2 adults is the pedophile and there already was some articles written about how its not a pedophiles fault for liking children like that they were just wired that way genetically from birth like homosexuals supposedly are
you cant have sex with an animal that doesnt want you to have sex with it
just be real you think those people who keep gettin caught having sex with horses are pinning horses down and raping them? that shyt is consentual like it or not