And being a shyt tier father.Man, yall dont read the comics. The only thing cyclops is guilty of is liking crazy bytches.
And being a shyt tier father.Man, yall dont read the comics. The only thing cyclops is guilty of is liking crazy bytches.
Vulcan >>>>>> anything Cyke has ever done
Even Havok's kept it 1000 with Polaris, instead of being the plaything of every telepath that comes along![]()
I'm glad to see a lot of respect put on Scott's name in here. He really was buried by the cartoons and the movies. Even then, a lot of folks who only saw the cartoon realized when they grew up that Wolverine simping and crying over pictures like a creeper was more lame than Cyclops catching that gut punch. Truth be told though, the X-Men were never better than 80s Claremont. A few characters (Storm, Colossus, etc) have barely sniffed the excellence he gave them in the 30 years since he had his big run.
There have been some great runs since then, but very few characters weren't at their best back then. But yeah, Cyclops was a straight shooter, but also still a G who took down the team solo. And had chicks out the ___. Jean, Lee Forrester, bonkers ass Madelyne Pryor, was about to get it in with Colleen Wing at one point. He was a POS, but he was also Team HOH.
The 90s was rough for him. But the last 20 years of Cyclops has been pretty ____ing fantastic for the most part. Bagged Emma, has a dope showing in Whedon's Astonishing X-Men, went militant, set up a mutant utopia, made____ing MAGNETO bend the knee because the homie pulled off his dream, told Xavier to go ____ himself over in X-Men Legacy. It's been pretty good.
Scott as a character has been great for decades. Not the 90s, but the ones before, and since. Not my favorite, but not far from it.
And Gambit is overrated as ____.
Nightcrawler was my guy but as I grew older I grew respect for Cyclops because he's able to hold weight even with relatively trash powers. But every now and then Cyclops is verywhich makes me feel like I can never truly fukk with him
Speaking of X-men leaders, this thread has been going on too long without putting the proper respect on Storm. IMO she's the GOAT female X-man, although Kitty and Rogue are debatable.
(Jean should have stayed dead after the Dark Phoenix Saga IMO)
When she bodied Callisto in that knife fight and took control of the Morlocks to save Kitty and Angel's lives
Storm dealing with the loss of her powers might be her GOAT character arc.
It feels like they never really knew what to do with Storm after Chris Claremont quit. It's a shame.
Speaking of X-men leaders, this thread has been going on too long without putting the proper respect on Storm. IMO she's the GOAT female X-man, although Kitty and Rogue are debatable.
(Jean should have stayed dead after the Dark Phoenix Saga IMO)
When she bodied Callisto in that knife fight and took control of the Morlocks to save Kitty and Angel's lives
Storm dealing with the loss of her powers might be her GOAT character arc.
It feels like they never really knew what to do with Storm after Chris Claremont quit. It's a shame.
Facts. IMO the only real hardcore black mark on Cyclops as a character was the whole Madelyne Pryor fiasco.
In his defense though, a lot of that was because of other writers messing with the characters behind Chris Claremont's back in real life.
Chris Claremont (the writer for X-men from 1976-1991) wanted the X-men to grow and change over time. People would get older, retire, die, get married, start families, move on, etc.
Claremont's OG plan was for Jean to stay dead and for Cyclops to get married, retire, and stay that way, only coming back very occasionally in the event of a major crisis.
The top brass at Marvel wanted to turn X-men into a franchise because the book was blowing up, so they got other writers on board to create X-factor (where Scott left his family in the first issue). IIRC they deliberately held off on telling Claremont until the last minute and the books were ready to go to print. He was mad enough to almost quit Marvel completely, he's still heated over that decision today.
Where would you say the 80s Claremont era peaked? For me it was really from 129 through 175, or 200 if we want to be generous. The Mutant Massacre and original Genosha story still had some dope moments though.
I'd be generous and say 200. I think the issues between 175 and 200 are too pivotal for Storm for me to not consider it amongst the prime of the book. I've always been fond of 183 with the Colossus/Juggernaut bar fight as well. But I can see why you'd say 175. Some of those issues are a bit light on the way to 200.
And yeah, i've been notorious for complaining about Storm never ever being as dope as she was during the 80s. She gets a cool story here and there that restores the feeling for a minute (most recently Marauders # 13), but then she gets back burnered. She's not consistently focused on. I did like the little solo series Greg Pak did. He seemed to have respect for her. Buuuut that got cancelled quick.
Your top 3 X-Women mirrors mine. I've got Storm first, but she's pretty much been coasting off the strength of dope stories from almost 40 years ago.
x-men peak started here #112
Shoot, if we're talking peak X-men as a whole (not just 80s X-men like I mentioned earlier), I would say the true GOATness began earlier with issue 98, which kicked off the events leading to Jean becoming the Phoenix. (IMO they never should have brought her back after the Dark Phoenix Saga...)
(Okay, the leprechaun scenes are pretty, but the Juggernaut fight on Muir Island makes up for it IMO.)
Peace to the real ones in this thread who really read comics.
You can tell who's only speaking from their rose-tinted nostalgia for the 90s cartoon based on a lot of the responses to this topic.