ur all nigerian to me
It's time for black people to make our own Holllywood and have black movies
Atlanta, I'm looking at you
We shouldnt even be in the entertainment business period.
So which is it you clown?I've said this time and time again
Black people need to get OUT of the entertainment business. It does nothing to serve us and it's a huge distraction
Character from the book is never given a physical description that details race.I couldn't care less about Bond, I haven't seen any of the Bond movies all the way through before, and I think Elba would be amazing in the role
But isn't the character from the book white? I don't think it's "racist" to suggest the character should look similar to how it was written. Just like casting a white person in a role that was written as a black person might be cool in that the white person could be a great actor, but it just would seem awkward and forced
Ian Fleming never said the race of the character.His comment is racist.
However I have no problems with us keeping fictional characters the way their authors intended.
We can't complain about black fictional characters being whitewashed in film but expect black people to play Asian or white characters.
Are we against whitewashing or not? If so then naturally logic should tell us we shouldn't complain about the opposite then.
Asian characters should be played by Asian actors black by black and so on...
I don't want a white man playing my favourite black fictional characters so I'd be a hypocrite to complain about the opposite.
Samuel L. Jackson plays Nick Fury Jr. who is based off of him, as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.no it isn't. nick fury is a white character, and no one gave a rats ass that a samuel jackson played the character.
this is just flat out CACs being CACs. they're scared the image of a BBC destroying some white actresses p*ssy under the name of Bond is going to be made into a reality on screen.