this is a dumbass video
idiot said fantastic four failed because of a black human torch smh nah it failed cause it was basura.
But but but them Euros like black people and aren't racist.
Okay. Opinion registered.this is a dumbass video
but most european blacks live a better standard of life than american blacks.Most Euros think black people are peasants, they really have no respect for us and To be truthful most people who live in the west really can't comprehend that a black person could be British/English...or even American for that matter.
I'm waiting for that season 3 to dropTHIS...
a Luther film franchise > James Bond
Wait isn't Nick Fury black? I'm pretty sure the creator of Nick said he created him in Sam's likenessno it isn't. nick fury is a white character, and no one gave a rats ass that a samuel jackson played the character.
this is just flat out CACs being CACs. they're scared the image of a BBC destroying some white actresses p*ssy under the name of Bond is going to be made into a reality on screen.
Wait isn't Nick Fury black? I'm pretty sure the creator of Nick said he created him in Sam's likeness