You keep showing you have a surface view of how things work. Tucker Carlson is the interviewer, yes. He is also a white supremacist propagandist, Possibly the biggest out there. He's not some neutral journalist. Getting Cube filtered through someone like Carlson serves Carlson's agenda.
As many other posters have said, it's not what Cube said that people have a problem with, it's who he said it to and what he didn't say. He had a golden opportunity to take Carlson and his ideology to task, but he didn't. Instead, he gave Carlson everything he wanted.
No. NONE of these journalists or neutral and all of them are agenda based. At least Tucker isn't hidden. The majority of LIBERAL pundits who claim to be allies are the biggest manipulators and instead of actually addressing the real problems they go on triggering emotional topics to distract you from those problems. Such as Kanye and Jim Brown visiting Trump....have you focusing on that instead of WHY there were there and the results of how criminal reform was able to get pushed by Trump despite his own aides being against it. They WANT black people not to do anything that could benefit black people and will do whatever it takes to black list any black man or pit a black man against the black woman so no progression can be made.
Black people BLINDLY been a SLAVE to the Democratic Party for the past 60 years. Listening to mostly or exclusively a liberal media telling you the same lies and deceiving on things that'll never come to fruition or mislead you on everything a black man is doing to keep the people divided. The did it against Malcolm X. They done it against MLK when he stopped following the Democrat agenda and LBJ. They convinced you that the Democratic Party is for black people despite people like THEN Senator Joe Biden been in cahoots with white segregationists and former Klansmen in Congress and passed legislation that purposely broke up the black family homes, boosted the prison industrial complex and destroyed many black communities that are still suffering to this day. The generational wealth gap not only haven't moved closer, but gotten wider since the blind allegiance with the Democratic Party for many countless of reasons from how integration was one-sided where black businesses suffered the most, affirmative action only selectively choosing token black people just to maintain a quota, to this false pretense that white people doesn't OWE black people anything because they passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, knowing damn well that REPARATIONS are long overdue. But the MEDIA will refuse to speak on the issues and just have a polarizing battle of partisan supremacy, tell you Republicans are evil and Republicans are evil, but so are the Democrats. They are the same coin but on different sides. Y'all wouldn't have a problem had it been people you LIKE but the people you LIKE be on the same bullshyt as TUCKER CARLSON. People long forget that Tucker Carlson used to be a MSNBC pundit. It's all a media game. None of them really care, but as long you can USE THEM to spread your message to those who watch their shows, you can at LEAST get people to have a dialog and understand more your viewpoint.