That's not how this works at all. No amount of Malcolm X [mis]quotes will make you understand that.
If you do ANYTHING to knowingly support or platform a White Supremacist or their agenda, you've already lost the plot.
That's not how it works at all either. Because people KNOW the type of devil JOE BIDEN is but black people are willing to stand by him regardless. They're knowingly supporting a white supremacist agenda and not care because they want to pretend he's an ally.
Whereas someone like Ice Cube, who has a BLACK AGENDA, not supporting or voting for any politician that's willing to take action for anything TANGIBLE FOR BLACK PEOPLE, but open to have a dialogue to anyone who get the BLACK AGENDA pushed forward, no matter what, something can move progressively.
Donald Trump, as much as he is hated by black people, it is the few black people who went to Trump who actually had Trump to actually push executive orders and signed legislation that were beneficial to black people, and Trump was the ONLY president since MLK met with LBJ (who is also a white supremacist with an agenda) to do so.
You HAVE to go see them up front to get shyt done or it WON'T get done. Y'all be sitting here twiddling your thumbs hoping for your Democratic white messiah to do shyt FOR YOU. Assuming they would but never do unless it is a symbolic gesture for you to feel good about the oppressed state you are in.
But speaking of Malcom X quotes. Here's one that's been relevant to this very day: