ICE conducts largest raid in history. 680 arrested.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I don't think you understand anything I said.

Black Farmland was taken from black people, so now you want them to become underpaid workers? There's no rational to anything you are saying.

What ever happened to locking up these drug dealers and violent criminals coming here illegally? So far only hard working people minding their own business have been rounded up.
how can they be underpaid if they're citizens? :whoo:


May 15, 2014
come on breh, you know it doesn't work like that. until consumers spend like they care about those things those are jobs that are cut off from US citizens (of any race) because welfare benefits are better than those jobs. this is how you shut this shyt down. just like how there are made in america products and you can track the full sourcing of it and decide to buy those products. they can track which food companies hire legal workers with the benefits and protections of labor law and only buy from those companies. but since americans seem to like that shytty chicken at 80 cents a pound or whatever cheap price it is at these stores then chicken producers will be in a constant race to lower labor costs. that's how this society works, someone has to get shyt on in order for others to get things that should cost a lot more, for cheap. speak with your wallet.

edit: btw, this race to the bottom mentality is pervasive. when you all are bragging about how companies are moving from the north to the south. it's not because you all have some educated workforce. it's about taxes and less employee protections. they don't have to worry about unions.


I been said this same shyt on here before. You can't be anti immigration and the rest then turn around and support companies that openly hire illegals and ship jobs overseas.

These the same folks who line up for black friday sales to be able to buy cheap products (with most not being made in america) from walmart.

Its time for folks to realize that we all are guilty in supporting our own demise (supporting these companies) as a consumer and the only way out is to vote with our wallet.

Also I think a better example of a race to the bottom is how folks talk about shipping jobs overseas and immigration. Yet everything they have on got a made in xxxxx country (that isn't america) on it. Or that everything in their home has a made in xxxxx country (that isn't america) on it.

We got a president that talks about isolationism and yet pimping make america great again hats and merchandise that was made in china...:dead:

You can't make this shyt writes itself (shout out to Paul Mooney).
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May 1, 2012
Lol how do you think the pay even got stagnated at 7.25 all these years?

You talk about stupid people on here but a lot of yall uppity nikkas don't understand simple economics and things like collective bargaining. Simple shyt like employer vs employee leverage.

If everybody went out and got stem degrees tomorrow do you know what would happen? The increased labor pool for a finite amount of jobs would drive wages down. Like Boeing I think, using indian engineers and paying them 15 dollars an hour. Without those crashes, this practice might have caught on and all those people with computer engineering degrees and dreams of making 6 figures would be fukked.

That's why human services jobs pay like shyt, because women flock to them in droves so employers have leverage that someone will take the job for whatever they ask.

STEM pays well because most people don't wanna put in the hard work to get a STEM degree so there are less qualified employees than there are jobs. The employees have leverage so the pay has to be raised.

Illegals have no bargaining rights and no channels to go through to ensure fair pay, but I'll put you on to another trick they do. 2 or 3 of them will work a job under the same name. So even with the low wages they'll have like 60 hours of overtime on top of their regular 40 and they'll do this at multiple jobs so it evens out.

Reading the shyt some of y'all say and getting insight into how you think really sheds a light on why black people are so far behind economically.

Y'all don't even understand the game you're playing.
Dudes in here caping for illegals don't understand basic supply and demand principles.

I saw this play out in STEM fields when Obama dramatically increased the amount of foreign tech workers on visas. Salaries across the board stagnated for years. But once Trump increased enforcement and H1B visa applications we're no longer rubber stamped. Tech hiring and salaries started increasing because you had less available labor driving down wages.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Fam these little fukktards don't know anything

They don't even understand that Trump and the GOP have been trying to destroy unions in this country for the past few years to the point where even if they do start hiring Black people, the wages and conditions will be shyt and there will be NO negotiating, no collective bargaining, just take this money and if you don't like it, starve, because we cutting welfare/assistance fukking MISSISSIPPI man

I'm telling you these cats are either white dudes posing as Black guys or the most know nothing nikkas in the history of melanin.
Don't tell me you care about unions when you have illegal immigrants fam.

Don't do that.

The history of black labor being shytted on by unions is ITSELF a massive hole in your history.

The first skilled trades unions were made to keep black labor out and they fought tooth and nail to gain ANY legitimacy!!!

African-American's Rights | Unions Making History in America

Whats that got to do with giving illegals a ladder over black labor concerns?

Do you know about the Davis Bacon Act?? I bet you DO NOT

Davis–Bacon Act of 1931 - Wikipedia

At the time of original passage, Jim Crow Laws were in effect throughout the Southern United States. During World War I, immigration from Europe fell dramatically at precisely the time that Northern industry required additional labor for the war effort.[33] As a result, northern industry and entrepreneurs began to recruit laborers from the South.[33] This brought about or accelerated the Great Migration in which black (and white) laborers from the South came North in search of better pay and opportunity.

The migration in turn created new demographic challenges in the North. White workers were competing against new labor; in some cases, the black workers were used as pawns in an effort to break unions.[33] There were widespread efforts to recruit black workers[33][34] and in reaction, efforts to thwart recruitment.[33][35] Black migrants were restricted to specific neighborhoods in northern cities where the buildings were in poor condition and rents were high, forcing them to live in dense conditions.[33]

In that context, the protests against the Long Island hospital built with migrant labor can be seen for what they were: resistance outside of the Jim Crow South to black workers.[8] During this time, complaints about black workers taking federal construction jobs appear sporadically through the legislation history of both prior bills that anticipated Davis-Bacon, and Davis-Bacon itself.[6][36] On the floor of the House of Representatives, Congressman Upshaw said: "You will not think that a southern man is more than human if he smiles over the fact of your reaction to that real problem you are confronted with in any community with a superabundance or large aggregation of negro labor."[8][37] U.S. Congressman John J. Cochran (D-Missouri) reported that he had "received numerous complaints in recent months about southern contractors employing low-paid colored mechanics getting work and bringing the employees from the South".[8] U.S. Congressman Clayton Allgood (D-Alabama) reported on "cheap colored labor" that "is in competition with white labor throughout the country".[8][38] [39]

Despite the initial complaints about the use of migrant workers, the Act does not require that contractors show that workers engaged are local residents, but rather requires that laborers be paid the local prevailing wage. Due to the way the data were collected at that time and due to the fact that construction trades were heavily unionized at that time by craft unions, “prevailing wage” effectively meant “union journeyman wage” as discussed above. Unions operate by negotiating for higher wages, and then working to restrict those eligible for the higher wages to union membership.[40] Craft unions did not admit black apprentices, and therefore black laborers did not have the opportunity to advance to journeyman status.[8][41][42][43][44][45] According to Bernstein, “as of 1940 blacks composed 19 percent of the 435,000 unskilled "construction laborers" in the United States and 45 percent of the 87,060 in the South”,[8] and according to Hill, "the increase of Negro participation in building trades apprenticeship training programs rose only from 1.5% to 2%" in New York between 1950 and 1960.[43]:116 Furthermore, Hill pointed out that "ecause the National Labor Relations Board has done little to enforce the anti-closed shop provisions of the Taft Hartley Act, building trades unions affiliated to the AFL-CIO in most instances are closed unions operating closed shops".[43]:113 Therefore, the requirements and mechanisms of the Davis–Bacon Act necessarily prevented black laborers from participating in federally funded construction projects. “According to a study on youth and minority employment published by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee on July 6, 1977, Davis–Bacon wage requirements discourage nonunion contractors from bidding on Federal construction work, thus harming minority and young workers who are more likely to work in the nonunionized sector of the construction industry.”[12] Thus, even if racism was not the intent, racial discrimination was a result of the law initially.

Subsequent developments
The Congress of Industrial Organizations split from the American Federation of Labor in 1935. The AFL was predominantly made up of craft unions, most of which disallowed black members. The CIO was integrationist. In the years that followed, the AFL and CIO moved towards each other and toward integration. By the time they re-united in 1955, unions were much less discriminatory. Even more recently, rules introduced by the Johnson, Nixon, and Reagan administrations[8] have reduced the discriminatory effects of the Davis–Bacon Act. Black interest groups have found common cause with unions[24] and the NAACP passed a resolution in 1993 in support of the DBA.[46]


Tom Foolery

You're using way too many napkins.
May 1, 2012
Boardwalk and Park Place


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
First, lets give everyone a reference point of your ideology. You believe in suppressing wages and that American are overpaid.

Whats wrong with pushing more Americans to work for lower wages like china does?

You believe Americans should be working for pennies on the dollar like foreign countries do. You are totally irrational.
1. Thats a post thats 3 years old
2. I'm talking about keeping jobs in the USA

You keep wanting math to work where its not.

Oh, and even further, people in china have a minimum wage on par with what illegals make in the USA, so you fail again.


May 20, 2012
This immigration controversy is a farce. If employers were required to E-Verify, it could solve the problem of those coming here for work.

But, business and business owners are deified in America so it's much easier to attack and demonize the immigrants who accept jobs given by employers.

Plus, there is the added benefit of using white resentment and increasingly black resentment to gin up votes for Republicans or depress votes for Democrats.

For them its a win/win. 1) Provide low wages for businesses and 2) Use the issue to galvanize their base and suppress the black vote.

It's quite clever.


May 27, 2012
This immigration controversy is a farce. If employers were required to E-Verify, it could solve the problem of those coming here for work.

But, business and business owners are deified in America so it's much easier to attack and demonize the immigrants who accept jobs given by employers.

Plus, there is the added benefit of using white resentment and increasingly black resentment to gin up votes for Republicans or depress votes for Democrats.

For them its a win/win. 1) Provide low wages for businesses and 2) Use the issue to galvanize their base and suppress the black vote.

It's quite clever.
All in the game yo