I wish i was from NYC


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Bruh I already said I'd give NY the edge over LA in terms of places for black people. I don't think it's demonstrable though, because living on the East Coast, I've met hundreds of transplanted New Yorkers and plenty of them, including my youngest daughter's mother, have said they'd never go back to NY...

There's plenty of accounts of Black NYers stating why they left NY and why they won't return. Do I really need to link these accounts? Your conversation always seems to be on some tongue-in-cheek shyt on LA shyt like Black NYers aren't also fighting against racist non-black neighbors and racist, entrenched policies and codes...

That shyt is not unique to LA, is my central point. And no the family that got firebombed were not in any of the neighborhoods I listed, they were in a neighborhood that was like 90% Hispanic. These people wouldn't dare try that shyt in any neighborhood where Black folk are even 20% (because at that point that means we have representation on a gangbanging level too), let alone any of the majority black hoods and hoods where it's close to an even split among us and them....

The majority of tension between us and them is passive and doesn't spill beyond street conflicts. This has been said many times...

Lastly, that councilwoman is the one who got caught voicing her true feelings, rest assured in NY and every other major city there are elected officials who feel the exact same way...

You asked why would black people want to choose to live in LA over NY, I have you my reasons, you just don't like my reasons. 🤣 I know how to move in LA, and we as a people mostly coexist fine with them, and anything I can do in NY I can do in LA, but I get better weather and family ties in LA, I get neither of those in NY. You don't have to like my reasons for preferring LA, bit I've been to NY. There's nothing you can say to convince ME to prefer NY over LA, and I like NY, the one place I would consider living there would be Queens over anywhere else...

I know plenty of New Yorkers as well whom left the city and has no intention of returning …. shyt …. I even a good amount of my family members will fit under that category , with that said I don’t know how relevance does it have to do with the conversation because I’m pretty much sure there’s Black people from LA that have left and feel the same way.

my tone is not tongue-in-cheek relating to the Mexican anti-blackness presence in LA. no disrespect It’s just seems you and others on here tend to downplay it.

and as far as the mother with her children’s apartment, being fire bomb, I pretty much sure the story behind it was that neighborhood was predominantly black and they was being pushed out by Mexicans, and the fire bombing was the so-called nail in the coffin to make sure no Black people would ever move into those houses or apartments

and finally, I have absolutely no problem with your reasonings on why you prefer LA over NYC, that’s your choice & your opinion and you have the right to it. The only thing that I said is you’re being completely, and I will say completely again disingenuous by trying to paint this narrative that you can do anything in LA as if you was in NYC
that is completely nonsense.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I know plenty of New Yorkers as well whom left the city and has no intention of returning …. shyt …. I even a good amount of my family members will fit under that category , with that said I don’t know how relevance does it have to do with the conversation because I’m pretty much sure there’s Black people from LA that have left and feel the same way.

my tone is not tongue-in-cheek relating to the Mexican anti-blackness presence in LA. no disrespect It’s just seems you and others on here tend to downplay it.

and as far as the mother with her children’s apartment, being fire bomb, I pretty much sure the story behind it was that neighborhood was predominantly black and they was being pushed out by Mexicans, and the fire bombing was the so-called nail in the coffin to make sure no Black people would ever move into those houses or apartments

and finally, I have absolutely no problem with your reasonings on why you prefer LA over NYC, that’s your choice & your opinion and you have the right to it. The only thing that I said is you’re being completely, and I will say completely again disingenuous by trying to paint this narrative that you can do anything in LA as if you was in NYC

that is completely nonsense.
Tell me something, a real lifestyle experience, that I can experience in New York that I cannot do in Los Angeles...

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
New York women😍😍😍😍

I wish we had this species of women in the midwest
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Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Tell me something, a real lifestyle experience, that I can experience in New York that I cannot do in Los Angeles...

can you on a Wednesday morning like 2 AM get up outta your crib , walk literally a half of block down the street , cop just yourself a real solid late night meal , a six pack and some blunts and head back to your crib in less than 15 minutes.
I don’t think you can do that. Any where in the world besides the greatest city


BTW - is your latest thread about “people saying it’s no Black people in LA” about me cause ?
I just skim through it and it’s not looking real good for you

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
I feel that. and I think that was the main reason I moved to NYC above all else I felt like I fit in more there than Pittsburgh. And I was...right. :mjlol:

I miss NYC, some of the greatest experiences I had in my life were there, met the best people, very woke and pro-black/conscious..always something to do. The nightlife is amazing. Very diverse. Very vibrant. Very eclectic. You get the best of everything. Just really expensive and hard to do unless you a born and raised New Yorker or you're making above $100k. NYC really is the greatest city on planet earth.
Aye. I’m from Pittsburgh also. It’s just a weird place to be geographically. It’s technically the east coast but it’s close to WV and Ohio which has some weird shyt going on. It’s not hard core east coast like Philly. It’s a mixture of weirdo shyt with no real identity

We used to live and die by NY. We really attempted ( poorly ) to emulate what we saw from music videos and tv. It just seemed so much cooler than what we had.

Philly nikkas would see us and :mjlol: