I was invited to Da White Cookout. I have notes.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
As an adult I’ve been to zero white “cookouts”. As a child I went to few because they were my dad’s coworkers and they ALWAYS burned the fukking BBQ chicken.

No music? No BBQ? No sodas? No punch? No variety of sides (fukk that berry bullshyt)? And no brown liquor for when it gets dark and dudes are good and drunk?

Sounds terrible.



not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
For a lifetime I felt free to go anywhere. Been to plenty of white functions.

The "liberal" ones try to keep things cordial. Fooled me for a long time. I was thinking the "few bad apples" thing.

The truth is, even if they are nice it's like being nice to their pets to them. Nice or mean, they feel superior to all.
I don’t know why these cacs are so uppity, arrogant and insolent. A lot of them think themselves better than they really are. Funny stuff.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
These white folks have their cats and dogs all around food as they cook :scust:

I don’t know how I forgot this part: they of course had a dog who is a German Shepherd mixed with some blend that made him all black - a muttlatto.
He was up under me the whole time I was there. At first I thought it was because he was racist (like most dogs)…but he was chilling laying down by my feet for the most part. I guess he was just glad to have somebody else Black over.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
We just need to take these notes when we working inside everyone else’s factories and stores. But instead Get the logistics and replicate it close to home
May 5, 2012
this is just general information for your own records. Do with it what you will.

- They asked me to bring the Potato Salad. They must know about us and Potato Salad. More on sides later.

- it was...oddly mixed, even though it was a smaller gathering. Besides the Host family and a few of their relatives, it was myself, a Korean dude, a
mixed some kinda Latin couple, and an older white man who had some kind of accent I couldn't tall you what it was.

- there was hella space because it was in the backyard, and (listen to THIS chit...) they recently bought the house next to theirs.
How TF, you ask? Because their neighbor was a super old lady who got tired of having "too much house" to care for after her
kids grew up and husband died - so she brought a condo, and sold it to them for cheap because she always liked their family.
Because of such, a lot of this took place on grass, so hardly anybody was wearing shoes. You know they have something against shoes.

- There was NO MUSIC. At all.

- I kinda knew beforehand what kind of food I would be getting because the Hosts are kinda healthy-ish. Good for them.
They grow berries. Therefore, there were a lot of berries they were trying to hustle off. They had:

*Bruschetta bread with Goat Cheese and a berry relish as an appetizer
*Spring Mix salad, with berries you could add
*Quinoa salad
*my stow-bought Potato salad (there were no berries in this)
*...the star of the show, doe: They made a Berry Brown Betty (translation: Cobbler). Fammo - this is the best damn cobbler I ever had.
I could never explain this to my Grandmama, thank goodness is no longer in this realm. It had 3 different berries (Blue, Black, Rasp) with
Confectioner's Sugar all over the Gingerbread Crust, which was not too crunchy or too doughy. Cra-zy. I had two bowls of that ish.

- Bruh...they only had ONE MEAT.

AND on top of that - it was CORNED BEEF!!

I will give them this. That was the best Corned Beef I ever had...but that's because I normally don't opt for Corned Beef.
They had a Restaurant Grade Meat Smoker (pause), and they had the whole side of beef in there since the morning.
Yes, it was tender. Yes, it was juicy. Yes I ate it. But Bruh - it's muffuccin' Corned Beef. I was not expecting that at no cookout,
especially as the Chief Entree.

- What did we talk about? Guess.

Did you say Craft Beer? Yes. What did we drink? Guess.

Did you say Craft Beers? Yes.

Did they have anything else to drink besides Craft Beers? Water.

So yeah - it was where to get Craft Beer, the best Craft Beers, fishing and hunting while drinking Craft Beer.
And baseball because the Royals are doing okay.
For a brief minute, we talked about local politics - but that's only because it had to do with baseball and Craft Beer.

- They had a pit for a Bonfire also. It was 70+ degrees out, but that doesn't matter, these muffuccas push bonfire like weight.

So yeah that's mostly it. Beware.
How many bid whist tables they had going?


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
this is just general information for your own records. Do with it what you will.

- They asked me to bring the Potato Salad. They must know about us and Potato Salad. More on sides later.

- it was...oddly mixed, even though it was a smaller gathering. Besides the Host family and a few of their relatives, it was myself, a Korean dude, a
mixed some kinda Latin couple, and an older white man who had some kind of accent I couldn't tall you what it was.

- there was hella space because it was in the backyard, and (listen to THIS chit...) they recently bought the house next to theirs.
How TF, you ask? Because their neighbor was a super old lady who got tired of having "too much house" to care for after her
kids grew up and husband died - so she brought a condo, and sold it to them for cheap because she always liked their family.
Because of such, a lot of this took place on grass, so hardly anybody was wearing shoes. You know they have something against shoes.

- There was NO MUSIC. At all.

- I kinda knew beforehand what kind of food I would be getting because the Hosts are kinda healthy-ish. Good for them.
They grow berries. Therefore, there were a lot of berries they were trying to hustle off. They had:

*Bruschetta bread with Goat Cheese and a berry relish as an appetizer
*Spring Mix salad, with berries you could add
*Quinoa salad
*my stow-bought Potato salad (there were no berries in this)
*...the star of the show, doe: They made a Berry Brown Betty (translation: Cobbler). Fammo - this is the best damn cobbler I ever had.
I could never explain this to my Grandmama, thank goodness is no longer in this realm. It had 3 different berries (Blue, Black, Rasp) with
Confectioner's Sugar all over the Gingerbread Crust, which was not too crunchy or too doughy. Cra-zy. I had two bowls of that ish.

- Bruh...they only had ONE MEAT.

AND on top of that - it was CORNED BEEF!!

I will give them this. That was the best Corned Beef I ever had...but that's because I normally don't opt for Corned Beef.
They had a Restaurant Grade Meat Smoker (pause), and they had the whole side of beef in there since the morning.
Yes, it was tender. Yes, it was juicy. Yes I ate it. But Bruh - it's muffuccin' Corned Beef. I was not expecting that at no cookout,
especially as the Chief Entree.

- What did we talk about? Guess.

Did you say Craft Beer? Yes. What did we drink? Guess.

Did you say Craft Beers? Yes.

Did they have anything else to drink besides Craft Beers? Water.

So yeah - it was where to get Craft Beer, the best Craft Beers, fishing and hunting while drinking Craft Beer.
And baseball because the Royals are doing okay.
For a brief minute, we talked about local politics - but that's only because it had to do with baseball and Craft Beer.

- They had a pit for a Bonfire also. It was 70+ degrees out, but that doesn't matter, these muffuccas push bonfire like weight.

So yeah that's mostly it. Beware.
Sounds like a good time. :wow: :mjpls: