Hal needs to wake up and dump everyone in the front office since he won't sell the team. Poach a top exec from the Dodgers, someone who understands how to manage a large payroll, develop the farm well, and trade assets before they rot. New GM has to move all assets with value this offseason excluding Volpe and Schmidt for best prospect return. They absolutely can't spend their way out of this problem so dont try to "reload" this offseason thinking you can fix this roster, which will only make this team worse for the long term. Bite the bullet and start a rebuild now. This team will be bad next year whether we double down on stupidity or start a rebuild, let's at least salvage the second half of this decade and do the right thing. The fans aren't stupid Hal, we will accept a rebuild as the logical choice.
- Trade Torres, Holmes, Hamilton, King, Kahnle, etc. for best possible prospect returns. Trade Nestor next midseason if he can stay healthy and effective in 2024.
- Have to bite the bullet and try to even trade Judge and Cole this offseason before those contracts turn horrific, might be impossible with their no trade clauses. Both players' timelines dont match up with a rebuild so best to move them when we can and if we can.
- If Cole exercises his no trade clause after 2024 which he most likely will barring injury or an atrocious 2024, let him leave via free agency.
- Stanton, DJL, Rizzo, Rodon are immovable unfortunately, have to ride out their contracts. Best case scenario is Rodon rebounds in 2024 and is moved to a desperate team the following offseason.
- Play the youngsters in 2024 and see what we got. Which means playing Pereira, Peraza, and Wells. Even give fringe prospects/AAAA players like Florial and Chapparo a chance. Martian should arrive sometime next year as well. Hopefully Thorpe, Hampton, and Jones the following year. If we can hit on 2-3 of these players we should have a good foundation for the next core which we can maybe pair with stars like Sasaki and Murakami.
- Focus spending more on scouting/development/ and prospects than at the major league level for the next 2-3 years. Clean the books as much as possible for our next spending spree on the FA market (2026/2027).