I understand that twitter has gone thru channification, but this viral discussion is a new low

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
And yet you believe slave owners, disgruntled white business partners, money hungry white abolitionist, and other white people over the word of the formerly enslaved man himself? The retroactive revival of this story aligns with the modern discourse of black men running to pawgs. So everyone wants to suspend disbelief to get their anti-BM "c00n" bloodlust off on an ex-slave. That's all this is. The person in the OP who even gave the non-contextualized historical account is a Turkish rad-fem/anti-men of color twitter troll. All of this is sick. No nuance, no digging into conflicting accounts, just "This nikka was a pawg-chasing COOON!!" :dead:

This is a new low.
This entire discussion makes no sense. For one, he was a fugitive since he escaped slavery. This means that he wouldn't have even been able to buy his family's freedom, since according to the fugitive slave act (which was passed one year after he escaped) only freed slaves could buy their relativees.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
The fact that so many black people are taking the words of some random white woman seriously is embarrassing :snoop:
1) She's not white, she's Arab (moroccan to be exact, even though she has a Turkish flag in her bio)
2) She's an alt right radfem. She's part of the far right on twitter and i believe she also has a youtube (but i digress)
3) Her main audience are white nationalist white men, white radfems, black radfems, and "center right" white folks.
4) Last month her and some black radfems led the discussion around wether or not rounding up all homeless black men would be "cruel" or "protecting women from rape". It's really just repackaged dehumanization of black men via women (think of the Susan B Anthony types).

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
I'm not sure the woman in question is even a white liberal. She just seems like some turkish radical-feminist/conservative(crazy) shyt-starter:

But, since it's black men slander. self identifying liberals will support because it's gotcha moment against Black men.

Thecoli is full of idiocracy. OP is a Moroccan radfem who is part of the alt right on twitter (she has a turkish flag in her bio but she's actually moroccan). Shes not just right wing, she's a full on white nationalist like a lot of the radfems. The alt right and radfems formed an alliance around the trans hysteria, and since then they've been going on anti black tirades (a lot of those radfems arent just white, its a lot of black ones, latina ones and Arab ones like shorty in the OP).


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Thecoli is full of idiocracy. OP is a Moroccan radfem who is part of the alt right on twitter (she has a turkish flag in her bio but she's actually moroccan). Shes not just right wing, she's a full on white nationalist like a lot of the radfems. The alt right and radfems formed an alliance around the trans hysteria, and since then they've been going on anti black tirades (a lot of those radfems arent just white, its a lot of black ones, latina ones and Arab ones like shorty in the OP).
Same ppl agreeing with her, will be quick to call any black man on here a "Maga c00n" for a slightly different opinion. This site is cooked. It's like they post for validation from some unseen force of BW. :dead:

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Same ppl agreeing with her, will be quick to call any black man on here a "Maga c00n" for a slightly different opinion. This site is cooked. It's like they post for validation from some unseen force of BW. :dead:
The black radfems have admitted that they're fine with fascism and racism as long as its not directed towards them specifically. It's why many of her followers are black radfems.


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
"Should this slave be shamed for his actions"

This just does not sit right with me at all how you said that. I'll make sure to comment once I educate myself surrounding this topic.


Alright I delved deeper into the subject. Henry Box Brown was rumored to not buy back his family for several reasons.

1. Financially, the cost of purchasing their freedom might have been too high for him to afford.
2. Philosophically, Brown might have taken a principled stand against the idea of buying human beings, believing it would reinforce the legitimacy of the slave system he opposed.
3. He likely didn't trust the corrupt and unreliable nature of the slave trade, fearing he might be cheated or betrayed. Practically, arranging for the purchase and safe transport of his family would have been dangerous and with a lot of moving parts.
4. Emotional and psychological factors, including the trauma of his experiences and the separation from his family, also likely influenced his decision.

Honestly, it's impossible as a black man living in America in 2024 to fathom what our ancestors went through back in the 1800s. I think it would be crazy to think an escaped previously enslaved person can just waltz into the south, or even put the word out to buy his family back with it just working out like a Django movie. And the cost thing is a real factor too, that would have been really expensive. So this may sound terrible but I can't "shame" this man way past his death, for his actions.

However, I will say moving to England and marrying a white woman is absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing.
Honestly they would've enslaved him right back. As a former slave in general, you have no choice most of the time but to leave your family unless you got a solid plan. More than likely him moving to England and getting with a white woman was probably the best way he thought he could escape. Probably was desperate and the fact he even escaped America made him trauma bond I bet

Man that's so fukking scary to think this was only a few hundred years (less than a hundred for some even! ) ago. The horror and terror, and now we're living in a new kind of slavery with just more incentives, I don't think I have the words to really describe how fukking insane our reality is when there is no real need for war and slavery period


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
You guys are so intent on defending him, when he chose in the end to quit trying to get his family free and start a new family in England with a White woman. Here are a few things he could have done, considering the fact that he did make a decent bit of income doing speeches on the Abolitionist's circuit and what businesses/jobs he was working as a fugitive.

1. He could have saved his money and used the help of a White abolitionist he was familiar with to purchase his family with his money and a few paid to the person making the purchase. Even if none were any help, he at least tried.

2. If he was short on the money, he could have sought aid from the same White abolitionists who requested him for speaking engagements to help him acquire the money needed to purchase his family via possible charity, loans, jobs, etc.. If none were willing at this time, he at least put forward the suggestion and effort.

3. He could have done the same as (1), but instead found and paid a solicitor (English Lawyer) to aid in the purchase, since England outlawed Slavery in 1834.

He had options that he could have expended to try to get his family out of slavery, but he chose to turn his back on them and just start a new family. So yes, I consider him a c00n, because he did not attempt every possibility at his disposal to get them released from bondage. Him starting up a new family and living in relative peace compared to his original family stuck in bondage, solidifies my view that he is a c00n.

A man who can turn his back on his children in bondage and run out to start another family elsewhere, is not a man to be respected in my opinion. I personally expect him to have no peace until the family he created has freedom. Not leave them to hold their own, while he lives free and starts a new family somewhere else.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
The white woman you posted is a vile anti-black misandrist as well as a generally trash human being and a troll. She hides her contempt for racialized men behind “radical feminism”.
She’s saying :mjpls: shyt all down her timeline going back years. She was giddy af when a homeless mentally ill black man, Jordan Neely, got killed last year by a white supremacist on an NYC subway. Should tell you everything you need to know.
She's Moroccan. Saying that She's white minimozes what's going on with radfems and their alliance with the alt right. She's a morrocan radfemme whose major followers are mostly white nationalist men, black radfemees, and other radfemmes of other races.of you peep the tweet you'll see the black radfemmes flooded the tweet.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Oh, so you know nothing about Black men who did gain freedom and turned around and bought their family out of slavery? Let me enlighten you.

"Smith was sold from owner to owner, working in places like Fisher’s Island and Stonington. He was a slave for about three decades.

But Smith took on side-jobs to earn enough money to buy his freedom from his last owner, Oliver Smith, of Stonington, and took his last name. Eventually Smith amassed enough money to buy the freedom of his children, his wife, and other slaves."

You ran in to defend this man's action, by stating it was not possible to do, but here I have shown you not only was it possible to do, but here is an example of an ancestor who did it. Next time, before you run in to defend a c00n, how about you do your research first?

You think a situation is a 1:1 of every slave? In what world was white men even remotely considerate of a black man, especially back then when they and the law viewed us as property, you think it was that simple ?

Never mind that he was paying the owner to stay there and to not sell his wife and children off, and he double crossed him, as many whites did, but some white Heaux wants to revise history from the sidelines, and just say oh he didn’t try he was a bad man, and y’all eating that up like the odds weren’t stacked against him fukk outta here

This is some boostraps shyt. "See this ex-slave was able to do XYZ, why didn't the rest of them do XYZ?"

We're Monday morning quarterbacking SLAVERY and using examples of successful attempts to buy back family to criticize a former slave after the fact? :dead:

Exactly, like tf are we here, John freed himself and bought his family, he just didn’t want to, like nikka when were white people good faith negotiators? Let alone back then, mf been then took the money shoot him and keep the family


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
You guys are so intent on defending him, when he chose in the end to quit trying to get his family free and start a new family in England with a White woman. Here are a few things he could have done, considering the fact that he did make a decent bit of income doing speeches on the Abolitionist's circuit and what businesses/jobs he was working as a fugitive.

1. He could have saved his money and used the help of a White abolitionist he was familiar with to purchase his family with his money and a few paid to the person making the purchase. Even if none were any help, he at least tried.

2. If he was short on the money, he could have sought aid from the same White abolitionists who requested him for speaking engagements to help him acquire the money needed to purchase his family via possible charity, loans, jobs, etc.. If none were willing at this time, he at least put forward the suggestion and effort.

3. He could have done the same as (1), but instead found and paid a solicitor (English Lawyer) to aid in the purchase, since England outlawed Slavery in 1834.

He had options that he could have expended to try to get his family out of slavery, but he chose to turn his back on them and just start a new family. So yes, I consider him a c00n, because he did not attempt every possibility at his disposal to get them released from bondage. Him starting up a new family and living in relative peace compared to his original family stuck in bondage, solidifies my view that he is a c00n.

A man who can turn his back on his children in bondage and run out to start another family elsewhere, is not a man to be respected in my opinion. I personally expect him to have no peace until the family he created has freedom. Not leave them to hold their own, while he lives free and starts a new family somewhere else.

A black slave save up ?

Paid an English lawyer ?? With what money, then even if he could send the letter off what compells him to follow through, England has no authority in America

They knew of his situation (abolitionists) but this ain’t like him buying a Cadillac what makes you think they could get the money and buy them back ??

Y’all make things sound so simple when it was pretty far from it