I think all this Manosphere redpill shyt is starting to take control over some of you guys. I’m concerned!


Nov 29, 2019
When we put ALL of the blame on RWS that leads people to believe that there are no changes or adjustments that WE need to make. It's a pass the buck type of mentality. We can never be honest about the things within our own control that leads to these broken relationships and broken communities.

The white man or woman is not going to fix our interpersonal issues. The white man is not going to make sure our children can read and math proficiently.

I am putting ALL the blame on RWS until reparations are issued.



Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
I am putting ALL the blame on RWS until reparations are issued.


And in the meantime Black folks are not supposed to address problems that we can fix ourselves?
Like dysfunctional relationships, our children's education, taking care of our health etc?

Sadly most Black folks don't take Reparations seriously. We are not ready to play hardball and withhold our votes in exchange for a real Reparations policy (not H.R. 40).


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Honestly, the biggest issue I see with “manosphere” convos is this type of thing.

This guy says the manosphere is concerning but at the same time can’t list a single talking point he disagrees with :russ:

Says “surface level” is enough, they look like lames :russ:

That to me is the biggest issue with these useless “manosphere” discussions, half the people talking about how terrible it is can’t elaborate on a single “manosphere” theory or talking point, but they know for sure it’s destroying society and needs to be stopped :russ:

This is good enough to close this thread.


May 17, 2012
the internet
these threads go nowhere because we are all different ages, different socioeconomic classes, and different outlooks on life.

the idea that people should be banned because they see things different than you is the problem...
...not any red pill talking point.

Im not even sure how/why a man could see what some brehs are saying and not at least know where they are coming from.

A lot of that shyt my father told me growing up...
...but he was well off and had a lot of experience with women.

if you make $50k at 27 years old...
...well you may think you know a lot...
...but you havent done shyt.

come talk to me when youre making $200k at the age of 43 and have a divorce under your belt.

edit: you dont even have to be making that much money.
...but you need to have experienced a true relationship cycle.
you need to see how your woman can change.

what ive noticed is a lot of men havent been through that so they're still wearing rose tinted glasses.

I understand because I was like that when I was younger...

"theyre not choosing the right women"
"I got a good girl" etc...

thats not real life
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Feb 12, 2015
What were the signs :patrice:
1.) Hyperrealism-people using artificial experiences exaggerated from other people’s artificial experiences in a closed network of anonymous people that can also make 800000+ accounts to make something seem bigger than it actually is.

2.) Legitimizing reject culture-people on the fringe are there for a reason. Internet gives false authority and legitimacy to victimhood narratives that seem larger than life due to that hyperrealism discussed above

3.) Pseudo-autism-Failure to meet major markers of success in life such as personal hygiene and grooming, graduating from school and getting a good stable career, homeownership, being self-sufficient away from parents. These traits signal to potential mates that you are ready for a relationship. It’s the bare minimum along with actually being enjoyable to be around.
But you have people who have none of those things, spend 8 hrs or more a day listening to soul killing gender war shyt while their social skills atrophy and anxiety about the opposite sex is so crippling that you have to make up lies about why others can find love with average people but u can’t.
4.) Smokescreen politics- All these frustrations are really scapegoats and smokescreens for the real underlying issues: horrible economy, horrible education system, horrible government that takes away any investments in its people, their mental health, communities, youth, and increasing costs.
Men and women are blaming each other and shyt is shifting as we all try to adjust to it. The rejects feel like “FINALLY EVERYBODY IS DOING AS BAD AS ME”. But the reality is that their issues are separate from the average male/female problems, because these true blue followers of male and female gender shyt will struggle even without these outside factors because they are weird!


Hold our government accountable
Get offline
Interact with human beings normally and view the opposite sex as humans just like you.
Stop believing lies and fake statistics online
Stop listening to bitter grifters who’ve never been in healthy successful relationships either
Realize that the internet has the power to exaggerate.
Spend more time investing in self and less time worrying or trying to control the opposite sex.


Jan 28, 2016
Honestly, the biggest issue I see with “manosphere” convos is this type of thing.

This guy says the manosphere is concerning but at the same time can’t list a single talking point he disagrees with :russ:

Says “surface level” is enough, they look like lames :russ:

That to me is the biggest issue with these useless “manosphere” discussions, half the people talking about how terrible it is can’t elaborate on a single “manosphere” theory or talking point, but they know for sure it’s destroying society and needs to be stopped :russ:

That’s too lazy for me and you can’t have an honest real discussion on ANY topic when one side literally has no knowledge of what the other espouses yet believes they’re in the wrong regardless. It’s completely nonsensical.

Not to mention the “manosphere” contains a host of different characters with varying ideologies, a number of which have been publicly at odds with each other because they disagree with the other’s perspective. But the surface level observer doesn’t recognize that. Again, lazy. Someone like a Rom Wills is not saying the same thing as Immortal Mindz, who is not saying the same things as a Kevin Samuels or an Andrew Tate, yet these lazy folks will group them all together as “manosphere”, with no understanding of their individual philosophies on life, women, etc.

And finally, like someone else mentioned in here, half the shyt these dudes talk about in the “manosphere” is just regurgitating the same old points men of all backgrounds have discussed forever in regards to life & women, even on this board, the “manosphere” just shines a spotlight on it.

I say all that to say, anybody that’s trying to honestly discuss this topic should be able to go deeper than surface level. Don’t be a lame and just talk about angry young men and not getting sex and incels and violence, get specific as to who you saw talking about what specific point, and why you feel that is so dangerous. If you can’t do that, then maybe you should just admit that you’re not quite well versed on any of it but you just want to go online and shyt on the broad concept of “the manosphere” with no specific knowledge of why it’s right or wrong :manny:.

But having lazy, low information “discussions” don’t really do anything to move the ball in the right direction.



Jul 17, 2018
The people buying into those circles are obviously hurt people. People who have chips on their shoulders.

But how about the people who don't walk around hurt? How about mentally healthy people who have been hurt, but have learned to build acceptance and forgiveness? People who don't carry and bring resentment with them into everyone they meet and everything they do?

Would they choose to surround themselves with people like that, who choose to let animosity drive them and be in those circles?

Probably not.

If you are mentally stable, doing well for yourself, have healthy relationships and interactions with loving and trustworthy people around you, etc. then you probably stay far away from those communities. In fact you'd probably label those communities and people who have chips on their shoulders as "toxic".

So ask yourself who'd you rather be? The red piller or the winner?

You'd think that was simple logic...but there are many people who are honestly fine and go along with these stupidities just to feel like the belong to something "trendy". Bored, haven't chosen a purpose, poor parenting, whatever. Still, that drive to belong is probably only slightly lesser than the sexual drive. Herd mentality just kicks in, and no matter how dumb some people will just just go along.

And that likelihood makes all of these wide open petri dishes all the more dangerous.


Black American in NYC (yes, we exist 😲)
Dec 13, 2019
I'm :flabbynsick:,...

So i remember when these 2 vids lit the flame for the online gender wars between Black Men/Women



At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I don’t even know if it’s the shyt said in the manosphere that is the issue… I think it’s more so incels that are the real issue. And im talking about the Brehs who are involuntarily dry dikk and consistently struggle to get sex let alone have romantic situations with the women they want.

This type is so frustrated with the negative experiences they’ve had just trying to date and get buns that they become jaded, bitter and angry with women. And it’s not a normal sort of anger that people can comprehend (because on a human level most would understand how frustrating and hurtful it would be to have consistent bad luck with the opposite sex) it’s an unhealthy anger.

The kind where they say outlandish crazy shyt in certain threads. Are never able to be objective—they always find a way to turn any subject matter into why women suck lol. They constantly seek/search for proof to validate their negative beliefs, and these days it’s finding shyt from social media. They blame women for all of their shortcomings (outside of just romantic), and essentially victimize themselves while making the opposite sex their sworn enemy, yet they want that sworn enemy.

And they’re letting that conflicting, negative, emotionally charged energy just fester. But since it’s not an energy that normal people want to be around, and they refuse to accept beliefs outside of their own. this group seek spaces where they can congregate with others who feel like them, creating an echo chamber.

What’s worse is that they won’t be able to come to a healthy balanced perspective on shyt if they stay in echo chambers and without actually getting some dating experience and buns. But they don’t know how or can’t so here we are(which is likely a result of their energy).

Some from this group may gravitate to the manosphere content because some talking points may validate their feelings about women. But the real issue is more or less about the growing number of incels, and yes some are on this site.
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Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
You'd think that was simple logic...but there are many people who are honestly fine and go along with these stupidities just to feel like the belong to something "trendy". Bored, haven't chosen a purpose, poor parenting, whatever. Still, that drive to belong is probably only slightly lesser than the sexual drive. Herd mentality just kicks in, and no matter how dumb some people will just just go along.

And that likelihood makes all of these wide open petri dishes all the more dangerous.
I'd honestly be interested to know when Adin Ross or any of those other manosphere people stream on twitch, how old the people are attending?

I'm guessing it'll be largely a ton of 10-13 year old kids because they like the "Freedom of Speech", "No rules" and "No girls" talk. Even high schoolers don't got time for that.

That means adult men attending those streams are willingly putting themselves at the kiddy table to have "community" :heh:
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