Crash course...Chuck Brown is the God Father of GoGo...
If you don’t feel like 2 steppin’ to this???...
My Dad use to play these joints while we (Mom..Sis & Bro...)...cleaned the house...
Fast forward a lil’...
My shyt right here...
Use to see ‘em at the Hott Shoppes...or Hot Shots...cuz u might get shot...
My Band...that’s Big G on the mic aka “Slim Charles” from The Wire...he been doin’ this shyt for years...decades...
Rare Essence @ Club U was always lit...too bad security beat everybody and they mama up...
Where Jay-Z got that “6 in the mornin’” shyt from that he put on that track with Amil...
Shout out to Mad Chef Cafe...back in the day...use to see TCB...
Fast Forward To Today...
Highly Cre8ive Band...
Highly Cre8ive Band - I Need You/Boo'd Up (5/17/18 @ Club X4B)
Highly Cre8ive - Jiggy Walk (5/17/18 @ Club X4B)