You didn't see that video of random cacs coming up to him like he was a internet celebrity talking about how they love his videos....that's why he does all that goofy shiit and still goes out in public.
Cacs love black men that aren't a threat. Especially the blindly devoted black dudes. (This dude is BLINDLY devoted to the eagles even if they cut a DeSean Jackson for no reason and keep a racist Riley Cooper)
This was solidified when they put his video on the TV show "Tosh.0". That show always puts little subtly racist juxtapositions of white people and ratchet black people. (I saw a video where they put some project niigga braggin about having bread, flashing his money...then this cac goes up and says...well, I use my money for my mortgage, childs school care, ect. as if the black dude is the norm and Tosh.0 is the norm.)
Fuuck this clown EDP.