So I just saw this tonight.
shyt was
This was inferior to the first Spider-Man in so many ways.
The way Peter acquires his powers:
Spider-Man > Amazing Spider Man
The way Peter realizes he's got superpowers and beats up the bullies:
Spider-Man >>>>>>>>>> Amazing Spider Man
The way Uncle Ben dies:
Spider-Man > Amazing Spider Man
The way Peter realize with great power comes great responsibility:
Spider-Man > Amazing Spider Man
More believable romance:
Spider-Man >>>>> Amazing Spider Man
Better villain:
Spider-Man > Amazing Spider Man
Better storytelling/directing:
Spider-Man >>>>>> Amazing Spider Man
Hotter love interest:
Amazing Spider Man >>> Spider-Man I'll give Amazing this one though
Better Peter Parker:
Tobey >>>>> Homo loving Andrea
This shyt was not even close. It's like being a huge Transformers fan as a kid, wanting to get Optimus Prime for Christmans, instead you open up your gift and find a Gobot figure inside the box