I just became a Dad brehs

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
You should start an Investment account for your daughter. You do not need to invest a lot of money, it's all about the compound interest and into the S&P 500.

Keep investing for you daughters future, and bless her with the money when she is older and mature to handle that much money.

You don't want you daughter financially struggling and being a target for men.


May 1, 2012
Congratulations breh
I have 6 kids 4 girls 2 boys
I just instill respect and hard work to my kids to the best of my abilities. I don’t try to be their friend I show them I am their father. I will always do what’s best for them even if they don’t like it while explaining why I did it.

One thing I have learned over the last say 2 years and I hope no one goes thru what I have too.
Is that no matter how good of a parent you are or doing right by them shyt can flip in a switch like that and there isn’t anything you can do about it but love from afar and let them learn on their own. Let them fall on their face and fail and just be there for them when you can to a certain extent. And sometimes all you can say is you did your best and their choices are their choices even if it’s dead ass wrong and you have to show your other kids the strength of how to stay on the correct path and let the other (s) do what they feel

People need to understand this generation of kids are on some other shyt at a young age and you gotta do the best you can and even if you do you gotta accept certain actions they do and workaround it or evolve around it cus only so much you can do no amount of discipline or correction may not work with that kid cus of the influence on the outside that you can’t stop or avoid. Hang your hat on doing all that you can and let the chips fall in place and their poor choices be on them and I’m not referring to them as young adults either I’m referring to them as early as middle school

Not trying to be negative I’m just being honest and want people to know what u think can’t happen too you can cuz I was one of those and it has changed my whole world and if I can help other parents by at least letting them know nothing is out of bounds with these kids nowadays and think your kid can’t and won’t do certain shyt your sadly mistaken I would hope everyone will it never happens tho

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Congrats, breh :salute:

Get life insurance for yourself, mom, kid too when born, whole and term. Start saving for your kid’s college education now with a 529 plan.

Go to the birthing class with the mom.
Let me add to that. Get Whole or Universal Life Insurance for all 3 of you. I'm @Serious :ufdup:


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
Congrats. I have a 1 year old and 4 year old. God has smiled on us.

I started a 529 for my girls when they were born. $100 a month, times 12 months, times 18 years is just under 22K without any gains.

You can use it for stuff outside of college if your child gets a scholarship.

Outside of the 18 years of rearing, that’s a parting gift. If they don’t join the military, get a scholarship to a university, or do a trade, they can hopefully pay for 2 years of junior college and get their AA.

That’s if degrees are a thing 15-20 years from now.

Yo what happens if your kids dont go to college with it and you got mad $$$ in there already?


May 1, 2012
Well she’s 3 months now but I’m still new to the game. For the fathers here what have you done to start setting your kids up for success? Also if you had to do anything differently what would it be? Thank you in advance for all the advice

I think bottles matter cuz of air getting in a baby stomach causing colic so don’t buy cheap bottles
I don’t buy expensive unless on sale no point cuz of sporadic growth and I buy also for the next set month
So newborn or some say 0-3 months then I go buy also 3-6 months clothes
I always use fragrance free detergent cuz of reaction reasons
Have a diaper bag always ready and check everyday when u go out to make sure u have everything u need


May 14, 2012
Well she’s 3 months now but I’m still new to the game. For the fathers here what have you done to start setting your kids up for success? Also if you had to do anything differently what would it be? Thank you in advance for all the advice

Do something little. Like set up an acct for your child and allocate $50 a paycheck then literally forget you have the acct set up. By the time the child is 17, they'll have a nice chunk to start off with in the world. And they don't have to spend it all at once. They could buy a car, or something but honestly id let that accrue then use that as a down payment toward a house. And it don't have to be a 300,000 3bdrm 2 bath with garage. Maybe something under 200k. A 1bdrm or 2 bdrm. Just something for them. Because once they grow out of it then they can rent it out and have that income while they work or do whatever.
And no matter what, dont lose the house!!!!

Other than that, unconditional love. Even when your angry. Even when they are bad. "I love you but you're being bad". "I love you but you need to go see your mama" "I love you but get away from me" "you're lucky I love you :ufdup:"

Try to be the man you want to be or you want them to think you are. Don't cuss around them, don't act a fool. Show them the appropriate way to respond to anger, sadness, happiness, etc.

Use other people as examples in real time "you see that person over there? This is why you/that's why I tell you to.."

Quiz them. They don't know you're quizzing them they just think you're talking to them "are you supposed to yell in the store?" "That's right!" "What do you do if...."

Model behavior. If you want your kid to play on their tablets and stare at screens and play videogames, then go ahead and play with your phone and tablets and on the games, they'll do it! If you want them to read books or draw when they get bored then read books or draw. Id you want them to be physically active then be physically active.

Normalize the behavior.

Instead of taking them to the park so they can play. "do you want to go to the park? I have to go for a run/jog, do pushups etc?" Of course they'll want to go to the park and of course you will play with them but in addition to playing with their parent/s they'll think, ok this is what people do..they go play, they are active.

If you gotta fix the sink ask them to help you by holding a tool. If you gotta cook ask them to help let them throw the seasoning in or stir or something.

They grow like weeds. You blink and they'll be grown. Everyday is a new experience for them and for you, so make the best of it. Everyday won't be sunshine and roses but you get a new start every single day. If they have a bad day today, tomorrow when you and them wake up, pretend it never happened. Maybe keep the lesson and quiz them if you have to but don't still be mad, you shouldn't need to punish them for days. If you fukk up then you will feel you have to in which case you got the cart before the horse.


May 14, 2012
Develop habits, skills and hobbies early.

It's a lot of trial and error. But something like "ok it's 4pm, it's time to read :manny:"

Try to teach them to learn an instrument. Piano, keyboard, guitar, drums. It's 2024, you can get cheap gear for under $100 and there's all types of apps that'll teach anything, so you don't have to get private lessons or enroll in classes until they're ready. You can even learn with them using the same methods.

Get them toys that either teach or translate to something

I have this. It's a little kids electronics building kit. You literally snap piece together like Legos and connect a battery and make a light or a fan or a light and a fan, a buzzer, shyt you can make an am radio.

Then as they get older get them something like

It's the same thing, just not with snaps and you can build all types of electronics projects that are cool. There's an entire book of projects y'all can do together. And when the time comes, even if they aren't interested in being an electrician, they'll understand how things work, be able to fix things just from playing and building with these kits.

If it's a girl, cook with them, bake with them let them add the ingredients, or stir, let them push the button on the blender or mixer. Obviously from there y'all can go where ever. "you want to bake a cake today? Make a pie? Cookies? What type? That list is endless and y'all can do that for the rest of your lives. Id they decide to become a cook, chef, baker, cool, if not then they'll have an understanding of how to do it aka learned the skills.

Plus y'all are spending quality time together.


Aug 25, 2012
Congrats breh. Start sleep training asap and be consistent with it.

For the fathers here what have you done to start setting your kids up for success?

There was a thread on here where someone mentioned they started training their infant to recognize letter patterns into words by consistantly training with flash cards. That entire thread was dope. I started doing it and my toddler at age three can now read 3 and 4 letter words.