I have never fully listened to an Eminem album in my life

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
so you never heard one of the GOAT songs in hip-hop history? --- NO HOOK -- just VERSES


Some days I just wanna up and call it quits
I feel like I'm surrounded by a wall of bricks
Every time I go to get up I just fall in pits
My life's like one great big ball of shyt!
If I could, just put it all into all I spit
Instead of always trying swallow it
Instead of starin' at this wall and shyt
While I sit writer's block , sick of all this shyt
Can't , Call it shyt!
All I know is I'm about to hit the wall
If I ever have to see another one of Mom's alcoholic fits
This is it last straw
That's all, That's it
I ain't dealin' with another fukkin' politic
I'm like a skillet bubblin', until it filters up
I'm about to kill it, I can feel it buildin' up
Blow this building up, I've been sealed enough
My cup runneth over I done filled it up
The pen explodes and busts, ink spills my guts!
You think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts
Well.. Imma show you what, You gon' feel my rush
If you don't feel it, then it must be too real to touch
Build the dutch, I'm about to tear shyt up
Goosebumps, Yea Imma make your hair sit up, Yea sit up
Imma tell you who I be, Imma make you hate me, Cause you ain't me
You wait , it ain't too late for you to finally see
What you close-minded fukks were too blind to see
Whoever finds me is gonna get a finder's fee
Out this world, ain't no one out their mind as me
You need peace of mind? Here's a piece of mine
All I need's a line, but Sometimes I don't always find the words to rhyme
To express how I'm really feeling at that time, Yes
Sometimes, Sometimes, Sometimes
It's just sometimes is always me
How dark can these hallways be
The clock strikes midnight
1, 2, then half passed 3
This half-assed rhyme, with this half-assed piece of paper
I'm desperate at my desk
If I could just get the rest of this shyt off my chest, Again
Stuck in this slump, Can't think of nothing
fukk, I'm stumped, Oh Wait Here comes something, nope!
It's not good enough, scribble it out
New pad, crinkle it up, and throw the shyt out
I'm fizzling out, thought I figured it out
Ball's in my court but I'm scared to dribble it out
I'm afraid, but why am I afraid? Why am I a slave
To this Trade ? Cyanide I spit to the grave
Real enough to rile you up, Want me to flip it? I can rip it
any style you want. Imma switch hitter bytch Jimmy Smith ain't a quitter
Imma sit here till I get enough of me to finally hit a fukking boiling point
Put some oil in your joints, Flip the coin, bytch come get destroyed
An MC's worst dream, I make them tensed, they hate me
See me and shake like a chain-link fence
By the looks of em you would swear that Jaws was coming
By the screams of them you would swear I'm sawing someone
By the way they runnin', you could swear that the law was coming
It's now or never, And tonight it's all or nothing
Momma, Jimmy keeps leaving on us, He said he'd be back
He pinky promised, I don't think he's honest
I'll be back baby, I just gotta beat this clock
fukk this clock! Imma make them Eat this watch
Don't believe me Watch! Imma win this race
And Imma come back and rub my shyt in your face, bytch!
I found my niche, You gonna hear my voice
Till you're SICK of it you ain't gonna have a choice
If I gotta scream 'til I have half a lung
If I have half a chance, I'll grab it, Rabbit Run!
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Aug 8, 2012
And only know his singles...mostly the wack ones.

Am I the only one here? :huh:

I recommend Infinite, Slim Shady/Marshall Mathers LPs and maybe recovery.

But if anything you must listen to the Slim Shady and Marshall Mathers LPs. You
re missing out if you don't.
Jun 15, 2012
someone thats really into hiphop...and that's me..i've been listening to it since i was 7 years old...and im in my very early 30's..but i like that "street" element in my hiphop..so while i won't fukk wit cats like lupe,atcq, de la soul,mos def or talib kweli..i will listen to black moon,CNN, and of course nas

i tried to listen to outkast,i downloaded all of their albums too, but i haven't listened to any of'em all the way thru..i just can't get into them for some reason..same wit lupe.

No that makes you a hip hop fan. A head is someone who knows their shyt.

Everyone here loves hip hop or some aspect of it, otherwise we wouldn't hang out on a hip hop forum. That doesn't make us all heads.
Jul 14, 2012
I've heard them all the way through.. But I don't choose to anymore.

Off of the strength of some of those songs on the MMLP and SSLP, they could both be 4 to 4.5 mics, in my opinion.

I'd have to review them.. But I know I skip probably 2 songs on both of them.


May 28, 2012
EM fanbase is older

i was in 7th grade when sslp debuted.... i remeber couple my friends you see that white guy rappin makin.. :whoo: he makin fun of rap:russ:

i was 14 when MMLP dropped i remember pickin that shyt up @ target 1st day..

rememeber skippin 1st period to cop TES @ 9am @ target..

my point is....

the MAJORITY of his fanbase is around my age 25... i was introduced to him when i was 12..

so EM has these DEDICATED LOYAL FANS.. that will buy his shyt because like me they LITERALLY GREW UP ON EMINEM from ...........

MIDDLE SCHOOL to now -- 13yrs of my life...

+ this generation wasnt on EM like that at ALL.. ltta people around 14-20 never saw EM until RELAPSE DROPPED... (his 5yr Break from the industry)

think about that shyt.. tthats crazy... they never saw how legendary his run was and how he literally ruled pop culture and the music business..

so EM is like a NEW ARTIST to them.. his popularity will continue to grow since he has gained an entire new generation of fans with recovery...


This is the truth... I'm 24 years old now and I also grew up with eminem. Every kid here, whether black or white, who was in his early teens was listenin' to mmlp (2000-2002) eminem.

Now back on the topic... The only albums from em I ain't listen to fully were Encore and Recovery. Infinite is raw like it was recorded in a basement and the beats and production sounded dated even by 1996 standards but still you could see em's potential...

His EP was good with some off the wall shyt... the Slim Shady LP had some great concept songs and def. brought something new into the game (back then it was all bling bling)...

MMLP is his only album I fully enjoyed throughtout... It's a personal classic maybe even top 5 for me... Better cadence, better flow, darker, even better concept songs, controversial and of course his genious writing..

The Eminem Show... shyt was cool, at this time Nas and everyone was recognizing the white boy as the best in the biz... Still felt like had he reach his peak with MMLP...

Relapse... was expectin' his comeback... obviously dude is a world class star... and he perfected his writing skills on this one, but those accents became fukkin annoyin' and took out a lot from this album...

As I said never listened to Enconre or Recovery fully...


Did this work
Jun 21, 2012
The coli has the funniest nikkas, to sign up on a site like this your hiphop interest had to be enormous. So it's crazy to call yourself a hiphop fan and have not heard an album from one of the biggest rapper of all time who also happens to be one of the best. It's like being a movie head and you've never seen a Scorsese movie or a basketball fan and you've never seen Dwade play.

You get no points for that in my book.
Dwade tho?:mjpls: