I got an announcement. I'm leaving Chicago to move down south to Texas UPDATE: might be moving back

god shamgod

May 26, 2012
How is Chicago wack?

Wakk weather,Construction Everywhere,Traffic everywhere,dumb ass gangbanging nikkas everywhere,violence in the hood(disabled kid just got clapped) and is spreading,speed cameras,red light cameras,corrupt dirty cops with a history of targeting,framing and killing black people,corrupt politicians,trash under performing schools,taxes on everything,whole city being gentrified,Jobs way out in the burbs etc.

Chicago has it good qualities but the bad outweighs the good.I aint one of these homer chicago people.If my moms wasn't older with declining health I'd move too.

Tommy Sheppard

Apr 30, 2012
great move breh, you don't have to jog and bike in those horrible Chicago winters anymore :salute:

those Texas summers though and rattlesnakes :damn:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Did you ever get to the visit downtown/uptown ?

oh crap i never shared my photos

rented a car the second day cuz uber/lyft were getting to pricey
drove from denton to dallas, went to the aquarium and walked around downtown
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May 1, 2012
Sorry if this is a long read, but I gotta share this. I haven't been posting much on here lately because of what's been going on in my life the last 2 months or so.

Bare with me, I am really having a lot of anxiety about this, but here's what happened (yes, I know its a long read)

Back in november, my wife's job (she only started in July 2016) offered her a promotion to transfer to the dallas area. and if she didn't take the job, the alternative was she'd have to take a severance package and have no job. So we moved her down there in January of this year.

Therefore, I stayed up here with my kids since I worked at home and I didn't want to move them in the middle of the school year. Well that was going good for the first few months til early April, I got let go from my job. Initially I was pissed cuz this kinda blindsided me, but I literally told my wife and moms that I would find a superior job and get multiple job offers in the process.

And with me being in the job market, I decided to look for gigs in both the Chi and down in Dallas. So with that said, I focused my full 110% attention into finding a better job. I hadn't worked in an office for so long, I didn't even have a suit in my closet. but I was blessed with having a large safety net financially where I could survive for almost a year in case I didn't find anything.

So after doing countless phone interviews, quite a few in person interviews, and a few skype interviews, I ended up getting two job offers. one out here and one down in texas.

even though the job here offers more vacation time and less expensive benefits, the job down there is what I wanna do, will look better on my resume, plus it pays 25K more than what I was gonna get if I took the job here and 10K more than the last job I had working at home. plus I will pocket the additional 3.75% in illinois income taxes I won't have to pay. factoring the rental income I'm already getting from my rental property, I'll be just shy of six figures it looks like.

It's gonna be sad leaving the only place I have ever lived (outside of college), but my wife likes it there, and I am really tired of being up here without my spouse and having to handle these kids solo. I'm mostly upset to leave my parents and inlaws up here as well as my sister and my niece and nephew. I also hate having to move my kids to a new school. that sucks as well. but I think this is what's gonna be best for all of us in the end. :mjcry:
Keep it real. You was taking care of all them kids every day like

"I gotta get to Dallas" :damn:


May 1, 2012
Sorry if this is a long read, but I gotta share this. I haven't been posting much on here lately because of what's been going on in my life the last 2 months or so.

Bare with me, I am really having a lot of anxiety about this, but here's what happened (yes, I know its a long read)

Back in november, my wife's job (she only started in July 2016) offered her a promotion to transfer to the dallas area. and if she didn't take the job, the alternative was she'd have to take a severance package and have no job. So we moved her down there in January of this year.

Therefore, I stayed up here with my kids since I worked at home and I didn't want to move them in the middle of the school year. Well that was going good for the first few months til early April, I got let go from my job. Initially I was pissed cuz this kinda blindsided me, but I literally told my wife and moms that I would find a superior job and get multiple job offers in the process.

And with me being in the job market, I decided to look for gigs in both the Chi and down in Dallas. So with that said, I focused my full 110% attention into finding a better job. I hadn't worked in an office for so long, I didn't even have a suit in my closet. but I was blessed with having a large safety net financially where I could survive for almost a year in case I didn't find anything.

So after doing countless phone interviews, quite a few in person interviews, and a few skype interviews, I ended up getting two job offers. one out here and one down in texas.

even though the job here offers more vacation time and less expensive benefits, the job down there is what I wanna do, will look better on my resume, plus it pays 25K more than what I was gonna get if I took the job here and 10K more than the last job I had working at home. plus I will pocket the additional 3.75% in illinois income taxes I won't have to pay. factoring the rental income I'm already getting from my rental property, I'll be just shy of six figures it looks like.

It's gonna be sad leaving the only place I have ever lived (outside of college), but my wife likes it there, and I am really tired of being up here without my spouse and having to handle these kids solo. I'm mostly upset to leave my parents and inlaws up here as well as my sister and my niece and nephew. I also hate having to move my kids to a new school. that sucks as well. but I think this is what's gonna be best for all of us in the end. :mjcry:

why you ain't tell ya boy man!!!
