I broke it off with her because she...


Jul 1, 2014
Crazy, he ended up whooping her a** to the point where she’s not even recognizable, I got a call last night at 11pm it was her but I couldn’t understand what she was saying because she was crying so hard, I got her to calm down and she told me he beat her to the point where both her eyes are shut and she can barely see..i asked why he did it and she said he thought she was talking to me behind his back. She said after he beat her unconscious he left and hasn’t been back, she wanted to know if I could pick her up and take her to the hospital which I did..on the way to the hospital she was telling me how she’s done with him and when she gets out the hospital shes gonna kick him out and file charges, what surprised me was she said she thinks she made a mistake leaving me and asked me if im seeing someone…im gonna help her through this but I don’t know if I can get involved again her life is to crazy. He’s definitely going to prison over this, an officer came and took a statement and took pictures, they saying he may have fractured her cheek bone and her bottom lip is split wide open..man…she sexy ah but I don’t know.